Arboretum Trail Brewing is Closing Their Taproom

Arboretum Trail Brewing is Closing Their Taproom

Arboretum Trail Brewing

Arboretum Trail Brewing is Closing Their Taproom

If you are a member of the Fueled by Hops Facebook group – you might have just seen Ben Steffen (owner and head brewer of Arboretum Trail Brewing Company) announce the closing of the taproom located on Washington Boulevard in Pittsburgh, PA.

We announced back in June of 2022 that they were opening in the old Couch Brewery after their closure. (Arboretum Trail Brewing Is Opening Their Doors – The Beer Thrillers; June 16th, 2022.)

They had made a few recent Facebook posts commenting on how the location is not a great, or wonderful, or fabulous location. Even having a beer release with the beer titled “It’s a Tough Location”. As per Ben Steffen’s post – the Arboretum Trail Brewery will be closing their taproom on August 31st (8.31.23), but will continue production and distribution from a different location.

His full post reads:

I guess I’ll put this out there for the fam. Arbo is closing its doors on 8/31 at the taproom. Production and distro will still continue at another location so this isn’t goodbye, just see you soon. Stop in before the end of the month and drink some beer and hangout with me. Love you all and appreciate the continued feverish support. See below for a great article written by a pgh beer lady, Annette Bassett.
Ben Steffen (via Facebook Groups – Fueled by Hops Community)

I had previously gotten the chance to visit Couch Brewery and take a tour there. (Brewery Tour: Couch Brewery)

Going Another Direction

As Ben stated in his Facebook post, and from the NEXTPittsburgh article he linked in his post – Arboretum Trail Brewing Company will be going another direction – still producing, and distributing from a different location.

One of the newest Arboretum Trail Brewing beers, a hazy pale ale called It’s a Tough Location, is described as “paying homage to a line spoken over and over at Arbo.” Owner Ben Steffen puts it more bluntly: “The location should have scared me off.”

The brewery sits on an industrial stretch of Washington Boulevard (Route 8), off Negley Run Boulevard in Larimer. The speed limit is 35 mph but the cars are flying by at 50 mph or better. It’s a tricky left from the northbound lanes. There’s no foot traffic. 

Couch Brewery operated out of the space for four years, until closing in late 2021. Arbo opened the following spring and Steffen isn’t sure how much longer he can hang in there.

Arboretum Trail finds being off the beaten path puts future at risk, plus more brew news – Annette Bassett

The article continues to discuss Ben Steffen’s home brewing credentials. Touting his several medals won via home brewing competitions. The article also states that via Untappd and BeerAdvocate his beers have consistently been rated high. As well as their four pack sales have stayed strong.

Ben Steffen hiding behind Arboretum Trail beer.

I have the product. I have the work ethic.

Ben Steffen

Steffen notes that there has been trouble with the location, and that he finds it hard to book food trucks. Saying they would rather park at busier breweries than at Arboretum Trail.

There has also been a falling out with him and his partner concluding in Steffen taking over full ownership of Arboretum Trail Brewing Company.

There has also been issues with attendance for brew pub events and activities at the brewery on Washington Boulevard. (With a few notable exceptions – like the release of “Its a Tough Location”.)

Other Pittsburgh breweries have been very supportive, Steffen notes: Tortured Souls Brewing held its Mango Fett Blonde Ale can release at Arbo in July. And Steffen hopes to make it to autumn, when Arbo will feature his seasonal beers, including Pump(kin) It Up, an amber pumpkin ale, and The Hills Have Pumpkin, a stout made with pumpkin rolls from Pastries A-La-Carte. This year, for the first time, there will also be a barrel-aged version, coming in at 12% ABV. He also hopes to host UGG boots and scarves event in late September.

Arboretum Trail finds being off the beaten path puts future at risk, plus more brew news – Annette Bassett

Fall was very good for me last year. There’s something coming for Arbo. I’m not sure what that looks like. I have to get a lot of beer to a lot of people.

Ben Steffen

Whats to Come

Ben Steffen’s Post

As Ben Steffen posted – the taproom at 1351 Washington Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15206 – will be closing on August 31st, 2023. Also – like he said – the brewery will remain open with a production location that will be focusing on distribution.

No word yet on the location of their production facility.

There has been no official word of the taproom closing or the move to production and distribution on their social media outside of the Fueled by Hops Community group on Facebook.

When official word is announced we will update here, and keep everyone updated going forward on whatever information we get / have.

To Find Out More About Arboretum Trail Brewing

You can find our articles about them here:

For More Information

For more information on Arboretum Trail Brewing, you can check them out at the following social media pages:

The following information comes from Untappd. Arboretum Trail Brewing Company is a nano – brewery from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They have 69 unique beers, and over 6,400 ratings, with a global average rating of 3.84 (as of 8.9.23). Their Untappd description reads: “A production brewery based in Pittsburgh, Pa with a hop-forward focus.”

Brewery News

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