Sworn Brewing’s September Opening: Celebrating the Mechanicsburg Community

Sworn Brewing’s September Opening: Celebrating the Mechanicsburg Community

Sworn Brewery (photo courtesy of Sworn Brewing Company)

Sworn Brewing’s September Opening: Celebrating the Mechanicsburg Community

Pennsylvania’s craft beer scene continues to flourish with the upcoming opening of a new brewery in Mechanicsburg, PA. Sworn Brewing is slated to open its doors at 5222 E Trindle Road on Thursday, September 7th.

We spoke with Jesse Mills, the owner and head brewer of Sworn Brewing, to learn more about this exciting new venture. Mills has been passionate about craft beer since the early 2000s, a time when Pennsylvania had fewer than 80 operational breweries. Reflecting on those days, Mills recalled, “Troegs and Appalachian Brewing were really the only breweries around at the time.”

Mills’ journey into the world of craft beer deepened over the years, leading him to start homebrewing in 2010 after purchasing his first homebrew kit. His passion eventually led him to work for commercial breweries and inspired the idea of opening his own brewery. “Most breweries are opened by homebrewers, so let’s give it a try,” Mills explained.

Sworn Brewing will occupy an 1,800 square foot space that previously housed a deli and catering business. The brewery will offer both indoor and outdoor seating, with walk-up/bar service. Food trucks will enhance the dining experience on weekends, while in-house snacks like pretzels and chips will be available daily. In addition to eight taps of draft beer, Sworn plans to offer cider and wine, with future plans to include PA spirits.

Designed to operate on a small scale, Sworn Brewing will launch with a 1-barrel brewhouse. Mills aims to replicate what he’s been doing at home for the past 13 years, turning beers frequently on a small scale to maintain a strong focus on high-quality, full-flavored beer. He appreciates the charm of a small-town brewery and has no intentions of scaling up significantly.

Sworn Brewing will offer a diverse selection of beers, with a focus on fruited sours, New England IPAs, and robust stouts. Mills, a fan of continental-style pilsners, is excited to showcase a variety of styles. The brewery’s open brewing system will allow guests to see how the beer is made while enjoying the taproom.

Initially, Sworn Brewing will operate under limited hours from Thursday to Sunday, primarily in the evenings. The brewery will be a family-run business, with most taproom staff being family members, contributing to a welcoming and community-focused atmosphere. “Any time we get a chance to use a product from a local, small business, we will,” Mills said, emphasizing their commitment to supporting local businesses.

The name “Sworn” reflects Mills’ dedication to his community and customers. “A SWORN oath to produce a product with the highest quality ingredients we can provide. The beer and customer are going to get the respect they deserve,” he affirmed.

Sworn Brewing is set to open in September 2023. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated on the brewery’s progress and latest news.

Look for our in-depth article coming soon!

(Edit: Here is the in-depth article: Getting Sworn In – A Look Inside Sworn Brewing Company)


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