Devil’s Eye Brewing Closings Its Doors on September 30th

Devil’s Eye Brewing Closings Its Doors on September 30th

Devil’s Eye Brewing is Closing Their Eye

Last night at 6:40 PM Devil’s Eye Brewing Company announced on their social media pages that they will be closing their doors on September 30th, 2023.

They are located in Dillsburg right on Route 15. They are 7 minutes and 2.5 miles from Big Bottom Brewery, as well as the Greystone Public House. Centralized on the main road through – Route 15 – in an old barn like structure.

They were known for their live music, ‘happening scene’, good food, and a place of great merriment and meet up in the Dillsburg area. A large venue with plenty of seating, space for the live music, and a busy bar. They served their community well.


The following announcement was made on their Facebook page at 6:43 PM last night (9.20.23):

Four years ago we set out on a journey, never expecting we’d have to end it so soon. However, like so many others we can no longer continue to operate at our location in todays economy and have simply exhausted ourselves in every way. Our last day open will be September 30th, 2023…. We would love to see as many of you as we can by then!

With that being said, we’d like to thank all of our Devil’s Eye family (aka)staff for riding out every storm with us… There truly are no words that will ever fully express how much each of you will FOREVER mean to us, or how grateful we have been for your loyalty, and continued support ( You’ve all made the book we will write one day 😉) The road has been anything but easy, yet you stood with us and gave us a million percent day, after day. We have never enjoyed working beside anyone as much as we have each of you.

We’d also like to thank all of the amazing people we have had the pleasure of meeting, engaging with and getting to know. The customer support so many have shown over the years is truly humbling, and we can not say THANK YOU loud enough… and trust me… WE ARE LOUD!

At the end of the day, we started this journey with many goals in mind but, the change in this worlds compass altered those goals. Our # 1 goal however, still remains in tact and that is… We have NO regrets. Not one. We have learned from the good & the bad… During a time when the world was afraid, our futures uncertain… a dark cloud reigning over us all, it was those of us who engaged that brightened the path ahead. From the customers, to the community and it’s local business owners that we have tried to support as often as we could, from the incredible musicians we have met that have connected rooms full of people by speaking how the world was feeling with their talent and emotion, to those that brought them to us because they wanted to play, you’ve brightened our journey. There truly is no way to thank every one we have encountered enough. No matter what the encounter was, it taught us something incredible. And finally, we thank our families. Many of you have met some or all of our own families therefore, you will understand how important it is for us to say whole heartedly, without a single one of you…. We could NEVER have made it this far, nor would we have tried. Your support has been the most critical part of our accomplishments and we love you all, thank you for tolerating our crazy everything. You are the very best humans we know. For you we are blessed.

While we could go on and on about the incredible things we will take away from this journey… We will end it with this… When one door closes…. You kick open the next one … See y’all soon 😉

Devil’s Eye Brewing Company (Facebook Post)

By 6AM this morning (9.21.23), their post has already received over 450 reactions and 189 comments and nearly a hundred shares.

Closings, Condensing, Squeezing, Bubbles Bursting

Is the craft beer bubble bursting? Is the brewery industry condensing? Are more breweries closing? Yes, maybe, yes, no, who knows?

It certainly seems like we’re in a restructuring phase for craft beer as a whole. Breweries are closing more frequently right now, its not just a perceived thing, its a full thing. There is also a lot more buy – outs, mergers, and restructuring by breweries and with other breweries – including some of the big companies like AB InBev, etc.

Times are definitely changing. Economic situations are different than they were when the craft beer boom really hit, and then when the craft beer scene blew up years and years ago as well. Theres an ebb and flow to things, so it will be interesting how the next few years factor into things.

A lot of craft breweries are also at that ‘hump’ stage. The years four through seven are the make or break years for most businesses; and craft breweries are no exception. Most of the breweries we see closing in our area are in this window (having been opened in 2016 through 2018 or 2019). The COVID-19 / coronavirus didn’t help things for many of these businesses either, either speeding up their demise, or forcing them to change too drastically, or even hindering their initial openings.

We are seeing some breweries expanding – but they are fewer and fewer. Pennsylvania seems to have some new openings, some new expansions, but on the whole – its more negative (despite some spin doctors out there) with more breweries closing. Even bigger breweries are brewing less and selling less as well. Staple beers that have been industry favorites are under – performing on the markets this year and sitting on shelves longer, and even being returned from distributors.

We will most likely be doing a more comprehensive look at this near the end of the year. Stay tuned for that.


Amy and I got to visit Devil’s Eye Brewing once; last year in February 2022. We did a trip through the Dillsburg area hitting Big Bottom Brewing and Devil’s Eye Brewing on our way through. We would like to wish the owners, staff, and loyal clientele all the best in the future, and hopeful to see what future endeavors they come up with.

For More Information on Devil’s Eye Brewing

The following information comes from Untappd. Devil’s Eye Brewing is a brew pub from Dillsburg, PA. They have 50 unique beers with over 3,200 ratings, and a global average rating of 3.42 (as of 9.21.23) on Untappd. Their Untappd description is blank.

You can find them on the following social media platforms:


September 30th

September 30th, 2023 is the last day of business for both Tattered Flag Brewing and Devil’s Eye Brewing. If you are in the Middletown area, be sure to check out Tattered Flag one last time before they close, and if you are in the Dillsburg area, be sure to visit Devil’s Eye Brewing one last time.

Brewery News

Interested in finding out about many other brewery openings, new locations, closings, movings, and in general brewery news? You can check out our links below:

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We are working on a massive project here at The Beer Thrillers. We are creating a map of all of the breweries across the United States. State by state we are adding maps of all of the different states with every brewery in each state. (We will eventually get to the US Territories, as well as the Canadian Provinces, and possibly more countries; as well as doing some fun maps like a map of all the breweries we’ve been to, and other fun maps.) You can find the brewery maps here:

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