These Summer Beers Are Slapping… Again

These Summer Beers Are Slapping… Again

These summer time beers are slapping again.  Is “slapping” still trendy to say?

Martin House Brewing Company Pickle Beer – Best Maid Sour Pickle Beer

Summertime – Will Smith

This is the time of year when I don’t have the urge to drink all of the heavy stouts and porters.  I reach for the IPAs, Kolsch, Lager, and sometimes a Saison.

I’ve already annoyed my boyfriend by playing Will Smith’s Summertime in anticipation of warm weather and cold beers enjoyed outside.  Last year I wrote about summer beers (What is Your Summer Time Go to Beer?) …Which reminds me I need to make a trip to Ever Grain Brewing (…even though we were just there a few weeks ago for an Alzheimer’s Association Social).

I meant to review this beer two years ago.  Best Maid Tropical Punch Pickle Beer by Martin House Brewing Company.  A surprise pregnancy delayed this review because I wanted to fully enjoy the brew myself.  I mean I’d give the baby daddy a few sips if he wasn’t repulsed by pickles. (Editor note: There is just no way in good faith I could take a sip or two of this and comment favorably, so I figure its best altogether to just abstain from the drinking process. Drew and I did have a few sips of the Spicy Pickle Beer by Martin House Brewing Company about four years ago during COVID.)

Untappd Review of the Pickle Beer by Martin House Brewing Company

Pickle Rick

“Ages well” gave me hope I could still give it a successful tasting and review. It comes in with a 4.7% ABV according to Untapped.  It has an overall rating of 3.54, which is obviously biased against pickles.  I mean if you haven’t dreamed of becoming a pickle you really shouldn’t try this beer. (Editor note: Its almost impossible, by law in several countries completely impossible, to even mention pickles and not mention Pickle Rick. Therefore I have included the relevant GIF to satisfy the requisite “Pickle Rick” requirements as per the laws of Turkmenistan, Albania, Uruguay, and the sovereign planet wide governments of the planets Tralfamadore, Bespin, and Uranus.)

I was just trying to find the best segway to Pickle Rick.

Tropical Punch Pickle Beer (TPPB) is simply described as Fruit Punch and Pickle Beer.  Maybe when I let it age two years some of the fruit punch dissolved?  I didn’t get much of the tropical fruit taste but mostly pickle. This is definitely a beer that has pickled flavor to it.  If you aren’t a pickle fan beware!  This reminds me of the joyous feeling that pickles give you when you are replenishing your sodium level under this hot summer weather.  Happy Summer Beer Drinking!

Untappd Stats:

Beer: Best Maid Tropical Punch Pickle Beer
Brewery: Martin House Brewing Company
Style: Sour – Tomato / Vegetable Gose
ABV: 4.7%
IBU: 8

Global Average Rating: 3.54 (as of 6.28.24) out of 1,163 Ratings

Martin House Brewing Company Pickle Beer – Best Maid Sour Pickle Beer

  • Drink More Beer!
    •  Amy

Busy Last Few Weeks

Editor Jumping in: It has certainly been a busy last few weeks! On the 15th, we had my father’s surprise 70th birthday party. I would like to thank Amy tremendously for helping my mom and sister set it up and ti went off perfectly. We had a Social or a Mixer up in State College at Champ’s Bar, one in Camp Hill at Ever Grain Brewing Company, and we have had a whole lot more. Just this past week, on Tuesday we were at Troegs Brewing when the Calder Cup was there (see our Instagram for a picture of myself – Ben – drinking from the Calder Cup), and then on Wednesday we were hanging out with Drew at Boneshire Brew Works (and then later afterwards, Drew and I did our video review of the newest Acolyte episode), and then yesterday (Thursday) we stopped in at YAH Brew to drop off a Raffle Basket made by Grandma SueAnn for their event on Sunday for CJ. If you are able to come out on Sunday to YAH Brew, please do! They are hosting an event for CJ to help pay for medical bills after he was hit by a woman running a red light, he has lost part of his leg, and as we all know, medical bills aren’t cheap. So please come out to YAH Brew in Hershey PA from 3 PM to 8 PM on Sunday – June 30th.

There’s even more events and things that have been keeping us busy that I’m forgetting, but suffice to say, there’s been a lot going on. Which is why I am always so appreciative when Amy gets time to write (I try and take Scarlet on long walks to help give Amy the time to write these articles), so its so great to see her get to write and to see what she comes up with and to see what she wants to write about, and to keep her column series going. Its not quite weekly like it used to be, but she is still writing, and being very active behind the scenes with helping to keep this blog humming. So gigantic kudos to her. For all she does for the Alzheimer’s Association, as well as being a mom, a bonus mom, and everything else that she does.

Please make sure to check out her other articles below.



Amy’s Column Series

Since getting back to writing for the blog after a short hiatus, Amy has started up a weekly column style writing for the blog. You can find these articles here:

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