Beer Review: Green Milk (RAR Brewing)

Beer Review: Green Milk (RAR Brewing)

Green Milk by RAR Brewing (Taco Thursday)

Taco Thursday

As you can see, last night was Taco Thursday at Bender Braus Brewing (or Casa De Kline). Deciding on which Star Wars themed beer (out of so many options currently in my fridge) to have along with the meal, I decided on Green Milk – namely because I know I’ll be picking up a second tomorrow at RAR’s Star Wars Day Drop. (Along with Blue Milk coming back, as well as new beers such as “As You Wish” and “Shooting Womp Rats”.) But here at the home of The Beer Thrillers we find any reason to have a taco night, and so last night – Thursday was as good as any. And not to humble brag too much, but we make some banging tacos too.

And of course, with making tacos, and eating tacos… comes drinking some beer. And since the next day (ie. today) was going to be the release of the Obi-Wan Kenobi show, and needing to do a Star Wars review; what better than one of the Star Wars beers from RAR Brewing?

RAR’s Upcoming Star Wars Can Drop

Well, tomorrow’s Star Wars can drop to be exact. I’ve covered it pretty extensively in this article: RAR’s Star Wars Can Drop. We will be there for it, not sure what time, but we’ll be there. Planning on leaving the Carlisle area (have an early morning obligation in Carlisle) around 9:30 – 10 AM, so hopefully getting there around noon to one’ish. We might be leaving Carlisle even earlier (I was hoping to leave at 8 AM but I don’t think that will happen.)

The article covers the beers they are releasing and the time of the drop (spoiler – its 11 AM when they open). They will likely have some on tap, but not all, and maybe not even any, I’m not sure.

So I figured Thursday night would be a great time to check out the Green Milk (Batch 1) before the new release, and review it for my Star Wars day.

RAR Brewing

We’ve got several RAR Brewing’s beers here on the blog. Notably their Out of Order series – specifically for my Star Wars days (as well as just covering Star Wars beers in general on here). You can find our list of RAR Beer Reviews here:

RAR Brewing is out of Cambridge Maryland. Cambridge Maryland is near the bottom of the state, bayside.

You can find out more about RAR Brewing and the drop at their Instagram page: RAR Brewing (Instagram) and their Facebook page: RAR Brewing (Facebook).

Their Out of Order series is one of the most popular series of beers on the East Coast (up there with Burley Oak’s JREAM series, Dewey Beer’s Thrills, and Fourscores Jahmbas and Swerves). According to Untappd, there is 268 Out of Order (unique) beers.

According to Untappd, RAR Brewing is a micro brewery from Cambridge, MD. They have 672 unique beers with an exact global rating of 4 (as of 5.27.22). Their Untappd bio reads: “Based in Cambridge, MD on the banks of the Chesapeake Bay.”

Beer Review

Beer: Out of Order: Green Milk (Batch 1)
Brewery: RAR Brewing
Style: Sour – Fruited
ABV: 6%
IBU: None
Untappd Description: Our lactose sour base conditioned on Thala-Sirens Milk.

Not often do I get to go into descriptors of “green” and “milky” for appearance. But here, today, I find myself doing just that. It looks like someone ate a bowl of Lucky Charms with only the green marshmallows, ate all the cereal, and left the milk. It poured very bubbly, very carbonated, even after having sat in my fridge for a year. I did roll it before pouring, and it poured smoothly, and left a few chunks in the can.

Aroma is sweet, has a cereal like smell to it, but also a sweet… candy, cloying, weird smell to it. Not bad weird, but just an odd smell for a beer certainly. It smells like a sweetness, like a cereal, lactose, sugary, frosty pop, kinda smell. Its a bit hard to describe, and maybe my ‘sniffer’ ain’t up to snuff on this type of stuff (its a young kid’s game anymore, there’s no country left for us old men), but its hard to quite pinpoint the aromas.

Oh boy, lets dive into this one. I grab this quote directly from my review of Blue Milk: “The texture, consistency, and overall look follows suit. It has the texture, a light grittyness, but still overall smooth of a drink still, of melted ice cream. Everything about this just has the appearance of melted ice cream, which I think is the overall attempt of it.” And think it completely applies here…. just green instead of blue. It is very sweet, it is very juicy, and no real sourness to it. This is very smooth, silky, and sweet, and drinks easily enough for how its appearance is. It can be a bit cloying, and it is possibly overly too sweet. I would highly recommend not chugging this beer, thats 100% for sure. Its a slow sipping beer, probably best for desert and a long night, rather than to have as part of a huge group of beers, or to hang out, or maybe even with tacos. It might not have been the greatest combination. All in all, its a fun beer to drink and enjoy, would make great for sharing and having people over with, a full can isn’t horrible, but starts bordering on the ‘too much’ area. Recommend at least giving it a try if nothing else but for the novelty’s sake of it.

My Untappd Rating: ****.25
Global Average Untappd Rating: 4.08 (as of 5.27.22)

Spoilers Time

Ok, we’re now up to the spoilers portion of the beer review. I’m going to discuss Episode 2 of Obi-Wan Kenobi show. So if you want to stay spoiler free, you can exit out here, or fly down to the bottom of the review.

Earlier today I covered in a beer review – Vader (Mispillion River Brewing Company) and covered Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 1. Check out the beer review to see my thoughts on Episode 1 (or Part 1) of the Obi-Wan show.

Some quick links for discussion:

I will right out say I enjoyed both episodes. Imminently, miles ahead of The Book of Boba Fett. Which I pretty much downright panned on here. And I don’t think that was just my cynical Star Wars fan, typical nerd nit-picking either. I just didn’t care for the show much at all. (I’ve expressed my thoughts on that show enough here on the blog that I don’t think I need to go into it any further.)

I will say that episode two is a bit weaker than episode one. The stuff on the streets and everything was interesting, but I feel its a bit straining to think nobody recognizes Obi-Wan, but then again, thats a bit personal bias since we know him, don’t live in a galaxy full of trillions, and its also been 9 years in the show since the end of Episode III (the movie).

The stuff with Leia was a bit overplayed and over dramatic, and forceful just to make it a full episode I think. I’m also not a fan of parkour in shows and movies when it doesn’t really outright need to be used. The shoot out scenes and stuff were fun and interesting, I enjoyed the giant crock head alien. I am a bit disappointed though that there’s not a ton of “Star Warsy” aliens. Like I said previously.

I was not a huge fan of the ending. With Reva turning, and stabbing The Grand Inquisitor, as well as the “big reveal”. I still think it was a very good episode, maybe a 7 out of 10 whereas Part I was 8.5 or 9 out of 10. I have high hopes for next week’s episode. Sad to see its only a 6 part series, but I think that will benefit it in the end. A quick, easy run time, for a straight linear story. And now we’re 1/3rd the way through already. And after next week’s episode, we’ll be 1/2 the way through.

Nerd Reviews

I know ya’ll here for the nerd reviews. So check out our other nerd reviews below:

Star Wars:

Lord of the Rings:

Rick and Morty:

Space Balls:

Game of Thrones:

The Simpsons:

Back to the Future:


Groundhog Day:

A Christmas Story:

Pro Wrestling:



Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:



Thanks For Reading

As always everyone, thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed this second edition of Star Wars friday! Check with us next friday for the next Obi-Wan Kenobi show episode and beer review!


-B. Kline

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