What is Your Summer Time Go To Beer?

Clusterduck (with Strawberries) by Ever Grain Brewing Company
Ok, It’s been warm enough here in Central PA and we are past the peak of summer solstice; what is your summer beer go to? I picked up this Clusterduck (with strawberries) by Ever Grain Brewing Company with the thought of drinking this on the back porch after a summer rain. It rained and stormed, or at least the part of town we were in it did, so I thought It was time to crack this open.
According to Untapped Clusterduck with Strawberry is a 7% IPA -other. It comes with a 3.86 rating which is low for the quality of beer Clusterduck gives you.

I mean we have a 1.0 rating and the description is “I’m still not an IPA chick…that cleaner taste.” These ratings should, in no way, indicate the quality of this fruited IPA. Also, I know a lot of us are spoiled with the double and the tripled IPA but this just tone it down a bit. A nice 7% fruited IPA is perfect on the back porch, while the baby finally went to sleep, and a light IPA can help you handle the rest of your Sunday evening. There was a tad of sediment on the bottom of the can, but this can be expected with a fruited beer. Let’s be honest, we expect this with no qualms when it’s our favorite fruited sour.
Popular Summer Beers
According to a MyBartender.com article – 30 most popular summer beers on the market – my ol’ favorite summer, go to, Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy makes that list. In this same article it describes the summer Shandy as the perfect companion for a barbeque or any other summer time occasion. A barbeque beer is exactly what I think of when I think of a summer beer.
But obviously we want to suggest some local beers to our readers so here it goes: Boneshire Brew Works normally comes out with a “Hippo” series of fruit beers during the summer. Pink Hippo, Summer Hippo, Blue Hippo, Red Hippo and a Fall Hippo. Pink Hippo had strawberries, Summer Hippo had peaches and mangos, Blue Hippo had blueberries, and Red Hippo had raspberries.
Troegs Independent Craft Brewing has both Sunshine Pils and Nimble Giant we’d recommend as a summer beer. Sunshine Pils is a nice and light Pilsner and Nimble Giant is a double New England IPA with a summer release. Tattered Flag comes in with the “Basic Dad Pilsner” and again, its a nice and light Pilsner to enjoy on a warm and humid summer evening. Then Moo Duck has their summer beer with the “Big Sit Summer Ale”. Please don’t hesitate to let us know your favorite summer beer go to! (Seriously, by all means, let us know in the comments or on our Facebook page or in the Facebook group what your favorite Summer time beers are!)
Drink More Beer!
Amy’s Column Series
Since getting back to writing for the blog after a short hiatus, Amy has started up a weekly column style writing for the blog. You can find these articles here:
- Brewfests with Anxiety (Amy’s original weekly column start)
- I’ve Missed Drinking (A Look at Non Alcoholic Beers)
- Beer and Pretzel Review: Legends and Lore (St. Boniface Brewing Company) and Garlic Parm Pretzels (Pretzels.com)
- Peanut Butter Eggs, Easter, Beer, and YAH Brew’s Shimmy Shake (Beer Review)
- Cox Brewing Company: Back to Their Roots
- Amy’s Day Off
- It Was All A Dream (A Visit to YAH Brewing)
- Just Another Weekend (A Hike at Saint Pete’s Trail and Hares Hill Brewing)
- I’m Pretty Darn Lucky (Happy Mother’s Day)
- Ready to Kick of the Summer
- Beer Review: Beer Devil IPA (Niagara Brewing Company)
- World MS Day
- Have you ever picked a beer based on the can art?
- Happy Father’s Day
- What is Your Summer Time Go To Beer?
- You can find all of Amy’s articles here: Amy’s Archive of Articles.
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-B. Kline
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