Beer Review: I’m 40% Galaxy (Local Craft Beer)

Beer Review: I’m 40% Galaxy (Local Craft Beer)

Beer Review: I’m 40% Galaxy (Local Craft Beer)

I’m 40% Galaxy by Local Craft Beer

Futurama is Back Baby

Futurama aired it’s first episode of “Season 12” (and I put that in quotations) on Hulu today (or Disney+ if you have the bundle). The A-plot is another Bender existentialism episode where he meets his family from Mexico, and the B-plot is a heist about stealing NFT’s.

While the idea being the NFT’s is pretty cringe and very dated at this point, the overall episode is pretty solid (as most Bender episodes are). Its not as funny as the FOX era or some of the best Comedy Central episodes, but its a decent episode, that on first viewing I felt “meh” about due to the NFT story beats, but then with a second viewing I enjoyed a bit more. Most likely falling in the 6.5 or 7/10 range for me.

Interestingly Danny Trejo voices Doblando, and I am currently reading his book – Trejo.

I’ll post more thoughts on the episode, and some references and things after the beer review.

Beer Review

I’m 40% Galaxy by Local Craft Beer (LCB)

Brewery: Local Craft Beer (LCB)
Style: Triple New England / Hazy IPA
ABV: 10%
IBU: 15
Untappd Description: More like 80% Galaxy but Bender doesn’t care as long as it’s beer!

As Bender might say, “I’m 40% Galaxy” is 100% amazing. This Triple New England IPA from Local Craft Beer (LCB) pours an inviting, hazy golden-yellow, reminiscent of a glowing sunset over New New York. Topped with a thick, creamy white head that shows impressive retention, it leaves a delicate lace that would make even the most indifferent of robots take notice.

The aroma of this beer is an olfactory feast dominated by the hallmark characteristics of Galaxy hops. Imagine Fry’s favorite Slurm drink, but transformed into an explosion of tropical fruit aromas featuring passion fruit, ripe peach, and zesty citrus. These fruity notes are complemented by subtle undertones of pine and resin, adding complexity and depth, much like the intricate plots of “Futurama.”

From the first sip, “I’m 40% Galaxy” delivers a smooth and juicy experience that would make Leela trade in her single-eye view for a taste. The tropical fruit flavors take center stage, with passion fruit, mango, and pineapple dancing on the palate like Hypnotoad’s mesmerizing performances. The sweetness from the malt is perfectly balanced by a gentle bitterness, ensuring that the beer remains refreshing and not cloying, akin to the refreshing humor that “Futurama” fans adore.

The mouthfeel of this Triple NEIPA boasts a medium to full body with a luxuriously creamy, velvety texture. The moderate carbonation provides a lively yet smooth drinking experience, much like a seamless delivery run by the Planet Express crew. Despite the high ABV, the alcohol is well-masked, making the beer dangerously easy to drink, even for a robot with Bender’s legendary tolerance.

The finish is long and satisfying, with lingering notes of tropical fruit and a mild, resinous bitterness. There’s a subtle warmth from the alcohol, reminding you of the beer’s strength, but it remains well-integrated and pleasant. This is a beer that, like the best episodes of “Futurama,” leaves you wanting more.

“I’m 40% Galaxy” by Local Craft Beer is a stellar example of a Triple New England IPA, showcasing the beloved Galaxy hop in all its tropical glory. The balance of flavors, the creamy mouthfeel, and the masterful hiding of the high ABV make this beer a must-try for hop enthusiasts. Its complexity and depth ensure that each sip offers something new, making it a perfect subject for a detailed review. Just as “Futurama” continues to captivate with its blend of humor and heart, this beer captivates with its blend of flavors and aromas. Cheers to a beer that would make the Planet Express crew proud!

My Untappd rating: ****
Global Untappd Rating: 4.02 (as of 7.29.24)

Futurama Season 12

Futurama Season 12 picks up after the 10 episode “Season 11” aired last year (2023) on Hulu. In 2025 there will be another additional 10 episodes, and then another 10 in 2026. So, I suppose you could say – Futurama is DEFINITELY Back Baby!

Season 11 of Futurama on Hulu (and I am using Hulu’s season and episode numbering here) was…. ok. I reviewed some of the episodes (you can find the links below). I am hoping for a rebound season with Season 12, and this was a decent kick off to it.

For a list of the Futurama episodes you can view the Wikipedia article here: List of All Futurama Episodes.

A fun review of “The One Amigo” (S12: E1) by Johnny 2 Cellos:

For some fun Instagram posts (PG-13+ rated) check these out: Alana Acker. Alana Acker.

I might post some more video reviews the episodes from this season, if I do, they will most likely come out on Wednesdays or Thursdays. We’ll see. Would everyone want to see them?

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