Hoppy Valley Brewfest Tomorrow

Hoppy Valley Brewfest Tomorrow

Hoppy Valley Brewersfest Brewery Guide

Hoppy Valley Brewersfest is Tomorrow

Are you ready? Are you going? Did you get your tickets yet? The Hoppy Valley Brewersfest is tomorrow!

We first reported it here: Hoppy Valley Beerfest. This big daddy, 75+ brewery event, happening right on the field of Beaver Stadium, is going to be one massive party. The brainchild of Antifragile Brewing Company, as well as several other breweries and with a ton of great and fantastic collaborations (Antifragile, Sworn, Warwick Farm Brewery, and Troegs Brewing collaborated to make ‘Storm the Field’ as well as Antifragile doing collaborations with other breweries).

You can still get tickets here: Hoppy Valley Brewersfest – Tickets.

Ironically, my “memories” has been flooding with past years events of the Mt. Hope Renaissance Faire Brewfest – which has typically happened every year in May, but has been cancelled and this is the first year this event has stopped. (Read more here: Mt. Hope – Renaissance Faire brewfest was announced to be cancelled).

Are You Going?

Schedule of Events

Saturday, May 11, 2024

10:00 am – 12:00 pm: Arrive early! I.D. Check/Ticketing Lines

12:00 pm – 5:00 pm: VIP (Early Access)

1:00 pm – 5:00 pm: General Admission

Brewery Guide

Here is your full list of breweries involved:

  1. Our Town Brewery
  2. Well Crafted Brewery
  3. Von C Brewing
  4. Michaeux Brewing
  5. Other Half Brewing
  6. YAH Brew
  7. Wolf Brewing
  8. Adroit Theory
  9. Blonde Bistro Brew Works
  10. Bru Daddy
  11. aslin Beer Co
  12. Second Sin Brewing
  13. Last Minute Brewing
  14. Greater Good Brewing Company
  15. Tin Barn Brewing
  16. Hemauer Brewing
  17. Lolev Brewing
  18. Wallenpaupack Brewing Company
  19. Levity Brewing
  20. Fourscore Beer Co.
  21. Ever Grain Brewing
  22. Otto’s Brewpub
  23. Stick City Brewing
  24. Hidden Stories Brewing
  25. Cartel Brewing and Blending
  26. The Warbler Brewing
  27. Juniata Brewing Co.
  28. Grey Sail Brewing
  29. Boxcar Brew Works
  30. Old Thunder Brewing
  31. Collusion Tap Works
  32. Lost Tavern Brewing
  33. ZeroDay Brewing
  34. New Trail Brewing
  35. Succession Fermentory
  36. Rural City Brewing
  37. Axemann Brewery
  38. Pineknotter Brewing
  39. Mechanistic Brewing
  40. Lancaster Brewing Company
  41. Stable 12 Brewing
  42. Boom City Brewing
  43. Dewey Beer Co.
  44. Dancing Gnome Brewing
  45. Pilger Ruh Brewing
  46. Robin Hood Brewing
  47. Troubles End Brewing
  48. Hidden River Brewing
  49. Boal City Brewing
  50. Elk Creek Cafe and Aleworks
  51. Sworn Brewing
  52. Antifragile Brewing
  53. Warwick Farm Brewery
  54. Troegs Brewing
  55. Braeloch Brewing
  56. The Dead Canary Brewing
  57. Shy Bear Brewing
  58. Ten7 Brewing
  59. Wild Brewing Co.
  60. Clarion Brewing
  61. Trace Brewing
  62. Sunset Hill Brewing Co.
  63. Levante Brewing
  64. Floating Feathers Brewing
  65. South County Brewing
  66. Rooster Street Brewing
  67. Grist House Brewing
  68. Appalachian Brewing / Prototype Brewery and Meadery
  69. Prison City Pub and Brewery
  70. Four Quarters Brewing
  71. Victory Brewing
  72. Von Lieus Brewing
  73. Cinderlands Beer
  74. Rough Edges Brewing
  75. Free Will Brewing
  76. Eleventh Hour Brewing

Hoppy Valley Brewersfest Brewery Guide

For More Information

Brewery News

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