Happy Birthday to Ben

Happy Birthday to Ben

Ben’s Birthday

Today is Ben’s birthday; the owner, creator and editor of the blog. He’s the kind of guy that hates the spotlight on him.  Which is why only lately do you see pics of him since I’m taking them.  Odds are he might try to edit some of this out.  But he deserves to be celebrated and I wish I could give him the world.  You see, over 2 years ago my world came tumbling down all around me.  It was him and writing that felt like I was brought back. So tonight, on his birthday, I’m writing about an Ever Grain beer and pairing with a yummy cupcake.  It’s not technically a birthday cupcake but more delicious. Ever Grain’s Metal Tree and homemade apple cupcakes with salted caramel frosting are on tonight’s treat list.  I mean this is starting to feel like my birthday with such a special treat.  I mean mine was just 5 days ago but still, I’ll play glutton just this week. (We Can’t Always Be a Glutton Right? – Perfect Portions and Allusion Brewing Company.)

Metal Tree

Metal Tree by Ever Grain Brewing Company and Apple Cupcake with Salted Caramel Frosting by Darby. (Pay no mind to the stove clock – its not the right time and we’ve never bothered to fix it.)

Metal Tree is described as a Pale Ale -New England/Hazy.  On untapped it is described in detail as a “Straw or deep gold in color, this style has a varying degree of cloudiness.  Starch, yeast, hop, protein and/or other compounds contribute to a wide range of hazy appearances within this style.  There is a perceived silky or full mouthfeel that may contribute to the overall flavor profile.  Grist may include a small amount of oat, wheat or other adjuncts to promote haziness.  Descriptors such as “juicy” are often used to describe the taste and hop-derived aroma attributes present in these beers.”

Metal Tree by Ever Grain Brewing Company

Metal tree comes in with a 5.2% ABV but to me I definitely thought this one was a higher ABV.  I think it is the pale ale style combined with the yummy hazy taste.  It pairs perfectly with the forgotten other autumn time favorite, apple.  This apple cupcake with salted caramel icing pairs perfectly with the lightness of a pale ale but finishes with the hazy taste.  I think it’s that exact combo that makes Metal tree just taste and feel that damn smooth.

MT has an untapped overall rating of 3.95 but with overall good comments I’m surprised the rating is low.  One check in says “Not sure why this isn’t rated higher but it is delicious!  All the flavor or a full ipa and half the ABV.  One of my favorite pale ales.”  I think it is the depth of flavor in this pale ale that fools me into thinking I’m going to get hammered with a DIPA.

Metal Tree by Ever Grain Brewing Company

Beer: Metal Tree
Brewery: Ever Grain Brewing Co.
Style: Pale Ale – New England / Hazy
ABV: 5.2%
IBU: N / A
Untappd Description: A medium bodied hazy Pale Ale we brewed with Citra and Simcoe, which lends flavors and aromas of apricot, lychee, and orange blossom.
Global Untappd Rating: 3.95 (as of 8.27.23)

Apple Cupcake with Salted Caramel Frosting

The Apple Cupcake with Salted Caramel Frosting (courtesy of Darby). Thank you very much Darby!

These apple cupcakes were made by a coworker of Ben’s to celebrate their birthday.  I’d like to say I’d seek out the recipe but I despise baking.  I’m more an eyeball and never measure anything kind of cook.  I sure hope this coworker of his like cooking and baking often. 

 Happy Birthday Benjamin!  You inspired me to start writing again and supported me when I struggled after having Scarlet.  You are an amazing father and funny as hell, not like a clown though.  Let’s save one of these Metal Trees to drink on our next hike, another inspiration you passed on to me.  Love Amy

Drink more Beer!

  • Amy

Our Ever Grain Articles


Amy’s Column Series

Since getting back to writing for the blog after a short hiatus, Amy has started up a weekly column style writing for the blog. You can find these articles here:

(And please take a moment to fill out Amy’s survey on her ‘Holiday Weekend and Bomber Bottles‘ column.)

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