TPP - The Beer Thrillers Central PA beer enthusiasts and beer bloggers. Homebrewers, brewery workers, and all around beer lovers. Mon, 31 Jul 2023 03:21:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 TPP - The Beer Thrillers 32 32 187558884 We Can’t Always Be a Glutton Right? – Perfect Portions and Allusion Brewing Company Mon, 31 Jul 2023 03:03:09 +0000
Allusion Brewing Company – Baker Street Brown and the Cheeseburger Skillet by Perfect Portions

A Perfect Meal

We can’t be gluttons all the time, right?  One evening a little while ago I decided to pair the Cheeseburger Skillet from the Perfect Portion and the Baker Street Brown Ale from Allusion Brewing Company. I’m not pretending to be any sort of expert on pairing food with which type of beverage.  I am just gonna go with the motto of “I’ll try anything once”.  But this combo was pretty darn good! 

I’ve been trying to lose a little of this pregnancy weight and drinking beer as a hobby doesn’t really help with the loose weight part.  So, I decided to pair my beer for the evening with a healthy meal from The Perfect Portion.  When I first started going to The Perfect Portion (TPP for short) back in 2018 the cheeseburger skillet was one of the first meals that I tried.  It’s still one of my favorite meals. 

The two things I was hoping to find from a meal prep service was:  1. Flavorful meals and 2. That they didn’t leave me feeling unsatisfied.  TPP nails both of these items.  I should have known I’d be obsessed when the owner, Kristin Brunner, states right on her website “I LOVE to eat!”.  She also states on her website “Our meals are made with fresh, whole, minimally processed ingredients and range between 300 – 600 calories depending on whether you order breakfast, lunch or dinner.” 

The cheeseburger skillet reminds me of the creamy and cheesiness from the Hamburger Helper Cheeseburger skillet meal.  TPP also pairs it with Zucchini fries.  They are topped with Italian seasonings and Parmesan cheese.  I was hoping for that to pair nicely with the Baker Street Brown Ale from Allusion Brewing Company. 

A Perfect Beer

Baker Street Brown by Allusion Brewing Company (background) with the Cheeseburger Skillet (foreground) by The Perfect Portion

(Fun trivia: Baker Street is the home of Sherlock Holmes, and as you can see from the beer can label it has his address – 221B on the can. For some reason, I feel like a Brown Ale is the perfect beer for Sherlock Holmes. Watson would probably be a Witbier.)

Beer: Baker St. Brown
Brewery: Allusion Brewing Company
Style: Brown Ale – English
ABV: 5%
IBU: 15
Untappd Description: Traditional Mild English Brown Ale brewed with English floor malted maris otter, English chocolate malts, and English Fuggle hops for a light drinking sessionable ale with hints of caramel and toasted bread. Sit back and enjoy one while you solve your latest mystery.
Global Untappd Rating: 3.75 (as of 7.30.23)

This tasty brown ale is described on the Allusion website as “Traditional Mild English  Brown Ale brewed with English floor malted Maris Otter malt, English chocolate malts, and English Fuggle hops for a light drinking sessionable ale with hints of caramel and toasted bread.”  For me it was definitely that maltiness that hits your taste buds first and then finishes with a sweet caramel taste.  Allusion Brewing Company has quickly ranked in my top breweries I need to revisit very soon.  Being there you felt like you were on an episode of Cheers.  Other patrons of the brewery knew each other just from visiting the same brewery.  Each time someone walked up to the brewery everyone was saying hello and greeting them by their name.  It’s the sense of community for me I keep hearing the OG Karen saying while we were all sipping some brews outside a few weeks ago.

Karen with the title belt (see our Instagram for more pictures)

I had a rough time deciding which 4 pack we were taking home after visiting Allusion to celebrate the March Tournament Win.  The fact that I have 3 more of this tasty brown ale in my fridge makes me very happy and I think I’ll go crack one open now. 

— Drink More Beer!


Allusion Brewing Company’s title belt for winning The Battle of the Breweries 2023 Tournament

Amy’s Back

Amy with the title belt (check out our Instagram to see more pictures)

This is Amy’s first column back after two weeks. We’ve certainly had a busy few days and weeks. Real life and family stuff, trips out to Vandergrift, myself getting to go to two soccer (futbol) games at the Lincoln Field last Sunday, going out to Sworn Brewing Company and checking out their soon to be opening brewery, and much more.

So I’ll take the blame for Amy not having time to write. But she is back, and she has told me she actually has a few ideas of what she wants to write about. (She’ll also be part of the Sworn Brewing Company article alongside myself and Josh Doncevic returning to write as well.) So have no fear, Amy is back and will be continuing to write for us. Sorry for keeping her away from all of you the past two weeks and sorry to Amy for keeping her so busy.

-B. Kline

For More Information on Allusion Brewing Company

For more information about Allusion Brewing Company you can visit their very well designed website here: Allusion Brewing Company – Official Website.

The following comes from Untappd: Allusion Brewing Company is a micro brewery from Vandergrift, Pennsylvania. They have 57 unique beers and just over 5,200 ratings, with a global average rating of 3.84 (as of 7.30.23). Their Untappd description reads: Vandergrift’s hometown brewery, offering a consistent library of approachable beers taking the tradition of each style seriously. Craft beer is about bringing people together – come join our story.

For more information, you can find them at their social media pages here:

More of Our Articles About Allusion Brewing Company

Looking to read more about Allusion Brewing Company? Here’s the articles we’ve written about them:

Amy’s Column Series

Since getting back to writing for the blog after a short hiatus, Amy has started up a weekly column style writing for the blog. You can find these articles here:

(And please take a moment to fill out Amy’s survey on her ‘Holiday Weekend and Bomber Bottles‘ column.)

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