Oh Ever Grain: 7 Years, 7 Beers

Oh Ever Grain: 7 Years, 7 Beers

Oh Ever Grain!

Oh Ever Grain! 7 Years, 7 Beers indeed! When Ever Grain Brewing posted about the 7 YEARS, 7 BEERS!! On Sept 22 I immediately shared the post with my boyfriend.  He’d understand this beer message share was serious beyond the 500 others I already sent him that day. (LOL)

(The Evergrain Brewing post on Facebook – September 22nd)

We previously picked up the Veneration of the Dead in a Crowler from West Connection. (See our Instagram post here: West Connection Vault Haul). Before I could pop that bad boy open I tasted it when I visited Ever Grain Brewery to catch up with some friends. (See our Facebook reel here: Sunday Funday at Ever Grain Brewery.)

(Ben insertion: Ben also got to crack open a Veneration of the Dead crowler for his Ahsoka review video with his friends Drew and Tim over at Drew’s YouTube channel – Knights of Nostalgia. He drank it for their Episode 8 Review: The Jedi, The Witch, and the Warlord.)

Veneration of the dead comes rocking in with a 14.2% ABV.  It has an average rating of 4.37 on Untapped. It is a Stout – Imperial/Double Pasty and described as “For our 7th Anniversary, a rich and luxurious Imperial Stout aged extensively in apple brandy and bourbon barrels and then conditioned on toasted hazelnuts, cocoa nibs, whole vanilla beans and a touch of maple syrup. “

Looney Toons Chef Kiss

I remember feeling the urge to do the chef’s kiss after I read the description of Veneration of the dead.  I mean who could blame me?  We are just entering stout season and a 14.2% stout will keep me warm on these chilly fall nights.  Let’s also keep in mind this isn’t just a strong stout.  This stout was also aged in apple brandy AND bourbon barrels.  Both!

Those flavors come barreling at you as you sip on this tasty stout.  The smell of a strong stout hits your nose.  You are preparing for the rich flavors of hazelnuts and cocoa nibs to start with.  But before you can process that the apple brandy and bourbon barrel flavors roll over you and remind you this is a boozy little b*tch. At this this point when it comes to letting the dog outside the chilly evening air isn’t bothering you at all.  I’m ready to finish this glass out while finishing out watching the Giants and the Bills. Cheers!

  • Drink More Beer
  • Amy

Ever Grain Brewing and Hershey Bears

Just recently Ever Grain Brewing and the Hershey Bears announced a team up to make a beer for all of their home games at the GIANT Center as well as at The Chocolatier and the Bear’s Den at the Hershey Lodge. The beer is called the Bear’s Claw Pale Lager. You can read more about it here: Hershey Bears and Ever Grain Brewing Team Up to Create Bear Claw Pale Lager.

You can also see Ever Grain’s reel here: Ever Grain and Hershey Team Up.

Amy’s Column Series

Since getting back to writing for the blog after a short hiatus, Amy has started up a weekly column style writing for the blog. You can find these articles here:

(And please take a moment to fill out Amy’s survey on her ‘Holiday Weekend and Bomber Bottles‘ column.)

Our Ever Grain Articles

For More Information on Ever Grain Brewing Company

The following comes from Untappd. Ever Grain Brewing Company is a micro brewery from Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. They have 276 unique beers and over 374,000 ratings, with a global average Untappd rating of 4.00 (as of 10.15.23). Their Untappd description reads: Ever Grain Brewing Co. prides themselves in using only the freshest, highest-quality ingredients, with a local twist. Our goal is to provide your taste buds with a new experience every time you visit our brewery. We look forward to sharing some stories with you over one of our hand crafted beers. Cheers!

You can follow them on the following social media pages:

Original Announcement

The following is their original announcement on Facebook – September 22nd:

7 YEARS, 7 BEERS!!! Here we gooooo….

Sorbetto #65 🫐🎂🥳

6% ABV

Our 7 year Anniversary celebratory Sorbetto batch featuring creamy milk sugar covered blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries with birthday cake!

Pulp Zombie in ”Primordial Booze” 🦖☄️

8.4% ABV

The Pulp Zombie saga returns for our 7th turn around the sun! We traveled back in time for this version and added prehistoric amounts of Citra hops to a pillowy malt body make for a pulpy orange liquid reminiscent of the infamous Primordial Booze….

Suburban Transit 🚊

5.8% ABV

For this bright little number we brewed a pale with ties to our favorite things about west coast and east coast hoppy beers. A hybrid if you will. Bursting with rays of pineapple sunshine and grapefruit zest and followed with a gentle, tropical finish. This is one you can enjoy all day long!

Veneration of the Dead 💀

14.2% ABV

A rich and luxurious Imperial Stout aged extensively in apple brandy barrels and then conditioned on toasted hazelnuts, cocoa nibs, whole vanilla beans and a touch of maple syrup.

Astro Cat 🐈‍⬛🚀

7% ABV

Brewed with some of our absolute favorite hop varieties for notes of ripe honeysuckle, mango sorbet, and stone fruit orchards. Making an insanely expressive drinking experience in this hazy IPA and brings new meaning to “Sip on the Unimaginable!”

Enchanting Rhino ✨🦏

10.5% ABV

A soft and voluptuous Triple IPA brewed with a blend of New Zealand and American hops. It’s enchanting aromas of ripe apricot, juicy mango, and white grape will leave you breathless!

Last but not least…

TDH Joose Juicy 🌲🍊

6% ABV

Our beloved take on a New England IPA was taken to another level! Aggressively triple dry hopped with some serious hop poundage creating a smooth hoppy ride with dank pine and citrus notes.

Be sure to come in this weekend, only a few will be available out in the wild next week! 😉

Don’t forget we also have LIVE music tonight at 7:30 with Honeypump Band! 🎸🥁🎤

Ever Grain Brewing Company – Facebook Post

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