Beer Review: Fing-longer (Turning Point Beer)

Futurama Monday
Ahh…. what if every Monday was Futurama Monday? …A man can dream…. a Man can Dream.
But, since I am already in my pajamas, and its 8:30 AM, lets just dive into it all shall we? No need to wait around. I’m 40% beer anyway.
And don’t worry about the video reviews of the episodes – they are coming. Started my new job, and with that means my schedule has changed / shifted a bit, so I’m going to be doing last week’s video essay review on Wednesday, and this week’s episode review on Thursday. So be sure to check out our YouTube channel page to stay updated and informed of those.
Futurama Monday Articles
Thus far, these are the Futurama Monday articles:
- Book Review: Futurama and Philosophy (edited by Courtland Lewis)
- Futurama Episode Review – The Impossible Stream and Mead Review: Omicron Persei 8 (SpaceTime Meadery)
- Mead Review: Omicron Persei 8 (Space Time Mead and Cider Works)
- Futurama Episode Review – Children of a Lesser Bog and Beer Review: Stay on Target (Allusion Brewing Company)
- Beer Review: I Apologize For Nothing (Fourscore Beer Co.)
- Futurama Episode Video Review – How the West Was 1010001
- Futurama Episode Video Review – Parasites Regained
- Beer Review: Fing-Longer (Turning Point Beer)
Beer Review: Fing-Longer by Turning Point Beer

Beer: Fing-Longer
Brewery: Turning Point Beer
Style: Brown Ale – Other
ABV: 5.9%
IBU: N / A
Untappd Description: Brown Ale brewed with tons of Butterfinger candies.
Firstly, I’d love to say I enjoy the subtle can art. The Professor’s lab coat on his fing-longer invention is great. Its subtle, not much to the can, and doesn’t lean too hard into the “stealing the IP” category that some beers and beer can art do.
I do love brown ales, and I love Futurama, so this beer was one hundred and thirteen percent up my alley and had me getting it off Tavour right away. And I don’t regret that decision one bit. This was a fantastic beer.
Pours wonderfully and looks beautifully in the glass. It has a nice brown hue, with a good carbonated soft pillowy head. It left wonderful lacing on the glass. It looks exactly like what a brown ale should look like – simply put – it looks brown, it has good carbonation, good head retention, no sediment, not hazy but not completely translucent due to the coloring, a simple beautiful looking beer.
Aroma is whoooo boy, this is a fun one to sniff. Big notes of deep malt, you get the peanut butter, you get caramel malt, you get some chocolate notes, but the malt is very present in the aroma, and so is the peanut butter. I love it. This just smells incredible, I can’t wait to dive into it.
Oh this is bliss on first sip. I love it. Strong strong strong peanut butter, strong “chocolate bar” notes, strong deep malt taste. It’s almost like drinking a Butterfinger directly from a can (could this be a nod to Bart Simpson always shilling Butterfinger – Bart being another creation of Matt Groening?), and this is wonderful for it. This is a brown ale with a lot of dressing up, its got all the strong qualities you look for in a brown ale, malt, mouth feel, full, etc, with the added bonus of the tastes of chocolate, peanut butter, and even more malt with caramel malt. Its really just a great all around beer. Wish I had gotten a four pack of this rather than a single off of Tavour, but this is just an incredible beer all around. Firstly, I already love brown ales, then to tell me theres basically a Butterfinger melted into the beer, and then add on to it that its a Futurama themed beer, and you have me sold a thousand times over. Such a solid beer all around, if you are able to find this or get ahold of it – please do so, you won’t regret it.
My Untappd Rating: ****
Global Untappd Rating: 3.85 (as of 8.14.23)
Parasites Regained
I do love that Hulu puts the episodes on at midnight EST. So I got to catch the episode last night, and again this morning before finishing up the review here. Quick thoughts on the episode…. I didn’t hate it / didn’t love it. (Seems to be the theme of the Hulu run so far for me.) I think there was a fair bit of missed opportunities in this episode, and that also seems to be a running theme with the show during this “Hulu era”. Jokes are crammed in at times when they don’t need to be, or just don’t 100% stick the landing. I was a little disappointed that instead of a deeper episode like the original Parasites Lost, we got pretty much an extended Dune parody episode. Not to say there wasn’t funny gags and lines in it, or that it wasn’t a great story, but I kind of just was hoping for more out of this than what we got.
Some of Bender’s lines also felt somewhat crammed in, and I wonder why, if the writing was keeping Bender in limbo in case of DiMaggio not coming back or what. There’s also just a few bits here where I think they could have used him more, but they didn’t.
I do enjoy that once this Hulu season is over, it does look like there will be a consistent feel to each era. You will know a Fox era episode versus a movie era episode, versus a Comedy Central era episode, versus a Hulu era episode just from the “feel” of the episode – the look, the style, the jokes, etc.
All of Our Nerd Content
Here’s all of our nerd content, served up best in one single place. Enjoy!
I know ya’ll here for the nerd reviews. So check out our other nerd reviews below:
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