Enchilada Stuffed Peppers and Sunshine Pilsner

Enchilada Stuffed Peppers and Sunshine Pilsner

Enchilada Stuffed Peppers

It feels like it’s been a minute since my girl Kristin of The Perfect Portion had the Enchilada Stuffed Peppers on the menu.  Or maybe I just missed this dish.  With the chilly weather creeping in on Central PA the past few days I almost felt the urge to grab the tropical stout from Troegs Brewing – but I can’t remember the last time I had a Sunshine Pilsner, so I grabbed for that classic from Troegs’. 

(See Amy’s review of the Troegs Independent Brewing and Windy Bridges Brewing collaboration – Tropical Stout.)

This meal is a fabulous health conscious version of the rich Enchiladas. For more information on The Perfect Portion see my article: (We Can’t Always Be a Glutton Right? – Perfect Portions and Allusion Brewing Company)  Choosing a Sunshine Pilsner to enjoy alongside this delicious meal was the perfect choice. The lightness of the pilsner definitely gives room for a Tex – Mex dish with flavors aplenty. 

Enchilada Stuffed Peppers and Sunshine Pilsner

I shared the beer and the meal with my mom while hanging out at her house.  Please peep the smurf glass.  My mom and I both loved the pairing of the meal and the Pilsner. 

Beer Review: Sunshine Pilsner

Beer: Sunshine Pilsner
Brewery: Tröegs Independent Brewing
Style: Pilsner – German
ABV: 4.5%
IBU: 45
Untappd Description: It takes the right ingredients, people and processes to nail the complex balance of two-row barley, zesty Saaz hops and lager yeast. Secondary fermentation creates natural carbonation that delivers soft notes of fresh-cut straw and flowering herbs. In the end, this bright and refreshingly clean American craft pilsner is our go-to when the sun is shining and makes us happy when skies are gray. We taste: bright citrus, flowering herbs, honeyed biscuit
Global Untappd Rating (as of 9.17.23): 3.45
Total Ratings: 75,000~ (as of 9.17.23)


The Sunshine Pilsner is a regular year round at Troeg’s.  It comes in with a 4.5% ABV.  It is described on Untapped as “It takes the right ingredients, people and processes to nail the complex balance of two-row barley, zesty, saaz hops and lager yeast.  Secondary fermentation creates natural carbonation that delivers soft notes of fresh-cut straw and flowering herbs.  It in the end, this bright and refreshing clean American craft pilsner is our go-to when the sun is shining and makes us happy when the skies are gray.  We taste bright citrus, flowering herbs, honeyed biscuit. “  It has an overall rating of 3.45 out of 75.1k. 

Someone’s horrible review on Untappd

That is a crazy low average.  I looked at the numbers.  The lowest rating come from those checking in doing a tasting of this.  Is this light and smooth pilsner getting a fair shot if it is after a thick stout or a fruity ale?  An example of one of the check ins from a tasting is, it is described as hoppy.  Nowhere is this Pilsner described as hoppy.  Also, since you just earned your newbie badge maybe we should just move on. 

(It appears the majority of the reviews are in error or ones where people don’t understand the beer in question or what they are actually drinking, like the review I screen shotted here to the left.)

But after my delicious combination I finished off the evening with some salted caramel ice cream.  Perfect ending.

(Speaking of Troegs Independent Brewing – we had a wonderful evening there on Thursday as the kick off of their Oktoberfest. Myself, Ben, my mother, and Scarlet enjoyed a wonderful evening out in the beer garden. We got the Bronzeit platter and the Bavarian Pretzel, for beers we had the Scratch 499 Rauchbier, the Scratch 497 Schwarzbier, Scratch 496 Salt and Lime Lager, the Hop Cyclone and the Hop Knife. We had a wonderful time and had amazing food and beer. Then Saturday – yesterday – night, we got to spend the night by the poolside and enjoyed the Bourbon Barrel Aged Triple Nator. You can check out our Instagram – The Beer Thrillers on Instagram – to see all of our pictures.)

  • Drink more beer!
  • Amy

More Troegs Independent Craft Brewing Related Articles

Looking for more Troegs in your diet? Here’s some other Troegs Independent Craft Brewing related articles we’ve written:

For More Information on Troegs Independent Craft Brewing

According to Untappd, Troegs Independent Craft Brewing is a regional brewery with 148 unique beers listed (despite them nearing scratch 500). They have nearly 2.3 Million ratings and as of 9.17.23 have a global average rating of 3.79. Their Untappd bio reads:

Founded in Pennsylvania in 1997 by brothers John and Chris Trogner, Tröegs Independent Brewing is driven by a sense of adventure and curiosity. Our brewery has been built by family, friends and kindred spirits who share a love of great beer. Together, we all make Tröegs. You might know our Perpetual IPA, the best-selling IPA in Pennsylvania. Or the dark, malty and crisp Troegenator. You may have come across such iconic beers as Nugget Nectar or Mad Elf in your beer travels. Perhaps you’ve been lucky enough to try one or two of the hundreds of experimental Scratch Series beers we’ve brewed over the years. Whether you’re already a member of our extended family or you’re just getting to know our brewery, there’s always something new to discover with Tröegs.

Amy’s Column Series

Since getting back to writing for the blog after a short hiatus, Amy has started up a weekly column style writing for the blog. You can find these articles here:

(And please take a moment to fill out Amy’s survey on her ‘Holiday Weekend and Bomber Bottles‘ column.)

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