Voodoo Brewery Lancaster is Closing

Voodoo Brewery Lancaster is Closing

Voodoo Brewery Lancaster

In more upsetting, and disappointing local (Central PA) news, Voodoo Brewery Lancaster has announced that they will be closing up shop. At 11AM this morning (June 11th, 2020), they released the following statement on their Facebook page:

Hello to all our fans in Eastern PA.

It is with heavy hearts today that we are announcing that we will be not be reopening our Lancaster Tap Room. We were so excited to partner with Cabalar Meat Co for a truly unique dining and beer experience, and want to say thank you to the team at Cabalar Meat Co and all of the fans who supported us. Our beer will still be available in many other bars, restaurants and stores in Eastern PA, and be on the lookout for something pretty cool going into the space at Cabalar Meat Co.

The Employee Owners of Voodoo Brewing Company

VooDoo Lancaster

There has been talk of this happening recently in the ‘rumors’ of the beer internet, mainly due to licensing at their location, and talk of them moving the license to another location. So this isn’t completely surprising news, especially given the current climate due to COVID-19 / coronavirus. But it is still upsetting and deeply disappointing for those in the area.

Many on Facebook and Twitter have commented how disappointing this was; how they enjoyed the location; enjoyed the butchery as well as the brewery; how they were excited to try the place out; or that they just loved Voodoo Brewery and was happy to see them so close in practically their backyard.

Voodoo has its main brewery located in Meadville, Pennsylvania. To be precise: 215 Arch St. Meadville, Pennsylvania 16335.

The Lancaster Voodoo Brewery was located at 325 N Queen St. Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603. For myself, according to Google Maps – the Voodoo Brewery was 26 miles away; where as the Meadville location is 203 miles away. A bit of a difference. From the Lancaster Brewery to the Meadville Brewery the distance is 300 Miles; or roughly 4 Hours and 49 Minutes. Thats quite a hike!

This is definitely unfortunate news, and we will keep everyone posted and updated about changes, news, and possible new locations for Voodoo Brewery, as well as other breweries in the area. Sadly, I feel with the COVID-19 / coronavirus, that we might be seeing more breweries closing up shop rather than opening (or in some cases; even reopening) or expanding.

You can find news on other breweries closing or not expanding that we’ve covered here:

For some good news:

As always, thanks for reading, we’re close to getting back to some semblance of the old normal. I was even at Boneshire Brew Works, drinking out on their patio yesterday (look for a beer review from them shortly). Its amazing how exciting it was just to be sitting out drinking at a brewery again.

Cheers everyone! Stay safe and sane!

-B. Kline

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By |September 6, 2024|

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