Broad Street Market Caught on Fire This Morning

Broad Street Market Caught on Fire This Morning

Broad Street Market on fire this morning (July 10th, 2023) (photo courtesy of CBS 21 News)

The Broad Street Market Caught on Fire This Morning

The historic Broad Street Market caught on fire early this morning, July 10th, 2023. The fire call came into the Harrisburg Firefighters Bureau a little after 1 AM in Harrisburg. The blaze was large and out of control at first, with flames and smoke being seen blocks and neighborhoods away.

The market at Third and Verbeke streets is made up of two buildings, a stone one that faces Third Street, and a brick building to the rear. It was the brick building that burned. The building has stood for 145 years.

Harrisburg Fire Chief Brian Enterline said approximately half the building was destroyed; the other half sustained significant damage. On the half of the building that was destroyed, the roof was gone and only the walls remained standing.

Fire engulfs building at Harrisburg’s Broad Street Market – PennLive

Broad Street Market

Broad Street Market set up for Fourth of July (photo courtesy of Broad Street Market)

The Broad Street Market was constructed in 1863, and is considered one of the country’s oldest continuously running and operated market houses.

Overall, the market has over 40 vendors, a mixture of grocery and prepared food vendors.

According to eyewitnesses, the brick building appeared largely gutted, with much of its roof sustaining heavy damage.

The Broad Street Market is owned by the city and operated by an independent nonprofit. The market claims to be the oldest continuously operated market house in the country.

Harrisburg’s Broad Street Market engulfed, heavily damaged by fire to brick building – The Burg

The Broad Street Market is a revered landmark in the Harrisburg community. It is adjacent to The Millworks Brewery and Restaurant and also houses a ZeroDay Brewing Company location – ZeroDay Outpost at Broad Street Market.

Harrisburg’s Broad Street Market is known as the country’s oldest continuously operated market house.

The stone building sitting in front was built in the early 1860s while the brick building followed in the 1870s. The brick building, which burned early Monday, is 145 years old while the stone building celebrates its 160th birthday this year. The market itself was founded in 1860.

At one point during the 1920s, the market had more than 720 vendors. The city of Harrisburg purchased the market in 1979, and it has been on the National Register of Historic Places since December 1974.

Broad Street Market throughout the years: photos – PennLive

Community Impact

Several community stalwarts, like Urban Churn and The Millworks posted on social media this morning discussing their sadness over the fire.

Community helpers have announced that as soon as more information is available they will be broadcasting and announcing ways that the community can aid and assist and help in the rebuild and restructuring of the market going forward.

It is devastating, this is a building that has served the community for a long time.

Harrisburg Fire Chief – Brian Enterline

The market is open only Thursdays to Saturdays. According to its website, it was founded in 1860. The stone building was completed in 1863 and the brick was built between 1874 and 1878. It claims to be the oldest continuously operated market house in the U.S.

The market in Harrisburg’s midtown neighborhood has about 40 vendors between the two buildings, mostly selling food. The courtyard in between serves as a spot for music, community events and additional vendors.

Fire engulfs building at Harrisburg’s Broad Street Market – PennLive

News and Info

For more news and info relating to the fire and Broad Street Market, you can check out these sources:

Our Articles About Neighboring Breweries

Nearby breweries include The Millworks (adjacent to the Broad Street Market) and ZeroDay Brewing Company, a brewing company located downtown, that also had an ‘outpost’ at the Broad Street Market. For more articles about these breweries, check them out below:

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-B. Kline

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