LoveDraft’s Brewery Sabotaged

LoveDraft’s Brewery Sabotaged

LoveDrafts Brewing Logo


No, this isn’t about the Beastie Boys song (and yes… I realize that is probably running through your head), no, this is about LoveDraft’s Brewery’s post on their Facebook account earlier today (4:23 PM on February 6th, 2023).

In their post they stated that someone broke into their brewery, or somehow gained access to their brewhouse and purposefully sabotaged their equipment. By their wording it sounds like either they have cameras that saw the person do it, or they have a good idea of who it was, and why they did it. (Doesn’t sound like it was just an act of vandalism or random act of destruction or even drunken mishap.)

The Announcement

Here is their post on Facebook with their announcement of the incident:

This past Thursday night, someone (who knows their way around a brewery) came to Lovedrafts and sabotaged some of our equipment.

… Yeah. You read that right.

It’s gross to think that someone in our industry would be capable of this type of thing.

Maybe they hate us for:

> Our aggressively anti-racist stance and out-loud support of BIPOC rights

> Being the official brewery for local PRIDE events and supporting LGBTQIA+ initiatives

> Donations made to domestic violence shelters and women’s rights advocates

> The dozens of small business beer collabs

> Donation drives for local and national charities

> Award winning beers (best in show, baby)

> Dope ass shows

> Weird and delicious grub

> Expanding like mofos

> Our hatred of Nickleback

Whatever the reason, come out, and see what all the hate is about.

The beer is (and will always be) flowing!

Cheers, Terry

LoveDrafts Brewing Company – Mechanicsburg – Facebook Post
Screenshot of their Facebook post and announcement of the Incident

Seriousness of the Issue

If this is sabotage and if it is done by someone with full working knowledge of brewhouses and brewery equipment, this is indeed very serious stuff. It means either a former employee, or past in industry acquaintance of the brewery itself. Its a shame and unfortunate that someone who works in the industry (or used to work in it) would take it out on the brewery and sabotage and destroy or vandalize important equipment that is needed and necessary for their continued sustainability. Hopefully they do have cameras on their brewhouse (which they should or will now in the future I assume) and are able to catch and prosecute whoever all is involved in this heinous incident.

LoveDrafts Brewery – Mechanicsburg

LoveDrafts started as a food pub in downtown Harrisburg (2nd Street), they have been exploding and expanding greatly in the past few years. They opened the Mechanicsburg brewery in 2021. The brewery is located at 165 Gateway Dr, Mechanicsburg, PA, United States, Pennsylvania (the old Quaker Steak and Lube).

For more information on LoveDraft’s Brewery:

According to Untappd LoveDraft’s Brewing Company is a micro brewery from Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. They have 94 unique beers and over 8,000 ratings. With a global average rating of 3.82 (as of 2.6.23).

Our Articles on LoveDraft’s Brewing

Brewery News

Interested in finding out about many other brewery openings, new locations, closings, movings, and in general brewery news? You can check out our links below:

Thanks For Reading

This is horrible news to hear and to report, and distressing too. To think someone would purposefully vandalize / sabotage a business, and by the sounds of it, have a personal grudge against this particular one, with a working knowledge of breweries, is very sad, disheartening, and a bit scary.

Hopefully they are able to catch the culprit and persecute him or her to the fullest extent of the law.

Still had a wave of recent good news though with the expansions of Pilger Ruh Brewing and Jigsy’s Old Forge Pizza and Brewpub. Hopefully there will continue the trend of good news to report rather than bad news.

Thank you all very much for reading. It really does mean a lot to us. Please like, share, follow, and subscribe. Join us on Facebook and like us there as well, we are hoping to hit 2,500 followers by the end of February and are currently at 2,464. So we are getting closer and closer to our goal. Would be great to have you as our 2,5000th!

Cheers All!

-B. Kline

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Last Updated: March 25, 2023By Tags: , , , ,

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