Hoppy Valley Brewfest

Hoppy Valley Brewfest (logo) – May 11th, 2024

Hoppy Valley Brewfest

Want to visit Beaver Stadium, walk the field where some of the best of the Penn State Alumni played football, while drinking craft beer? Come May 11th, that can be a reality for you. Introducing the “Hoppy Valley Brewfest”. The inaugural brewfest is looking to kick off on May 11th and will be hosting 75+ breweries to deliver their craft beer suds on the field of Beaver Stadium.

One of the largest stadiums in the country will host what could potentially be one of the largest brewfests in the country. An attempt to rival the Great American Beer Festival in Denver, “The East Coast GABF” as one insider told me, this brewfest is looking to make monumental waves on the industry.

Less than a full day after the Mt. Hope – Renaissance Faire brewfest was announced to be cancelled – the Hoppy Valley Brewfest was officially announced. (We had previously discussed it as ‘unofficial’ rumor news here on the site.)

Antifragile Brewing Company, in collaboration with Breweries of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Restaurant & Lodging Association, The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau, and Happy Valley Sports & Entertainment Alliance, is joining forces to host a historic event at the fourth-largest stadium in the world – Beaver Stadium!

Be one of the first to score a tasting of handcrafted beers ON THE FIELD at the home of the most electrifying atmosphere in college football. Immerse yourself in the diverse offerings from an expected 75+ exhibitors, featuring a wide selection of beverages catering to every palate.

The festival will also showcase local food vendors and entertainment, ensuring that there is something for anyone and everyone. Make sure to join us for an unforgettable blend of flavors and fun at the inaugural Hoppy Valley Brewers Fest!

“What to Expect” – Hoppy Valley Brewfest

Schedule of Events

Saturday, May 11, 2024

10:00 am – 12:00 pm: Arrive early! I.D. Check/Ticketing Lines

12:00 pm – 5:00 pm: VIP (Early Access)

1:00 pm – 5:00 pm: General Admission

A Brewfest Comes to Beaver Stadium

Hoppy Valley Brewfest

Tickets will be available through Ticketmaster. To stay updated on when tickets go live, stay tuned to our blog, as well as the official website of the brewfest: “Hoppy Valley Brewfest“.

There will be entertainment as well, but more information will be released as the lead up to the event happens. Stay tuned to their website for more information on that as well.

Penn State Athletic Director Patrick Kraft wants to stage more events at Beaver Stadium, which is undergoing a $700 million renovation. Beaver Stadium will host Luke Combs’ “Growin’ Up and Gettin’ Old Tour” on April 27, two weeks after the Blue-White Game. In 2023, Beaver Stadium hosted a yoga class and showed “The Lion King” on the stadium screen. Beaver Stadium also has hosted a pop-up version of TopGolf.

Sports Illustrated as well as numerous other outlets have covered the brewfest as happening. (Sports Illustrated does have an error in which they state Breweries in PA is a sponsor when its the guild of breweries in Pennsylvania – the Brewers Of Pennsylvania who is in fact a sponsor.) The sponsors for the event are – PR&LA, Brewers of Pennsylvania, Happy Valley Sports and Entertainment Alliance, The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau, and Antifragile Brewing Company.

As well as the “Official Sponsor” – Hello Social Co.

The event will run from 12 – 5 PM for VIP attendees and from 1 – 5 for general admission attendees. A price point hasn’t been discussed yet on their website, but a number thrown out has been “100$”, not sure if this is for the VIP or for the General Admission cost. (Tickets are also sold through Ticketmaster so there will be more costs then afterwards.)

We will keep our blog – The Beer Thrillers – updated with more information as we get it.

Home of the legendary Penn State Nittany Lions football program, Beaver Stadium seats 106,572 fans, making it the second-largest football stadium in the United States.

You will be entering the festival through the south tunnel of Beaver Stadium – just like the team does! Picture yourself coming out to the cheers of 110,000 people, and get ready for an experience unlike any other.

Hoppy Valley Brewfest – Beaver Stadium

The announcement of the brewfest comes with 75+ known breweries. Some of which include:

  • Antifragile Brewery
  • Sworn Brewing
  • Warwick Farms Brewing
  • Troegs Independent Brewing
  • Ten7 Brewing
  • Fourscore Beer Company
  • Second Sin Beer
  • Trace Brewing
  • Prison City Brewing
  • Tin Barn Brewing
  • Dewey Beer
  • Hidden River Brewing
  • Other Half Brewing
  • Grist House Brewhouse
  • Sunset Hill Brewing
  • Dancing Gnome Brewing


This is a very exciting brewfest coming to the greater Central PA area and we cannot wait for it. Coming in May, it is a time when typically the Mount Hope Brewfest (pre-COVID) was usually held. And it will fall between the two dates of the AC Brewfest (the indoor brewfest being in April, and the outdoor brewfest being in June). So this will be a wonderful huge brewfest in the Spring timeframe. Definitely put this on your calendars and expect a great time. We are looking forward to getting more information.

We had previously stated on here how Troegs Independent Brewing – Antifgraile Brewing – Sworn Brewing – and Warwick Farms Brewing – met up at the Troegs Brewery to start hammering out a collaboration beer  details for this brewfest. See that article here: “Troegs, Antifragile, Sworn, and Warwick Farms Meet For Collaboration Beer”.

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