Separatist Beer Project Announces Closing of Both Locations

Separatist Beer Project Announces Closing of Both Locations

Separatist Beer Project’s Instagram Post

Separatist Beer Project Announces Temporary Closing

Separatist Beer Project took to their Instagram yesterday on Saturday, April 1st, 2023 to announce that both of their locations will be temporarily closing.

Currently Separatist Beer Project has locations in both Easton Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Pennsylvania. As of the time with this post, they are announcing that both locations are being temporarily closed.

Their announcement on Instagram read:

Both locations will be temporarily closed as we navigate unforeseen issues.

We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to be back soon.

Check back for Updates!

Both locations will be temporarily closed while we navigate unforeseen issues. Thank you for the support, we’ll see you soon!


Separatist Beer Project (Instagram Post)

It should be noted that they selected to have comments turned off on the post. But the post did receive over 200 likes by the time of writing.

On the Heels of Fermentery Form

This comes hot on the heels of Fermentery Form announcing their own temporarily closure. Fermentery Form is a small micro brewery in Philadelphia, and they announced on Facebook on March 31st that they would be closing temporarily going forward on April 1st.

You can read more about that here:

Sadly neither post was an April Fools Day joke.

Separatist Beer Project

According to Untappd, Separatist Beer Project is a micro brewery out of Easton Pennsylvania. With 227 unique beers and over 208,000 ratings they have a global average rating of 3.92 (as of 4.2.23). Their Untappd description is currently blank.

You can follow them on the following social media pages:

It should be noted that they only mention the temporary closing on their Instagram account, not on their Facebook or Official Website. Their Facebook page hasn’t been updated since March 6th (2023).

Brewery News

Interested in finding out about many other brewery openings, new locations, closings, movings, and in general brewery news? You can check out our links below:

Thanks For Reading

Thank you everyone for reading. Seems like I just did the article on Fermentery Form announcing their closure, and now here’s another. Both over the weekend (if you count Friday as part of the weekend). I leave Pennsylvania for Atlantic City for just a bit… and all hell breaks loose.

Tonight is night two of WrestleMania. Whose everyone got winning it – Cody Rhodes or Roman Reigns?

Have you ever read our Stone Cold Beer Review? No…. why not? Here it is:

Today is the last day you can vote in our Conference Finals voting. It ends at 11:59:59 PM EST. So you have about ten or so more hours to vote. (So you better head over and vote soon!) You can vote here:

Thank you all very much for reading. It is always disappointing to have to write these “closure” news posts. But unfortunately, they are becoming more and more frequent. 2023 is not looking like a kind year so far to start. Hopefully that gets turned around.

Thank you all for reading, and if you like, please share, comment, like, subscribe, and follow.

Cheers All!

-B. Kline

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