Voodoo Brewing Seven Fields Coming Spring 2024

Voodoo Brewing Seven Fields Coming Spring 2024

Voodoo Brewing – Seven Fields will be opening sometime in the Spring of 2024.

Voodoo Brewing – Seven Fields Coming Spring of 2024

Voodoo Brewing is expanding yet again in Pennsylvania, this time in Seven Fields. Seven Fields is just outside of Pittsburgh (East of Pittsburgh). You can find Seven Fields on Google Maps here: Seven Fields, Pennsylvania. No details yet on the exact location of the brew pub other than it being listed as Seven Fields. No official opening date either, other than just “Coming Spring 2024”.


You can read their announcement – posted to their social media just moments ago – here:

❗👉 @voodoosevenfields 👈❗
The newest independently, locally owned & operated Voodoo location is coming to Seven Fields, Pennsylvania! 🍻🍔🍹
Voodoo Seven Fields is thrilled to become an active member of Butler County and will be an exciting addition to the greater Pittsburgh metro and its surrounding communities. Along with Voodoo’s world-renowned artisan beer, hand-crafted cocktails, and elevated pub fare, Voodoo Seven Fields patrons will also enjoy the eclectic pub atmosphere that Voodoo fans have grown to love at other Voodoo Brewing Co. locations across the country.
Throughout Voodoo Brewing Company’s 19 year history, we’ve always been driven by our commitment to offering great beer, quirky personalities, and a warm atmosphere wherever we go. The team at Seven Fields is targeting a grand opening in the Spring and is the fourth announced independently owned & operated Voodoo location in the Keystone State, following @voodoonewken, @voodoowestpike & @voodoo_scranton. For updates on this project, please follow our social media pages:
We would like to thank Butler County, it’s contractors and all other community stakeholders for their hard work and dedication toward this project. We cannot wait to enjoy a beer with you soon!
See you soon, Seven Fields! 🍻
About Voodoo Brewing Company •••••
Voodoo Brewing Co. was founded in 2005 in Meadville, PA and opened its first taproom in 2012. Since that time, the company has experienced tremendous growth. It is an employee-owned company and a globally recognized brand that has received worldwide accolades and is continually invited to the most prestigious festivals around the world.

Voodoo Brewing

Voodoo Brewing has been opening lots of locations in the past two years. In places as far west as Las Vegas and as far south as Florida. They have a few locations in Pennsylvania (Scranton, State College, Meadville, Pittsburgh, etc.)

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