Pumpkin Beer Review with Grandma SueAnn – Abomination Brewing: Forbidden Pumpkin, Greater Good Brewing: Giant Pumpkin, and Pizza Boy Brewing: Sunny Side Up Double Coffee Pumpkin

Pumpkin Beer Review with Grandma SueAnn – Abomination Brewing: Forbidden Pumpkin, Greater Good Brewing: Giant Pumpkin, and Pizza Boy Brewing: Sunny Side Up Double Coffee Pumpkin

To Pumpkin… or Not to Pumpkin… That is the Question

My offering of an afternoon of pumpkin beer was met with a quick yes when I texted Grandma SueAnn last night.  I mean, we knew I wasn’t twisting her arm. 

(We had a busy morning – went to Bill’s for breakfast, then we ran out to Memorial Lake and Levitz Park to look around, and found ourselves stopping at Bradford Village Beer and Soda – originally looking for Ever Grain Brewing Company’s Sorbetto #66, but not finding it – Ben made this mix – a – six of pumpkin beers for Amy and SueAnn.)

Sunny Side Up Double Coffee Pumpkin by Pizza Boy

Sunny Side Up Double Coffee Pumpkin by Pizza Boy

After going on a beer run we started the afternoon off with Pizza Boy’s Sunny Side UP Pumpkin double coffee stout.  The Pumpkin SSU comes in at 11.9% ABV and it is described on Untapped as an Imperial double stout.  It has an overall untapped rating of 3.97.  Ah Yes, the double coffee stout we know and love.  The coffee might be overpowering the pumpkin.  Even rocking at a 11.9 this stout didn’t taste boozy.  It kept us warm on a chilly and windy Sunday in October.  This one didn’t take long for Grandma SueAnn and I to share out of the vintage smurf glass.  This also reminds me, we need another pizza boy trip. 

Amy wants another Pizza Boy trip


I had to run out for a quick errand.  Grandma SueAnn couldn’t wait and was already knuckle deep in the Giant Pumpkin from Greater Good. She finally got her granddaughter to take a nap and was celebrating apparently.  This would explain the not quite full beer pic.

Giant Pumpkin by Greater Good Brewing

Giant Pumpkin by Greater Good Brewing Company

The Giant Pumpkin is described as a pumpkin/yam beer and comes in at a 8% ABV.  It is described on Untapped as “Sweet notes of creamy pumpkin pie, supplemented by hints of sugar and spice, across a clean and crisp 8% ale.’  The hints of sugar and spice definitely contained some cinnamon, that was the leading flavor we both had.   It has an overall Untapped rating of 3.84.

Forbidden Pumpkin by Abomination Brewing

Forbidden Pumpkin by Abomination Brewing Company

The third beer for the afternoon was the Forbidden pumpkin by Abomination Brewing Company, an imperial Milkshake style india pale ale.  This Imperial comes in with a 9.3% ABV and has an overall 4.06 rating on Untapped.  “Forbidden pumpkins is an Imperial Pumpkin milkshake IPA that clocks in at 9.3% brewed with malted oats and flaked wheat, double dry hopped with Citra and Mosaic then fermented atop a monstrous amount of pumpkins, vanilla beans, pumpkin spice and milk sugar.  This hazy IPA pairs perfectly with hoodies, fall hikes and nights out by the fire pit with friends!” 

This was the Grandma SueAnn Favorite of the day.  We both agreed this brew was light and creamy.  The fall flavors were not overpowering and this was sweet but just enough to entice you for another sip. 

And That Was the Day

Splitting 3 beers and the afternoon was gone.  Grandma SueAnn reminded me since we split them, it’s only 1.5 and that isn’t much.  Although I couldn’t get Grandma SueAnn to promise if she’d wait to crack open the last 3 when I was back.  I gave it a couple minutes thought contemplating if the beers were safe in her fridge.  I figure we have about a 50/50 shot.

This was a wonderful fall afternoon spent drinking beers with my mom, while Scarlet terrorized her living room and we watched some football!

  • Drink More Beer!
  • Amy

SueAnn Beer Reviews

Pumpkin Beer Reviews

Abomination Brewing, Pizza Boy Brewing, and Greater Good Brewing Articles

Amy’s Column Series

Since getting back to writing for the blog after a short hiatus, Amy has started up a weekly column style writing for the blog. You can find these articles here:

(And please take a moment to fill out Amy’s survey on her ‘Holiday Weekend and Bomber Bottles‘ column.)

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