Blueprint Brewing Company Announces Their Closing on March 31st
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Blueprint Brewing Company Announces Their Closing on March 31st
Blueprint Brewing Company (Facebook cover – photo courtesy of Blueprint Brewing Company)
Another Closure
Sigh, its only February 1st, and we are announcing yet again another brewery closing. This time another brewery in Pennsylvania. Blueprint Brewing Company was on their social media’s today making the sad announcement, one that I know couldn’t have been easy to make. They announced that on March 31st, 2023 they will be closing their doors permanently.
They have followed several that have already made this unfortunate announcement in 2023, some including:
Insurrection Ale Works (Pittsburgh Strip District)
Burd’s Nest (Carlisle)
Co – Hops Brewery and Cannery in Hatfield
Lloyd Street Brewery in Ebensburg
And this is on the heels of several places in December announcing closures; as well as places like Cox Brewing announcing that they are returning to their old location – Cox Brewing Company Returning to Their Roots.
Blueprint Brewing Company Announces Closure
Blueprint Brewing Company logo
Blueprint Brewing Company made the official announcement on their social media pages today (February 1st, 2023) at 2:34PM. Their announcement:
A post like this one is never easy… It’s been a long road with a lot of ups, downs, twists, and turns along the way. We faced a lot of challenges head-on and navigated the best way we could through them all.
At the end of the day and after a long and arduous process of looking at numbers, having lots of conversations, and dealing with rollercoasters of emotions, the decision was made to close the brewery.
What does this mean? It means that we continue to live our best life until the end with our staff, our food truck and music partners that have become friends, our industry friends and most of all, you… some of the best damn people that we have gotten to know and grow with.
Every friendship made, relationship started, event celebrated, and holiday enjoyed are all things that we will forever cherish and remember.
As of right now, our doors will close for the last time to the public on 3/31/23. All public and private events until then will still go on as previously scheduled. You’ll be greeted with smiles; laughs will be had, and stories still told. The beer will still pour from the taps.
We truly hope that you will celebrate all the way until the end with us. We celebrate all the good times that have been had and we celebrate with friends, family and puppies just as we’ve done for the last 5+ years and it’s what we want to do until the end.
Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this wild ride!
Unfortunately we never got to make our way out to Harleysville, Pennsylvania to visit the brewery. Maybe we’ll get a chance before they close. But we would like to wish the owners, workers, and all involved the best and good luck in their future endeavors. We know this was not an easy decision for anyone involved.
Blueprint Brewing Company
According to Untappd, Blueprint Brewing Company is a micro brewery out of Harleysville, Pennsylvania with 221 unique beers and over 21,000 ratings and a global average rating of 3.61 (as of 2.1.23). Their Untappd description reads: Harleysville’s first brewery invites you to enjoy A beer with us and help us “Draw Up” a revolution for our town and our fellow beer lovers. Blueprints require a team to bring what is on paper to life. Someone to hammer a nail, lay a line, and make it all happen. It’s not just us but also our neighbors and friends that will bring what we love about beer to life – community!!
For more information on Blueprint Brewing Company, visit their pages here:
Interested in finding out about many other brewery openings, new locations, closings, movings, and in general brewery news? You can check out our links below:
This isn’t exactly how I wanted to start February off. I always hate reporting on breweries closing. Its an unfortunate part of the business, but sadly not every business makes it. I think we are certainly in a bubble popping period despite how many new breweries open, I foresee 2023 and 2024 having a lot of breweries closing. They say the typical business stays open only five to eight years, and if most breweries opened in 2015 – 2018, that would put them in the eight to five year range. Fingers crossed that I’m wrong however (wouldn’t be the first time).
On a lighter – and happier note – the AC Brewfest announced their bands for this year’s beerfest (the 17th annual one), and one of the bands performing is Dropkick Murphy’s, a favorite of mine. Rory and I saw them at the Chameleon Club a few years back and they absolutely rocked it.
This past weekend was a mixed bag. The Royal Rumble was good, but the Bengals lost to the Chiefs in the AFC Championship. My parents team – and local favorite – the Eagles won the NFC Championship and so they will face the Chiefs in the Super Bowl.
As a good friend would say – New Month, New Luck. Hopefully everyone out there reading has a great February. Thanks for visiting the site, please be sure to like, subscribe, comment, follow, and share. It really means a lot to us!
Cheers All!
-B. Kline
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