Grandma SueAnn and More Beer: Beer Reviews of: Zaktoberfest (KCBC – Kings County Brewers Collective) and Devious Imperial Pumpkin (Fegley Brew Works)

Grandma SueAnn and More Beer: Beer Reviews of: Zaktoberfest (KCBC – Kings County Brewers Collective) and Devious Imperial Pumpkin (Fegley Brew Works)

Grandma SueAnn

I was feeling in the mood to split a beer or two, maybe three with Grandma SueAnn.  Yesterday she kicked butt. Cumulative fundraising of $800 for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s on City Island and also volunteering at the walk event.  It was definitely some time to celebrate.

Volunteers for the Walk to End ALZ on Harrisburg’s City Island (10.7.23)

Zoktoberfest by KCBC – Kings County Brewers Collective

Zoktoberfest by KC BC – Kings County Brewers Collective

We started off with the Zoktoberfest by KCBC.  I am going to be honest, it is because of my driving.  When I showed up to Grandma SueAnn’s house, the Devious Imperial Pumpkin  had escaped the bag I was totting along.  I was still scared enough that I held it over the sink when I opened it!

The Zoktoberfest comes in with a 5.4% ABV and it has an overall untapped rating of 3.75.  It is described as “Smooth, bready malt character, with Clean earthy bitterness. Finishes crisp and dry. Crushable.  Brewed with 100% German malt and hops.  Worthy of your best lederhosen and your finest stein.”

This doesn’t feel like our typical marzen.  Grandma SueAnn and I tasted more of the bready malty flavors but then very crisp and light caramel.  Untapped has a few confused check ins too. 

(A hodge – podge of Untappd reviews of Zoktoberfest by KC BC – Kings County Brewers Collective)

And that is exactly how I’d describe it “Bit thin flavored” The flavors are all there but they are subtle and do nothing to excite me.  Grandma SueAnn concluded “It was just ok.” 

Devious Imperial Pumpkin by Fegley Brew Works

Devious Imperial Pumpkin by Fegley Brew Works

After some laundry checks and dogs walked it was time for the next beer.  I think I was scared of the Devious Imperial Pumpkin by Fegley’s Brew Works. 

Devious Imperial Pumpkin (DIP) comes in at a 9% ABV and an overall untapped rating of 3.77.  It is described as “Amber-hued and expertly brewed with real pumpkin, pale, Munich and caramel malts, this ale pours a frothy dark ruby color with enchanting aromas of pumpkin pie, spiced cookies and nutmeg.  A harmonious blend of ginger, cinnamon, clove and allspice balances natural pumpkin sweetness, revealing rich undertones of toffee, squash and clove.  Finished with unique notes of spiced pumping seeds and blood orange marmalade, this full bodied ale offers a sophisticated and delightful taste of the season, crafted with unmated passion and quality.”

Ah yes, we love a good pumpkin beer.  Not sweet and not too spicy.  Grandma SueAnn describes it as a beer you don’t even have to think about.  You just drink it and enjoy it.  You know what?  She is right.  It was so easy to just enjoy this well balanced pumpkin beer on a chilly fall day. 

  • Drink More Beer!
  • Amy

Post – Script

Ben jumping on here. Just want to say that Amy did an absolutely amazing job this weekend of helping Francis organize, run, and execute the Walk to End ALZ event on City Island at FNB Field in Harrisburg, PA yesterday. She absolutely puts her everything into it and always does such an amazing job. You can tell that she really cares hard about the quality and work that she does, and that she really cares about the cause.

Grandma SueAnn is no exception to that as well. She helped raise a lot of money for “Team Grandma Squared” and in honor of her mother.

It was also Grandma SueAnne’s 69th birthday on Friday night. After I got off work, we went over to Official BBQ and Brewpub in back of Rutherford (on Lyter Lane). Absolutely fantastic BBQ, and good brews as well. Micah and Aaron Delp do an amazing job there. If you check out our Instagram page you’ll soon see pics of our dinner at Official BBQ as well as pics from the Walk to End ALZ event.

Thank you for reading.

Amy’s Column Series

Since getting back to writing for the blog after a short hiatus, Amy has started up a weekly column style writing for the blog. You can find these articles here:

(And please take a moment to fill out Amy’s survey on her ‘Holiday Weekend and Bomber Bottles‘ column.)

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