Book Review: Star Wars: Pirate’s Price (Flight of the Falcon, #2) by Lou Anders

Book Review: Star Wars: Pirate’s Price (Flight of the Falcon, #2) by Lou Anders

Star Wars: Pirate’s Price (Flight of the Falcon, #2) by Lou Anders

Book Review: Star Wars: Pirate’s Price (Flight of the Falcon, #2) by Lou Anders

The other day we reviewed the first book of the series – Star Wars: Lando’s Luck (Flight of the Falcon, #1) by Justina Ireland.

Star Wars: Pirate’s Price is the second installment in the Flight of the Falcon series and is written by Lou Anders. It’s a rollicking, swashbuckling adventure set in the galaxy far, far away, with a particular focus on one of the most notorious scoundrels in Star Wars lore: Hondo Ohnaka, the space pirate with charm, wit, and no shortage of tall tales.

GoodReads Back Blurb

All-new adventures starring Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Hondo Ohnaka aboard the Millennium Falcon!

Hello, my friends! It is I, Hondo Ohnaka, greatest pirate in the galaxy, hero of the Rebellion, and if you believe that Obi-Wan Kenobii guy, a villain, too. But what did he know?

I am here to tell you stories of that most amazing ship, the Millennium Falcon, including my very first time on board and a few occasions when I actually flew the Falcon myself! And I did a great job of it, too. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

Oh, there might be a familiar Wookie in the stories. And that Han Solo guy. He had a way of popping up. And some other people you may know. And some you may not.

So hang on tight, because this adventure is traveling at lightspeed and it’s going to be a wild ride!

Star Wars: Pirate’s Price (Flight of the Falcon, #2) by Lou Anders – GoodReads

Book Review

Plot Summary: The novel revolves around Hondo’s adventures with the iconic Millennium Falcon. Hondo recounts his wild escapades to Bazine Netal, a spy who is seeking to learn more about the Falcon’s whereabouts. Through a series of flashbacks, readers are taken on a ride through time, revisiting different points in the galaxy’s history where Hondo, in true pirate fashion, becomes embroiled in various schemes that involve the famous ship.

Character Focus: Hondo Ohnaka is undoubtedly the star of the show. His humor, opportunism, and rogue-like charm shine throughout the book. Anders nails Hondo’s voice, capturing his eccentricities perfectly—whether he’s boasting about outwitting Imperial forces or narrowly escaping danger through clever trickery. Fans of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels will be delighted by how the character leaps off the page, maintaining the essence that made him a fan favorite.

Although Hondo takes center stage, Pirate’s Price also gives us glimpses of Han Solo, Chewbacca, and the Falcon herself, which is portrayed as a kind of mystical, legendary ship that has lived through countless escapades. There’s even a brief cameo by Rey, linking the story to the sequel trilogy’s timeline, which adds a layer of continuity.

Writing and Pacing: Lou Anders crafts a fun and fast-paced narrative. The story moves quickly from one escapade to the next, almost like a series of mini-adventures tied together by Hondo’s storytelling. The pacing is energetic, which makes the novel hard to put down—perfect for younger readers or anyone looking for a lighthearted romp through the galaxy. Anders’ writing is accessible and full of humor, especially in Hondo’s voice, which is both comical and engaging.

The dialogue is a highlight, with Hondo’s quips and self-serving bravado creating a lot of laugh-out-loud moments. The story structure—being told through Hondo’s unreliable narration—adds a layer of charm, as you’re never quite sure if Hondo is telling the whole truth or embellishing his exploits for dramatic effect.

Appeal for Star Wars Fans: For fans of Star Wars lore, Pirate’s Price serves as a fun side story that enriches the universe’s vast narrative. It doesn’t delve into deep, galaxy-altering events, but it does offer a more intimate look at the everyday chaos of the galaxy, focusing on the smaller, personal adventures of its characters. If you’re familiar with Hondo from the animated series, this book will feel like an extension of his character, and fans of the Millennium Falcon will enjoy seeing the ship woven into another set of stories.

Conclusion: Star Wars: Pirate’s Price is an enjoyable, lighthearted adventure that’s perfect for younger readers and die-hard fans of Hondo Ohnaka. It’s a story packed with humor, charm, and classic Star Wars adventure, though it doesn’t take itself too seriously. If you’re looking for a fun read that celebrates one of the franchise’s most entertaining characters, this book will certainly deliver.

My GoodReads Rating: ***
Global GoodReads Rating: 4.02 (as of 7.16.24)
My LibraryThing Rating: ***.5

Hondo’s larger-than-life personality and the fast-paced storytelling make Pirate’s Price a delightful addition to the Flight of the Falcon series.

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