At the Fuzzy Few Festival: A YAH Brew and a Schmidt’s Sausage

At the Fuzzy Few Festival: A YAH Brew and a Schmidt’s Sausage

A YAH Brew and a Schmidt’s Sausage (with Kraut)

A YAH Brew and a Schmidt’s Sausage (with Kraut) at the Fuzzy Few Festival

This delight was enjoyed Saturday August 17th, the last day of the Fuzzy Few Festival in Hummelstown, PA.  This event has morphed since it’s inception over 55 years ago.  It felt like much more of a community supporting community.  (See our Instagram post from the Fuzzy Few Festival.)

I also spent every single night with an Alzheimer’s Association table setup.  I shared information and resources for those who shared concern or were going through a situation involving dementia or Alzheimer’s impacting their lives.  We also invited folks to join us at the Walk to End Alzheimer’s event on Saturday November 2, 2024 at City Island. (Walk to End Alzheimer’s – Harrisburg Area Walk.)

The Fuzzy Few Festival ran from August 12th until August 17.  Most evenings the crowd walking around to play games and connect with local organizations died down by 9pm.  Most everyone had pulled up a lawn chair and was enjoying the free nightly concert.  A free event for the community is a gem to find. (See our article on the Fuzzy Few Festival 2024.)

With a wonderful donation from Troeg’s beer (last year, in 2023 – the Fuzzy Few Festival had the beer garden located inside the basketball court’s caged in area) it was nice to see a “beer garden” not far from where concert goers were enjoying their evening.  I mean if a community event is fundraising and providing free entertainment, why isn’t it busier here?

There still seems to be a stir amongst some former supporters of the carnival.  The move from out of state rides and game providers to come into our town seems to be the main complaint.  Although the need for volunteers is always so imperative and more dire.

(Volunteer for the Fuzzy Few Organization.)

YAH Brew continues to be a community supporter. With events like the “Benefit for CJ” and several collaboration beers to benefit local nonprofits. It would be great to see many more communities supporting communities. I can guarantee I’ll be continuing to support YAH Brew and Schmidt’s Sausage; and definitely the Fuzzy Few Organization. (Shout out to Justin for dropping the beer off to me on Saturday night. Megan and Dr. Barisch were hanging out at the Alzheimer’s tent with me, discussing the Bicycle Criterium in Hummelstown, and I sent them over to Justin to talk about Hummelstown and to enjoy YAH Beers.)

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    • Amy

Fuzzy Few Festival

(Editor Ben piping up here)

The Fuzzy Few Festival was another fun year. Amy and her mom worked dueling stands / tents at the event. Amy had an informational booth for the Alzheimer’s Association, while Grandma SueAnn had a stand selling magnets with the donations and money raised going to the Walk to End ALZ events.

I helped set up with Amy on Sunday morning before work (Sunday the 11th). Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday I was able to attend the event, mostly to help keep an eye on Scarlet (who loved running around, and especially loved playing in the Duck game’s water).

Two of my older daughters got to come and hang out with us on Thursday and absolutely cleaned house at the dime pitch. (We landed the Appalachian Brewing growler, but with no cap, and no real interest in growlers anymore, we let another lay claim to it).

All in all it was an absolutely fantastic event. My parents had a good time when they visited (my dad enjoyed getting to see the final performance of Pentagon), Grandma SueAnn said she sold a good number of magnets, and Amy got to help provide people with critical information about the Alzheimer’s Association.

Amy’s Column Series

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By |September 6, 2024|
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