World MS Day

May 30th is World MS Day

World MS Day

World MS Day – May 30th 2023

World MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Day is tomorrow May 30th (it is recognized every year on the May 30th).  A day to celebrate global solidarity and hope for the future; according to World MS Day Org.

Tomorrow The Beer Thrillers will recognize and support World MS Day (Event) in Frederick Maryland at Idiom Brewery Idiom Brewing Company is awesome enough to support the cause by donating a portion of the proceeds to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.  Every year we are working BUT this year we are both were able to take some time to escape and support such a worthy cause.

Beer at Idiom Brewing Company

We will definitely be trying to the special brew for the day in honor of World MS Day. An Orange Creamsicle Smoothie Sour. Orange is the Multiple Sclerosis awareness color and it’s just so fitting.   Last time The Beer Thrillers visited Idiom Brewing it was after an awesome hike at Annapolis Rocks and we visited 3 other breweries all along Carroll Creek.

Carroll Creek as viewed from Idiom Brewing

One of the best parts of the brewery community is the unwavering willingness to support such worthy causes and also, we’ve witnessed the brewery community’s support of other breweries too!  When we start to think about which breweries we want to go check out on any given day with free time, a brewery with this amount of thoughtfulness for a worth charity will always pop up first on our list.

Research, treatment and disease modifying therapies (DMTs) for Multiple Sclerosis have come a long way in the past 10 years.  What is MS?  According to the National Multiple Sclerosis website: Multiple sclerosis is an immune-mediated disease. This means that an abnormal response of the body’s immune system causes the disease. In this case, the immune system attacks the central nervous system (CNS) by mistake. The CNS is made up of the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves.

A normal nerve vs. a nerve inflicted with Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis is a relentless disease that when a patient is finally diagnosed it impacts entire families.  There is currently no cure or way to repair the damage MS has already done by the time a DMT is given to the patient.  The multiple sclerosis community will always have support from The Beer Thrillers.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us to connect on any future non – profit fundraising events at breweries.

Multiple Sclerosis / MS Articles

We have previously covered the Brewfest for MS, which you can read more about here:

Articles About Idiom Brewing Company

For More Info About Idiom Brewing Company

The following information comes from Untappd. Idiom Brewing Company is a micro brewery from Frederick, MD. They have 339 unique beers and over 75,800 ratings with a global average rating of 3.9 (as of 5.29.23). Their Untappd description reads: “Idiom Brewing Co. has a simple goal in mind – To bring people from all walks of life together, to enjoy themselves and each other. Whether you’re a hop head looking for explosively juicy IPAs; are one of the adventurous few looking to try boozy, sour or complex flavors; or you’re just looking to enjoy classic styles and seasonal favorites, we’ll have a little something here for you!”

You can follow them on their social media pages:

Thanks From Amy

Thank you all for reading. This was a fun busy three day weekend involving Zoo America, two Memorial Day picnics (one at our house), and much more. Scarlet is beat, and so am I. But we got a fun busy day tomorrow! Can’t wait!

Drink More Beer!


Amy’s Column Series

This is a two – fer article weekend for Amy’s column. This article about World MS Day, as well as the Beer Devil IPA beer review.

Since getting back to writing for the blog after a short hiatus, Amy has started up a weekly column style writing for the blog. You can find these articles here:

Thank You For Reading

Ben jumping on real quick. Been a busy few days. Friday, Drew and I went to YAH Brew, and then did some filming back at Knights of Nostalgia studios, Saturday we took Scarlet to Zoo America at Hershey, Sunday (yesterday) we had a Lunch and Dinner picnic at my sister’s (we were also supposed to go to Cox Brewing Company for a homebrewing meet up, but timing didn’t allow it), and today, we had a parade in Hummelstown (which Scarlet slept through, including the firetrucks, Civil War re-enactment gun blasts, Lower Dauphin band, and more), and then had a picnic at our house (was also supposed to go to Drew’s for a Knights of Nostalgia filming with Josh from MasterMind X Studios, and streaming session, but once again, timing didn’t quite work out). So its certainly been a busy weekend!

Thanks for reading everyone!

Cheers All!

-B. Kline

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