Yuengling Releases Limited – Edition Lager Camo Cans to Honor Veterans

Yuengling Releases Limited – Edition Lager Camo Cans to Honor Veterans

D.G. Yuengling Brewery with new Camo Can in front (photo courtesy of Yuengling Marketing)

New Camo Can Release

D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc., America’s Oldest Brewery®, announced the return of their limited-edition Team RWB camo cans. The Traditional Lager camo cans support Yuengling’s partnership with military veteran nonprofit Team Red, White & Blue (Team RWB) as part of Yuengling’s Stars & Stripes program – the brewery’s year-round initiative supporting our nation’s heroes and military veterans.   

“As the Oldest Brewery in America, we are dedicated to supporting the U.S. military and are always seeking ways to further show our appreciation to those that protect our country’s freedom. We are grateful to partner with Team Red, White & Blue, an organization that shares our devotion to the men and women that have served as our nation’s heroes.” 

Wendy Yuengling, Chief Administrative Officer

Starting May 8th of 2023, the limited-edition Yuengling Lager cans will be available until the end of this summer in 12 – ounce 12 – pack, 12 – ounce 24 – pack cans as well as single – serve 24 – ounce cans. The camo cans are available for purchase at fans of legal drinking age’s favorite stores, restaurants and bars across the brewery’s current 26-state-footprint.  

Yuengling has always made a big commitment to the veterans and the armed forces of America. And this can is no different and changes nothing of their pledge to them. The special cans, emblazoned with a unique desert camouflage print and Team Red, White & Blue logo, mark just one of the many ways Yuengling values and pays tribute to the service men and women in our country.

Lee Brice

Each camo displays a QR code co – branded with American country music star and official Yuengling Traditional Lager and Stars & Stripes program Brand Ambassador, Lee Brice. When scanned, the QR code will immerse fans in a digital Stars & Stripes experience, inviting users to enter an exclusive giveaway to win a Lee Brice Party Pack; learn more about Team RWB and donate to the organization; listen to Lee Brice’s new album called “Hey World”; and tour America’s Oldest Brewery or shop online for Stars & Stripes merchandise. 

“I am thrilled to be part of Yuengling’s efforts to support Team Red, White, and Blue with these limited – edition cans. I can’t think of anything better than saluting our troops with a nice, cold Yuengling beer this summer.”

Lee Brice, Musician

Wendy Yuengling, Charity, and Aaron Nola

To kick off the start to the limited-edition camo can season and this year’s Stars & Stripes program, Wendy Yuengling, alongside Aaron Nola, Philadelphia Phillies Pitcher and Yuengling Brand Ambassador, presented $55,000 to Team Red, White & Blue’s Executive Director Mike Erwin. The presentation took place at Nola’s inaugural “Bowling for The Troops” charity event at Brooklyn Bowl Philadelphia. 

“We’re stoked for this year’s Team RWB camo can launch and grateful for the generous support from Yuengling through the Stars & Stripes program. As the nation’s leading health and wellness community for veterans, this support will enable us to deliver consistent events and programming for years to come.”  

Mike Erwin, Founder and Executive Director of Team Red, White, and Blue

For More Information on D. G. Yuengling and Sons Brewery

The following comes from Untappd.

Yuengling Brewery is a regional brewery from Pottsville, Pennsylvania. They have 14 unique beers and over 1 Million ratings. They have a global average rating of 3.42 (as of 5.9.23). Their Untappd description reads: “Based in Pottsville, PA, D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc., America’s Oldest Brewery, is family owned and operated since 1829. Principal beer brands include Traditional Lager, Light Lager, Premium, Light, Black and Tan, Dark Brewed Porter, and Lord Chesterfield Ale. For more information, visit www.yuengling.com.”

You can find them on their social media platforms here:

Other Yuengling Articles

For more information and other articles on Yuengling here at The Beer Thrillers, you can check out these articles:

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