Book Review: Star Wars: Lando’s Luck (Flight of the Falcon, #1) by Justina Ireland

Book Review: Star Wars: Lando’s Luck (Flight of the Falcon, #1) by Justina Ireland

Book Review: Star Wars: Lando’s Luck (Flight of the Falcon, #1) by Justina Ireland

Star Wars: Lando’s Luck (Flight of the Falcon, #1) by Justina Ireland

Star Wars: Lando’s Luck (Flight of the Falcon, #1) by Justina Ireland is the first of two installments on the Flight of the Falcon series. (Look for the book review for the second installment in a bit.)

Star Wars: Lando’s Luck, the first book in the Flight of the Falcon series, brings us on an exciting adventure with none other than the galaxy’s most charming gambler, Lando Calrissian. Written by Justina Ireland, this middle-grade novel is a fast-paced, action-packed story that explores Lando’s life as a rogue pilot, highlighting his wit, cleverness, and occasional brushes with morality.

As the inaugural book in the Flight of the Falcon series, it sets the tone for what readers can expect: engaging characters, high-stakes missions, and the legendary Millennium Falcon at the center of it all.

GoodReads Back Blurb

An all-new adventure starring Lando Calrissian and L3-37 onboard the Millennium Falcon. When Lando Calrissian gets caught smuggling on the planet Hynestia, the queen agrees to let him go if he delivers something called the Solstice Globe to the Empire on her behalf. Lando is relieved that his punishment is a simple delivery mission — but things are not as simple as they seem. The queen’s daughter, Princess Rinetta, has stowed away on the Millennium Falcon and demands that Lando and L3-37 take the globe back to its home planet, which needs the globe to survive. Now Lando has to choose: do what’s right or do what’s best for Lando? If he’s lucky enough, he just might be able to do both…

Star Wars: Lando’s Luck (Flight of the Falcon, #1) by Justina Ireland – GoodReads

Plot Overview:

The story kicks off when Lando, piloting the Millennium Falcon long before Han Solo won it from him, gets roped into a royal mission on the planet Hynestia. His job? Transport a priceless, sacred artifact known as the Solstice Globe to the Empire. However, Lando being Lando, nothing goes quite according to plan. Enter Princess Rinetta, the young, determined heir to Hynestia’s throne, who becomes Lando’s unexpected ally as they work to avoid the Empire and save her people from oppression.

Throughout the book, readers are treated to a series of twists, betrayals, and daring escapes as Lando and Princess Rinetta face peril and moral dilemmas, all while piloting the iconic Millennium Falcon across the stars.

Lando Calrissian: Scoundrel with a Heart

What makes Lando’s Luck shine is the characterization of Lando himself. Justina Ireland captures his charisma and smooth-talking ways perfectly, balancing his opportunistic nature with a deeper sense of loyalty and justice that only emerges when he’s pushed into a corner. He may be motivated by self-interest, but as the story unfolds, it becomes clear that even Lando can’t resist doing the right thing when it really matters.

The banter between Lando and L3-37, his co-pilot droid, adds humor and depth to the story. L3’s sharp wit and rebellious spirit are great counterpoints to Lando’s smooth charm, making their dynamic one of the book’s highlights. If you enjoyed their relationship in Solo: A Star Wars Story, you’ll love how it’s further developed in this book.

Princess Rinetta also plays a pivotal role. Her growth throughout the novel is subtle but important, as she learns to navigate the complexities of leadership, diplomacy, and sacrifice. Together, she and Lando form an unlikely but effective team, and their dynamic is one of the book’s core strengths.

Accessible and Action-Packed

As a middle-grade novel, Lando’s Luck is written in an accessible style that will appeal to younger readers and casual Star Wars fans. The plot moves quickly, with plenty of action sequences, from blaster shootouts to high-speed chases in the Falcon. Justina Ireland keeps the story tight and focused, making sure there’s never a dull moment. The stakes are high, but the tone remains lighthearted and adventurous, perfect for readers looking for a fun, fast read.

At the same time, seasoned Star Wars fans will appreciate the way Ireland weaves in familiar elements of the galaxy without bogging down the story in heavy lore. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or a newcomer to the saga, you’ll find plenty to enjoy, especially when it comes to Lando’s swashbuckling style of problem-solving.

Themes of Choice and Consequence

Though it’s a fun and light adventure, Lando’s Luck subtly explores deeper themes of choice, responsibility, and morality. Lando’s constant tug-of-war between doing what’s easy and doing what’s right serves as a relatable moral compass for younger readers. The narrative doesn’t preach, but it does present tough decisions that the characters must face, making it a story not just about adventure, but also about growth and integrity.

Princess Rinetta’s struggle to save her people and find her own voice as a leader parallels Lando’s journey of self-reflection, showing that even the galaxy’s most charismatic scoundrel is capable of change. This exploration of moral choices elevates the book from simple adventure fare into something with a bit more weight, especially for young readers learning about ethics and personal responsibility.

Verdict: A Fun and Engaging Star Wars Adventure

Star Wars: Lando’s Luck is a fun, fast-paced adventure that perfectly captures the spirit of its titular hero. Justina Ireland does a fantastic job of bringing Lando Calrissian to life, complete with all his wit, charm, and mischief. Whether you’re a young reader or a long-time Star Wars fan, this book offers an enjoyable look into the galaxy’s seedier side, with plenty of heart and humor to balance the action.

If you’re looking for a quick, enjoyable read filled with adventure, moral dilemmas, and a dash of roguish charm, Lando’s Luck is worth adding to your reading list.

My GoodReads Rating: ***
Global GoodReads Rating: 3.47 (as of 7.10.24)
My LibraryThing Rating: ***.5

Lando’s daring escapades, paired with Justina Ireland’s snappy storytelling, make this an absolute must-read for fans of the galaxy’s smoothest gambler.

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