Rocket Frog Brewing Announces They Will Be Closing December 11th

Rocket Frog Brewing Announces They Will Be Closing December 11th

Rocket Frog Brewing Company, Sterling Virginia

Rocket Frog Brewing Company Announces Closure

Unfortunately, another brewery has announced their closure. This time its Rocket Frog Brewing Company out of Sterling Virginia. They took to their social media an hour ago making the announcement that December 11th will be their last day.

They posted the following on their Instagram and Facebook accounts:

We regret to announce Rocket Frog will close its doors on December 11. We’ve had an epic ride and could not have done it without the support of our fans, staff and family. Through Rocket Frog, we have gained an extended family, which makes closing that much more difficult. We are thankful that we had a great staff and beer to share with all of you.

We plan on having one final bash on December 10 so we can thank all of you and say goodbye as a brewery. We hope to see as many of you as possible before we shut our doors.

In the meantime, our weekly events will go on as scheduled until we close.

Thank you,

The Rocket Frog Team

Rocket Frog Brewing Company – Facebook Post

This blow out final bash on December 10th sounds wonderful. Amy, myself, and Scarlet are going to be making the trek down to Virginia to hang out with them one final time.

Rocket Frog’s Opening

Rocket Frog Brewing Company opened May 19th of 2018 (following a few soft openings). They opened at – and have been located at since – 22560 Glenn Drive Suite 103 in Sterling. An article about their original opening stated:

The brewery is owned by David Hartogs, Jennifer Showell-Hartogs and Richard Hartogs. Russell Carpenter is the head brewer. Rocket Frog will open with five beers on tap: Angry Alice IPA, Minotaur American Golden Ale, Wallops Island American Brown Ale, Double IPA and Dry Saison. The May 19 grand opening starts at 11 a.m. for Launch Pad Members and the brewery will open at noon for the general public. To learn more, go to

Rocket Frog Brewing Company Plans to Open May 19th – Loudoun Now

Our Trip to Rocket Frog

Amy and I got to travel to Rocket Frog back in January on a Bengals play-off gameday. I got out of work early (I was still working Saturdays then), using my top of the EO card and we made the two and a half hour trek down to Virginia hitting some breweries. We stopped in the Sterling Park Business Center to hit two breweries right off the bat. The first of which was Rocket Frog.

You can find our trip here: Trip Down to Sterling Virginia and Beyond to Visit Rocket Frog Brewing Company, Crooked Run Fermentation, Beltway Brewing, Mustang Sally Brewing Company, and Bunnyman Brewing.

We had a really good time. We got to see the Bengals win against the Las Vegas Raiders – their first playoff win in 30 years (they last won in January 1991). We got to Rocket Frog Brewing Company before the game started. We then watched the first half at Crooked Run Fermentation, before driving to Beltway Brewing where we saw a little bit of the third (they didn’t have any TVs on, so we quickly left to get to Mustang Sally’s after a flight), and we finished the game out at Mustang Sally’s where I got to witness the first playoff win since I was 5 and a half years old. Amy and I then celebrated and finished the night out watching the Bills rout the Patriots at Bunnyman Brewing.

It was a really fun day all around. We are hoping to make it to the “End of All Things” Bash with Scarlet. Things will certainly be different this time with a just – older than four week old, but it will still certainly be a fun time. Shame to see things go like this. We really enjoyed our time at Rocket Frog, and its a shame to see them close.

At our first time there, we each got a flight, so I got to sample eight of their beers. They were:

  • Best Buddy
  • Kai Gose to Hawaii
  • Zaba
  • Rhinewasser
  • Wallops Island
  • Barrel Aged Dark Word
  • Barrel Aged Roscosmos
  • Barrel Aged Shame and Torment (2021)

Rocket Frog Brewing Company

Rocket Frog Brewing Company (photos in this post are courtesy of their Facebook page)

According to Untappd, the following information is true (as of November 29th, 2022) about Rocket Frog. They are a micro brewery from Sterling, Virginia. They have 117 unique beers with 42,000~ ratings, and a global average rating of 3.82. Their Untappd description reads: Rocket Frog Brewing Company is an independent craft brewery based in Sterling, Virginia, serving the greater Northern Virginia and Washington, DC community. Our passion for quality craft beer runs deep and we demonstrate this with our four to five flagships, seasonal offerings, and a variety of specialty beers throughout the year.

For more information on Rocket Frog Brewing Company, you can check out their pages here:

Brewery News

Interested in finding out about many other brewery openings, new locations, closings, movings, and in general brewery news? You can check out our links below:

Thanks For Reading

As I said earlier in the post, we are hoping to get there for the ‘bash’ on December 10th. Obviously plans can change as thats still 12 days out. Especially with us having Scarlet now. She will be 29 days old at that point, so who knows.

Its a shame to see the brewery closing, it really is. We’ve gotten word that a few other breweries are ending and closing and making end of the year ‘brewery closure’ announcements. We will keep everyone posted. Its not good news and its not news we enjoy sharing on here, but unfortunately its the reality of the business, and we like to keep our readers informed. The brewery opened May 19th of 2018 and will be closing December 11th of 2022. I enjoy writing the “brewery openings” articles far more than I do the “brewery closings” articles, thats for sure.

Cheers All, and hopefully for some better news and articles soon!

-B. Kline

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