Troegs Independent Craft Brewing Adds 1,628 Solar Panels To Their Brewery

Going Solar
Troegs Independent Craft Brewing made a special post on their Facebook page today – highlighting their continued attempt to go more green. Troegs had announced earlier in the year and more recently about adding solar panels to the top of their brewery located in Hershey (right next to the Hershey Outlets, past Hershey Park on Hershey Park Drive). As it seems from their announcement today that project is complete.
15-20% of Annual Needs
If you follow this link you’ll see the Facbook post with the video (which is where the screenshot above comes from) here: Troegs Independent Craft Brewing – Solar Panels. The video is a sort 25 second clip that loops on their Facebook page. It is accompanied by a quote by Chris Trogner. Their post reads:
We now have 1,628 solar panels up and running on our roof here at Tröegs. “They’ll cover about 15-20% of our annual needs,” says founding brother Chris Trogner. “We’re making incremental changes to decrease our environmental impact. It all adds up.” #WeMakeTroegs #Hershey #Troegs #PAbeer
Troegs Independent Craft Brewing – Facebook Page
In recent years, the Troegs Brewery has gone through a myriad list of improvements and changes. Recently including a large mural on the side of the building, as well as an enlarged parking lot, a new loft drinking lounge area, an enlarged biergarten out front, and numerous brewhouse changes. One of the most notable updates and add-ons to the brewery was their Foeder barrels as well as their art gallery.
Troegs Independent Craft Brewing is known for their tour guides and is one of the largest breweries in Pennsylvania. As anyone who has seen the facility knows, it uses quite a fair bit of power. (As do all breweries, especially ones the size of Troegs.) So reducing the usage of outside power by 15-20% is a huge addition to the ever evolving and growing brewery. Troegs Brewing also has their own blog which details many of these changes, which can be found here: Troegs Blog.
Thanks For Reading
As always everyone, thanks for reading. December has certainly been a chaotic month here for us at The Beer Thrillers. Including many travels and trips, hikes, and brewery visits. It has certainly been a packed full month. Be sure to be checking in with us to read all about it!
Cheers All!
-B. Kline
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