Looks Like Homaide Brewing Might Be Done (January 2023)

Looks Like Homaide Brewing Might Be Done (January 2023)

Homaide Brewing Company’s old store front

Homaide Brewing Company – Lack of Social Media Posting

Its interesting how we ‘think’ of stuff at different times. Was just thinking about how its been a hot minute since I’ve heard of Homaide or checked in on them or anything. We covered previously on July 5th about how Homaide Brewing Company was leaving their first location here: Homaide Brewing Says Goodbye To Their First Home and we covered how Interchange Tiki Bar and Brewery Opened at that location shortly after (on July 16th) here: Interchange Tiki Bar and Brewery Opens in Williamsport Maryland.

So while sitting around today writing and working in my office, it kind of just popped into my head about how we haven’t heard anything from Homaide Brewing Company in a while. Their last social media post (on Facebook) was August 1st 2022. Its now January 23rd, 2023 – a good full six months later; basically an eternity in social media time.

I tried to reach out and contact them and got no response. Their social media pages haven’t been updated since August 1st, and I haven’t heard any mention of them at different beer festivals or anything.

I don’t want to announce a company dead or closed without official word, but its certainly not looking good with Homaide Brewing. I don’t wish ill on them or anything, frankly I loved the beers I had from them. Their lack of response and their lack of social media presence is just a big ‘uh oh’ look out moment.

News and Information

If we get any news or information, we will certainly be making a post about it. So please stay tuned to the blog to get the latest information and news about Homaide Brewing Company, and any and all breweries.

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Thanks For Reading

Thank you all very much for reading. Seems like a lot of bad news lately about breweries with a decent bit of closings, and in this case, lack of communication, lack of news, lack of anything. Which in any industry is never a good sign; let alone in one where you do periodic (beer) releases and should be showcasing or saying something about it.

There’s been a decent bit of news with things going on lately in the brewing world, so when you don’t see or hear anything from a brewery, its a red flag sign. Some breweries post a ton on their social media pages – like two or three times a day, and then others don’t post much at all, but will at least give weekly or bi – weekly posts. To not have anything on social media for six months, and not respond to e – mails is a bit of a telling sign.

But who knows, hopefully we’ll get some news, definitive news, about what their next steps are. And hopefully that definitive news will be good and positive news. Really would like to be able to report about good news rather than bad news. But only time will tell.

But anyway, thanks all for reading and coming to the site. We greatly appreciate it. Thanks for the likes, the shares, the comments, and everything else. Tell your friends!

Cheers All!

-B. Kline

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Last Updated: February 13, 2023By Tags: , , ,

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