Böser Geist Brewing Announces Closure

Böser Geist Brewing Announces Closure

Böser Geist Brewing logo

Böser Geist Brewing Announces Closure

Add another brewery to the list for 2024. This time its Böser Geist Brewing out of Easton, PA. Located at 1250 Simon Blvd k100, Easton, PA 18042. They just announced their difficult decision to close in the upcoming weeks via Facebook and social media just a bit ago today (August 16th, 2024).

This marks one of the many breweries in Pennsylvania that is closing this year, and over dozens across the country. (Just this week upcoming will be Mellow Mink Brewing’s last days of operation.)


The following comes from Böser Geist Brewing’s Facebook account:

Happy Friday Everyone!
As much of you know we’ve been putting out some amazing stuff for you guys over the past couple months and rearranging some things in hopes of stepping it up! We’re really grateful to our new brewer Paul and everything he’s put out thus far to date. James has been working out front with staff and in the back with the kitchen to make your visit as memorable as possible and it’s something as a team we’ve always strived to do. That’s why this next part doesn’t come easy.
We’ve had some battles in recent months that are just too hard to ignore and/or overcome which puts us into the situation that we’ve had to make. But before we get into that we wanted to thank all of our loyal guests and fans. Over the years we’ve grown and you’ve grown with us. We’ve made some lifetime friends and built relationships as well as watched so many people come into our home celebrate their special moments! We’ve had weddings, graduations, reunions, bridal and baby showers. We’ve shared in that special day as a stop for a bachelor or bachelorette party. We’ve had birthdays young and old, wedding parties, engagements, and many first dates! We’ve had the privilege of supporting many organizations including Breast Cancer Awareness- Men Wear Pink campaign, local youth organizations, fun runs, and 5k’s.
The reasons above make the next part not so easy. We are coming up to our final weeks. It hasn’t been an easy decision to make, but it’s for the best and it sets up a path for the next steps!
That said we thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts! You’ve all made this trip pretty spectacular and we still have some things up our sleeve we’ll be releasing in the next couple days. So please stop in before the end of the month and give support to our team and James and Paul!
We love you all!
And although Boser Geist may be saying good bye – you haven’t seen the last of us by far…love James, Paul & the AMAZING staff


There has been some controversy following the brewery. Nothing officially reported in the different presses, but reports of things involving other breweries, namely their beers and kegs and recipes. Outside of insider trade talk, there has been no official discussion or reports made. There was also an alleged incident involving Seven Sirens Brewing Company and a somewhat vague-ish Facebook / social media posting about them chasing customers from one brewery to another, nothing again substantiated or claimed against Böser Geist Brewing but heavily implied. Böser Geist Brewing did not respond when asked for comments on these issues.

More Information on Böser Geist Brewing

The following comes via Untappd.

Böser Geist Brewing is a micro brewery from Easton, PA. They have 398 unique beers and over 14,000 (just shy of 15,000) ratings, with a global average rating of 3.64 (as of 8.16.24). Their Untappd description reads: “We offer an unpretentious celebration of the historic Easton Mill, while offering new and unique beers in a warm and inviting atmosphere.

You can follow them at these social media platforms:

Brewery News

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By |September 6, 2024|
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