RAR Brewing Brings the Nostalgia with Muppets Out of Order Series

RAR Brewing Brings the Nostalgia with Muppets Out of Order Series

RAR Brewing gives The Muppet’s the Out of Order treatment

A Sucker For Nostalgia

I’m a sucker for nostalgia items.  I think I’ve been looking back a lot on poignant items from my childhood since having Scarlet.  Combine that with my love of drinking beer and of course I was drawn to desire the newest Out of Order series that RAR Brewing company just released. (See our article here – RAR Brewing – Out of Order – Muppet Series Can Release.)

The purchase of the RAR series spoof of the Muppets was a surprise for my Birthday next week.  I’ve managed to drink two of these tasty treats since being lucky enough to acquire my present early.  I was even lucky enough to be gifted the sweet glass they make with every out of order series drop. 

(Interjection by Ben: Quick shout out to Ryan Bushman for hooking us up. Ryan is a great dude and was going to RAR Brewing the day of the release and grabbed us the five – pack as well as the awesome glass and brought it back to Central PA for us. He let me get this as a wonderful surprise birthday gift for Amy a few days early…. psst…. she turns…. *muffled sounds*…. on the 22nd.)

Wocka Wocka Pie

Out of Order: Wocka Wocka Pie by RAR Brewing

My first choice Friday evening was the Wocka Wocka pie.  It is described on Untapped as “Our lactose base conditioned over bananas, graham crackers, cake batter and whipped cream.”  I was desperate for a sweet treat after a long week and this one stood out to me.  Maybe I could hear Fozzy Bear saying “Wocka Wocka” as I read it and that made me smile.  You smell the bananas before you taste them.  There is that subtle graham cracker taste lingering in there.  I am not sure I could tell the difference or the blending of the cake batter and whipped cream was just a sweet taste for me.   A few reviewing on Untapped also tasted hints of coconut.  I missed those too.

It is on untapped with a 6% ABV and at a 4.22 overall rating with 27 total ratings since the August 12th release.  This one made me dig out my old Fozzy, Kermit and Piggy stuffed animals that came out way back in 1988.  And you better believe I own all three. 

Holiday Huggable Muppet BabiesMuppet Wiki

Beer: Wocka Wocka Pie
Brewery: RAR Brewing
Style: Sour – Fruited
ABV: 6%
IBU: N / A
Untappd Description: Our lactose base conditioned over bananas, graham crackers, cake batter, and whipped cream
Global Untappd Rating: 4.22 (as of 8.20.23)

Resident Daredevil

Out of Order: Resident Daredevil by RAR Brewing

The second Birthday present I cracked open was the Resident Daredevil.  It is described on Untapped as “Our lactose grape jelly, and raspberry with a splash of creaminess for the body.”  Right away I smelled the sweet grape and berries with a creaminess at the end.  I am not sure I got any of the peanut butter in the taste.  Was it just me?  One rating from Untapped describes RD as “needs more PB, still very good though.” 

I am immediately catapulted back to the scenes of the “Great Gonzo” Most notably the scenes of him being shot out of a cannon.

Gonzo Shoots Himself Out of a Cannon

Resident Daredevil also comes in on Untapped with a 6% ABV and an overall rating of 4.08 and a total of 21 check ins.

Beer: Resident Daredevil
Brewery: RAR Brewing
Style: Sour – Fruited
ABV: 6%
IBU: N / A
Untappd Description: Our lactose base conditioned over peanut butter, Concord grape jelly, and raspberry with a splash of creaminess for the body
Global Untappd Rating: 4.08 (as of 8.20.23)

Ben’s picture of him finishing Gonzo’s “Resident Daredevil” by RAR Brewing

Birthday Week

I’ll be celebrating my birthday week in style and I plan to finish out the series by next Sunday.

Drink more beer!

  • Amy

RAR Brewing

You can check out our other articles about RAR Brewing below:

For more information on RAR Brewing, the following comes from Untappd. RAR Brewing is a micro brewery from Cambridge, MD. They have 754 unique beers and over 470,000 ratings with a global average rating of 4 (exactly 4) (as of 8.20.23). Their Untappd description reads: Based in Cambridge, MD on the banks of the Chesapeake Bay.

You can find them on the following social media pages:

(Stay tuned for in the future we have a lot more Out of Order series beer reviews to post – featuring the other Star Wars beers, as well as the Christmas ones, and the Muppets ones.)

Amy’s Column Series

Since getting back to writing for the blog after a short hiatus, Amy has started up a weekly column style writing for the blog. You can find these articles here:

(And please take a moment to fill out Amy’s survey on her ‘Holiday Weekend and Bomber Bottles‘ column.)

All of Our Nerd Content

Here’s all of our nerd content, served up best in one single place. Enjoy!

I know ya’ll here for the nerd reviews. So check out our other nerd reviews below:

Star Wars:


Lord of the Rings:

Magic the Gathering:


Rick and Morty:

Space Balls:

Game of Thrones:

The Simpsons:

Back to the Future:


Groundhog Day:

A Christmas Story:

The Peanuts:

Pro Wrestling:


World Cup:



Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:

HP Lovecraft / Cthulhu:


The Muppets:


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