Little Mutants Has Closed

Little Mutants Has Closed

Little Mutants Has Closed

It appears that Little Mutants, from Lancaster PA, has gone the (newly popular route) of ‘silent closing’. Or ‘ghost closing’. Which basically just means they’ve closed, but without a big to-do about it, or a big announcement, or even any announcement at all. If you look at their Facebook and Instagram accounts, and even their website, they all just show recent events being that of their ‘upcoming’ Oktoberfest, and all posts end around September 21st-28th. Located at 841 N Prince Street, Lancaster PA, 17603 Little Mutants considered itself a brewery, but listed as a ‘cidery’ on Untappd, and viewed as a venue and entertainment location by most in Lancaster.

Little Mutants

Little Mutants is Closed

Add Little Mutants to the list of breweries that have closed in 2024. (An ever increasingly growing number.) By all appearances they had closed before the end of October; though they did so silently, and without alerting anyone. Their Facebook, Instagram, and Website, still had events listed past October, but no posts past September 28th.

Digging into things, all I’ve really been able to locate about reasons for closing is this thread on Lancaster’s sub-reddit:

In it they discuss multiple reasons for the the venue and brewery closing. Some things, like bartenders not being paid, people who were running shows at the venue not getting the guarantees that they had asked for, and even more salacious rumors of the ownership and employees. (Note some of these are rumors, but some have also been verified as true.)

One quote from the post reads:

This is a pattern for them. And a big reason why everything is imploding so quickly. It has gotten really messy but here’s what I know –

Apparently one of the day-1 bartenders/creative partners who really put a lot of effort into elevating the experiences there and invested personal money (nearly 10k) into it with the promise of reimbursement (not ideal, but apparently finances are a disaster over there), eventually left after trying to get paid not just for the business expenses, but his actual wages too. The bartender had to screenshot the very avoidant and blamey text conversation they had with the owner and post it on their IG story before he was paid back, but not before being blamed for causing emotional distress and a bunch of other weaponized therapy-speak.

There have been long-standing concerns about harm reduction, given the culture there (and Stygian, the Shadowlands DJ/organizer, posted a very well-articulated response to everything going on on their IG story on Friday or Saturday). The “creative director” there has been having a long-standing affair with the owner and that whole situation has resulted in some rather poor choices being made both internally and some downright absurdly disrespectful treatment of artists who worked with them, and its just all blowing up in pretty spectacular fashion.

Little Mutants (Lancaster /r/) mstoltzfus97

Another quote from the post reads:

Hi, I was a main bartender there. It’s all a huge mess and I am owed thousands of dollars from my credit card tips being stolen without my knowledge. The only other bartender noticed and did the math, and I eventually did too to figure out how large the difference was. It’s like it all crumbled within a matter of weeks, and the stress of it all has been making me sick. I received a text from the one owner (who is in the spotlight) on 10/4 saying I was no longer able to work there due to lack of funds. It was really devastating for me financially to be cut off like that.

I always tried to be neutral, positive, and do well at my job but in the end I was too trusting and was burned badly. I loved that venue for hosting alternative electronic music, metal shows, and of course Shadowland but I am left really hurt by it all. I even feel embarrassed for believing in the cause and being associated with it. I am thankful for the people I met there and fun I had… but that place truly was set on fire, pissed on, and suplexed in a matter of weeks and unfortunately me, the other bartender, DJs, and (incredible) queens have suffered greatly over the terrible ownership decisions that were made by one particular owner.

I still haven’t been paid what I’m owed. The other bartender thankfully has, though. I will say the other owners and investors are fighting for me and have been absolutely amazing supporting me through this.

Edit to add: I’ve been quiet about this on my socials because I want to actually get paid what I’m owed, and it’s truly such a dumpster fire that I feel like I just want to move on with my life… I have so much other shit going on.

Little Mutants (Lancaster /r/) – User Post was listed as [deleted]

There is also an Instagram post on the situation (from the Reddit thread): InstagramDJ Stygian.

One person on the thread even commenting that they had an upcoming show and just suddenly stopped receiving e-mails and replies from Little Mutants ownership. So it seems like it was a full ghosting on all people and to everyone involved. This speaks much more to the ownership, those running the business, than it does about the business in general; and sadly gives the craft beer industry and the brewing industry as a whole a bad name.While there has been several poor owners and bad managers and companies in the craft brewing industry (looks at Imprint) – generally speaking, the craft brewing industry is filled with hard working, dedicated, community forward individuals.

As we find out more on the story and about Little Mutants and their closing and whats in store for the business, we will be sure to post here, so stay tuned and keep checking back with us.

More Information on Little Mutants

The following comes via Untappd.

Little Mutants is listed as a cidery from Lancaster, PA. They have 51 unique beers, and just 813 ratings, with a global average rating of 3.72 (as of 12.27.24). Their Untappd description reads: “World class fermented offerings. Specializing in local apples and fruits along with traditional and experimental beer varieties. Based in Lancaster, PA”

You can follow them at these social media platforms:

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