High Road Brewing Company Announces Grand Opening Celebration at High Road Taproom in Mechanicsburg

High Road Brewing Company Announces Grand Opening Celebration at High Road Taproom in Mechanicsburg

High Road Brewing Company Announces Grand Opening

This Monday – October 16th 2023 – will be the grand opening of High Road Brewing Company. And they are kicking it off with a grand opening celebration in their taproom from 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

We are excited to invite Central Pennsylvania beer enthusiasts to our Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting to discover our NEW popular local brews, made from flavorful seasonal ingredients, while helping us to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Owner – Lindsay Dunn

Portion of proceeds from specialty pink drink and new IPA to benefit Breast Cancer Awareness

High Road Taproom is located at 146 Walden Way in Charter Homes & Neighborhoods’ Walden community in Mechanicsburg.

The Grand Opening Celebration will feature live music by Phil Cannizzaro, light appetizers and themed specialty drinks to benefit breast cancer awareness, plus other menu items available from the popular 717 Taco Food Truck. Everyone is encouraged to sport their pink!

High Road Taproom offers customers hand-crafted cocktails, PA preferred wines and spirits, and a rotating assortment of local brews pouring from twelve taps. In addition to their own popular High Road beers such as “Gimme Liberty” New England Style IPA, “Where’s Walden” Pilsner, “What’s Gourd” Pumpkin Shandy and more, the Taproom also serves local PA favorites from Troegs, Pizza Boy, Yuengling and others on a rotating tap. Customers can enjoy indoor and outdoor seating or choose from a selection of High Road brews to-go.

Private parties can be booked by contacting highroadbrewco@gmail.com.

Grand Opening Details

WHAT: High Road Brewing Company Grand Opening Celebration of High Road Taproom
WHEN: Monday, October 16, 2023/4 PM Ribbon Cutting / 4 PM – 9 PM Celebration & Entertainment
WHERE: 146 Walden Way, Mechanicsburg, Pa.

We are grateful to our local community, PA beer enthusiasts and friends who love grabbing a bite to eat, sipping on quality craft beers and other beverages while catching local entertainment in a relaxing and quaint atmosphere. We are proud to be joining a long list of renowned PA breweries producing some great local beer.

Lindsay Dunn

High Road Brewing Company

Matt Flinchbaugh is the mastermind behind High Road Brewing Company. (See our earlier article: High Road Brewing Company Will Be Opening in Camp Hill by Summer 2022) While things have been delayed and pushed back, Flinchbaugh will be realizing his dream of turning his bar into a full brewery on Monday – October 16th, 2023.

Flinchbaugh has served Central PA unflinchingly with Flinchy’s Bar as well as the Home Slice at Walden for over two decades.

Flinchbaugh also runs the award winning Flinchy’s Bar as well as the Home Slice. You can find more information on them here:  www.flinchys.com an  www.homeslicepa.com.

We are blessed with a huge following of beer connoisseurs, and owning a Brewery in my hometown has been a dream for years.

I’m familiar with this community and am excited to offer customers quality craft beers along with fresh locally grown and produced foods in a relaxing family-friendly atmosphere.

Matt Flinchbaugh

Harty Brewing used to be in this area, but went out of business in 2019.

High Road Brewing Articles

We had previously written two articles on High Road Brewing. One originally announcing their opening in 2022 (Summer of 2022), as well as one where things were looking like they weren’t going to be opening the brewery at all earlier this year (March 2023). Thankfully and luckily things have turned around and worked out and they will be opening after all. You can read both of those articles below:

For More Information on High Road Brewing Company

For more information on High Road Brewing Company, go to HighRoadBrewCo. High Road Taproom joins a collection of other small, locally owned businesses, including Sophia’s at Walden, Home Slice Pizza, and more.

The following comes from Untappd. According to Untappd they are listed as a micro brewery (no location listed yet) with 10 unique beers and 94 total ratings with a global average rating of 3.72 (as of 10.11.23).

For more information on them, you can visit them here:

Thank You to Lucy Gnazzo and High Road Brewing

We would like to thank Lucy Gnazzo and High Road Brewing for reaching out to us and offering us a visit to the brewery and to come to their grand opening celebration. Due to work conflicts we aren’t able to go yet – but we will be soon and will be posting here on the blog all about it. Stay tuned.

Brewery News

Interested in finding out about many other brewery openings, new locations, closings, movings, and in general brewery news? You can check out our links below:

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