Fall Beers

Javahead Stout by Troegs Independent Brewing on Halloween night
All the flavors of fall – Let’s do this!
Those cold nights and warm days are here. Leaves are changing colors, and I couldn’t be happier. It’s time to dig into the flavors of the fall and taste all the deliciousness. I love making big pots of stews in the fall. A fan favorite is Chili! You normally can find some chili cook off events. Here is the beer that would pair well the best. And we are first going to talk about some spicy chili. The kind that burns a bit. It is going to pair well with stouts, porters, and amber ales. It’s the perfect time of year for this.

Its Stout Season Now
I’m a sucker for an amber ale but I just had the most amazing stout. There have been 2 times recently we have gotten to taste the Mari by Ever Grain Brewing Company. It comes in at a whopping 14.6% ABV according to Untapped. It has a 4.26 overall rating and it is described as “a rich and decadent stout aged in a variety of bourbon barrels for over 16 months. We then conditioned it with behemoth amounts of coconut, cocoa nibs, vanilla and for a little added joy, toasted almonds.” The balance of flavors would be crazy but they would complement each other beautifully.
(Check out Amy’s article about Winter Beers.)

Our flight of beers at Bald Birds Brewing

Pulled Pork and Beer at Bald Birds Brewing
Then if you prefer your chili on the milder side, you want to go with a more mild beer; something like a cream ale, amber lager, or honey beer. We most recently had the “Kenya Dig it” from Bald Birds Brewing. (Kenya Dig it was a coffee cream ale we got a full pint of, along with Ben’s flight. On Ben’s flight we had two delicious stouts – Birds Reserve and Grand Bald Eagle.) It paired so nicely with the delicious pulled pork over fries when we visited last month.
But this will similarly go with another meaty dish. If the focus is on the beef instead of the spice this will be a dream combo! Kenya Dig It is a coffee cream ale, always an interesting combination. The Untappd description for it is: “Our second collaboration with Valerio Coffee Roasters, we chose a smooth, refreshing Cream Ale as a launchpad for their light-roast Kenya AA coffee. Expect the familiar crushable Cream Ale crispness, with a mellow aroma and extra kick from the coffee.” The coffee cream ale has a 3.78 Untappd rating and is 5% ABV.
There is also the Dig It cream ale by Bald Birds Brewing as well.
Dig it is described as Light, mellow, and smooth, our cream ale is superbly refreshing. Brewed with American 2 row Barley, American ale yeast, and hops from the Pacific Northwest, Dig it! Is the perfect anytime beverage. According to Untapped it is a 4.5% ABV and has a low overall rating of 3.13.
These fall days remind me of my grandma’s homemade chicken corn soup. I mean the kind with the homemade rivals. I’ve tried to duplicate it, she did it perfectly. Also, lots of places, especially churches, have the good homemade chicken corn soup. Make sure to take some home to pair it with an Amber ale or an IPA.
So like I said, I am a sucker for an amber ale. I can’t resist the 409 by Moo Duck Brewery. This brew is a nice smooth amber that compliments the flavors of a chicken corn soup perfectly. It might feel a bit heavy if you are enjoying a chicken corn soup with those homemade rivals. It’s the homemade rivals I can’t duplicate from my grandma’s recipe. The 409 is described on Untapped as “A tribute to the famous PSU football coach and his 409 victories. Featuring victory malt, the bready malt character is blended nicely with just the right amount of hops.” 409 is at a manageable 5.5% ABV.
Now onto my favorite; pumpkin roll. I’ve loved pumpkin roll since a friend’s mom used to bake pumpkin logs every Thanksgiving and Christmas. I really miss those pumpkin rolls. I missed them so much I found an older woman to bakes them out of her home. She also wins me over with chocolate PB rolls, red velvet rolls and fruited ones too. But I love sticking to a classic pumpkin roll. We picked up a Fiddlehead Imperial IPA when we were traveling through Ithaca NY at a gas station. This reminded us of the tall boys we see back home from Troegs and Voodoo Ranger.
The sweetness of the pumpkin roll will balance well with the hoppiness of the Fiddlehead. It is a sneaky 9% ABV but wonderful to relax with any sweet desert at the end of your day.
There are so many more fall flavors to talk about, but I’ll end here, what are you favorites?

The first Mad Elf of the season with Grandma SueAnn
- Drink More Beer
- Amy
Amy’s Column Series
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- I’ve Missed Drinking (A Look at Non Alcoholic Beers)
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- Happy Birthday to Ben
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- Oh Ever Grain: 7 Years, 7 Beers
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- Winter Beers
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- Happy Birthday to Amy
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- It’s Pumpkin Time! (Grandma SueAnn and Amy Review Zombies and Double Zombies are People Too and Braaaiins!)
- Sweet ‘n’ Savory
- Fall Beers
- You can find all of Amy’s articles here: Amy’s Archive of Articles.
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