Couch Brewery Announces Upcoming Closure

Couch Brewery Announces Upcoming Closure

Couch Brewery (Facebook)

Couch Brewery’s Announcement

It is with complete sadness today to announce – and especially today, with it being Small Brewery Sunday – that at 6PM today (just 3 hours ago, while I was at work) – that Couch Brewery in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, announced they will be closing.

They posted on their Facebook page today at 6PM that they will be shuttering their doors, with their last day being scheduled for Sunday December 19th, 2021.

You can read their post here:

They say all good things must come to an end and boy have we had a beautiful run. With a tear in our eye and a beer in our hand we are sad to announce our last day will be on Sunday, December 19th. It has been a pleasure to serve you all over the last few years. Having you all in our “living room” has been like sitting on a couch and chatting with family. The stories, laughs and friendships we have created are extraordinarily precious to us and we will treasure them forever. With that said, we invite you to join us for our “12 days of Christmas” to help kick our kegs. Be sure to check our hours for the next couple weeks as we do have a few private parties already booked. Soon, another fantastic brewery will be occupying our space. Tortured Souls Brewing will introduce their awesome beers as well as some of your Couch favorites. Check them out at https://torturedsoulsbrewing.comFrom the bottom of our hearts, we sincerely thank you for your patronage and friendship these past few years. It has been our privilege to serve you.

Facebook – Couch Brewery

This is very sad news to hear, and certainly reinforces the belief of ‘shopping small’ on today, and every day.

Couch Brewery

I got to visit Couch Brewery last year on my trip out to Indianapolis. Bobby Nacho took me around on a little tour of the brewery and gave me samples of all of their beers on tap. Was a wonderful experience, and I enjoyed the time spent with him talking beer, and enjoyed the beers as well. So this is very sad to see happen.

On Untappd, Couch Brewery is listed as a Micro Brewery from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. With 136 unique beers and 14,245 ratings (as of today – 11.28.21). They have a global average rating of 3.61. They have their description section left as blank.

The Importance of Small Breweries and Shopping at Small Breweries

Today is “Small Brewery Sunday” (#SmallBrewerySunday), and this shows how vital it is to shop at the small local breweries. Helping those who give back to their communities. Those you live with as neighbors, those you see on a regular basis. Shopping at the small breweries helps your neighbors, your friends, your community; rather than helping some corporate conglomerate who is actively trying to hurt small breweries.

Bobby Nacho summed up his thoughts as a comment on the closing page:

“I really enjoyed my 11 months working there. Darren, Beth and Mel are three of the best people I’ve ever worked with with, and I’m so happy to call them my friends.”

Bobby Nacho

This shows just how much these small breweries mean to their communities. How impactful and needful they are, and how much we need to reinforce and help them. Especially in this troubling times. With COVID-19 still very much a real and present danger to communities, businesses, and the like. With economic hardships as a cause of all of this. With the rise in aluminum and grain on the horizon. We need to be shopping closer, local, and near us more and more.

Tortured Soul Brewing

There isn’t a lot of information yet on Tortured Soul Brewing, but you can visit their website here:

Their site has a load up video talking about a “craft brewery with a unique style” and “coming soon”. We will keep everyone updated on this.

Couch Brewery and The Beer Thrillers

We would like to wish our condolences to the closing of Couch Brewery and wish the best for all who helped make it, worked there, and who is affected by this closing. We hope for the best for everyone involved.

Couch Brewery’s social media links:

Our Couch Brewery related links:

Brewery Closing News:

Other Brewery News, Openings, Merges, and Other News:

Small Brewery Sunday Giveaway

We are just about to finish and finalize our Small Brewery Sunday Giveaway for #FreeBeer. You still have time to enter and win, check that out here:

Couch Brewery’s Closure Announcement

Thanks For Reading

Despite the bad news, thanks everyone for reading. Hopefully we’ll have much better news in the near future.


-B. Kline

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