2023 North American Guild of Beer Writers (NAGBW) Awards

2023 North American Guild of Beer Writers (NAGBW) Awards

North American Guild of Beer Writers

Award Season

It is yet again another season of awards. The season of awards, not leaves falling, and changing color, not the season of flannel and firepits… nope…. no sirree…. this is the season of awards!

Before getting into the actual awards of this year and who won, you can take a look at past ‘awards’ articles here on The Beer Thrillers:

You can check out those articles here:

2023 North American Guild of Beer Writers Awards and Winners


Best Commentary or Criticism

Honorable Mention
Damian Kerlin: “Gay Men Drink Craft Beer, Too — On Lad Culture, Stereotypes, and Beer’s Cultural Barriers,” Good Beer Hunting

Honorable Mention
Mark LaFaro: “Non-Alcoholic Beer Has a Story Problem,” Final Gravity Zine

Third Place
Jeff Alworth: “What the Hell is Happening in New Jersey?,” Beervana

Second Place
Ash Croce: “What the Aftermath of the Craft Beer Reckoning Means for Survivors,” VinePair

First Place
Dave Infante: “Hop Take – The Cowardly King of Beers Bends the Knee to Bigots,” VinePair

Best Beer and Food Writing

Honorable Mention
Robin Shepard: “A better wheat?,” Isthmus

Third Place
Ariana DiValentino: “Don’t Stop the Beet — Finding the Root of Lasting Joy in Beetroot Infused Beer,” Pellicle Magazine

Second Place
David Nilsen: “Pairing the Beers of Chimay with Craft Chocolate,” Bean to Barstool

First Place
Lana Svitankova: “Sour, Salty, Umami — The Ukrainian Brewers Transforming Pickling Traditions Into Beer,” Good Beer Hunting

Best Short Form Writing

Third Place
Cliff Lucas: “De Tramstatie,” Belgian Smaak

Second Place
Ashley Joanna: “The Accordionist,” Belgian Smaak

First Place
Ashley Joanna: “The Conservator,” Belgian Smaak

Best Beer Review

Third Place
Brian Yaeger: “Endangered Brown Ales Come Out Of Hibernation For Winter,” The Source Weekly

Second Place
Evan Rail: “An Exotic in Communist Times — How Pardubický Porter Inspired Generations of Czech Drinkers,” Good Beer Hunting

First Place
David Nilsen: “In the Understory: Primitive Beer’s Frosted in Moss,” Final Gravity Zine

Best Historical Writing

Third Place
Verity Babbs: “Exploring the Hop/Vine Divide — Depictions of Beer and Wine in Northern and Southern European Art,” Good Beer Hunting

Second Place
Brian Alberts: “‘Beer for All, or for None’ — The Busch-Lasker Controversy of 1922,” Good Beer Hunting

First Place
Kevin Kain:  “Mexican Lager: History and Appropriation,” Casket Beer

Emerging Voice
Tasha Prado

Best General Beer Podcast

Third Place
Drink Beer, Think Beer

Second Place
VinePair’s Taplines

First Place
Good Beer Hunting Podcast

Best Beer Blog or Newsletter

Honorable Mention
Will Hawkes: London Beer City

Third Place
David Jesudason: Episodes of my Pub Life

Second Place
Jeff Alworth: Beervana

First Place
Beth Demmon: Prohibitchin’

Emerging Voice
Shana Solarte

Best Technical Writing

Honorable Mention
Stan Hieronymus: “Reducing the Carbon Footprint,” The New Brewer

Honorable Mention
Jeff Alworth: “Where the Hops Are Preserved,” Beervana

Third Place
Joe Stange: “The Bitterness Problem,” Craft Beer & Brewing

Second Place
Doug Veliky: “The 12-Pack Variety Playbook,” BeerCrunchers

First Place
Jeff Alworth: “Cold IPA is a Technique, Not a Style,” Beervana

Emerging Voice
Jessie Smith

Best Brewery Profile

Honorable Mention
Tony Rehagen: “Middle Eastern Flavor,” The Washington Post

Third Place
Lucy Corne: “Elephant-Friendly Beer — Okavango Craft Brewery in Maun, Botswana,” Good Beer Hunting

Second Place
Jacob Smith: “The Rise and Fall of Jennings Brewery — Pure Lake District, Now Made in Staffordshire,” Pellicle Magazine

First Place
Anaïs LeCoq: “The Art of Vinifying Grains — Brasserie Ammonite in Burgundy, France,” Good Beer Hunting

Best Beer and Travel Writing

Honorable Mention 
Em Sauter: “Share What You Have — A Visit to John Stoner’s Richmond, Virginia,” Good Beer Hunting

Third Place
Megan Eaves: “Life Stays Close to the River — Solar Beer and Wildebeest in the Serengeti,” Good Beer Hunting

Second Place
Ryan Pachmeyer: “Where Kölsch Night is Every Night,” Craft Beer & Brewing

First Place
Sorrel Moseley-Williams: “Interpreting the Andes — Carlos Barroso in Pachar, Peru,” Good Beer Hunting

Best Business Writing

Honorable Mention
Hollie Stephens: “Seeds of Change — The Promise (and Challenges) of New Brewing Grains,” Good Beer Hunting

Third Place
Jessie Smith: “How to Start Up Your Sensory Panel,” The Brewing Industry Guide

Second Place
Chelsea Carrick: “Waiting for the Rain — How Drought in Northern Mexico Impacts the Country’s Beer Industry,” Good Beer Hunting

First Place
Aaron Goldfarb: “The Most Important Company in Craft Beer Makes Marshmallow Extract,” VinePair

Emerging Voice
Julie Rhodes

Best Technical Brewing or Beer Podcast

Honorable Mention
How NOT To Start A Damn Brewery

Third Place
Brewer to Brewer Podcast

Second Place
How Does Flavor Impact Beer?

First Place
Sense of Beer Style

Best Local Reporting

Honorable Mention
Michael Stein: “Death of a Brewery: : 3 Stars Leaves Hole in D.C.’s Evolving Beer Scene,” Washington City Paper

Third Place
Ash Croce: “Meet the Many Feline Workers of NYC’s Breweries,” TimeOut New York

Second Place
Jamaal Lemon: “Come Hell or High Water — Oysters, Brewing, and How the Come Yahs & Bin Yahs Could End Sea Level Rise in Charleston,” Good Beer Hunting

First Place
Jerard Fagerberg: “Oops, Minnesota Accidentally Legalized THC-Spiked Seltzer,” Vice

Best National or International Beer Reporting

Honorable Mention
David Jesudason: “Please Don’t Take Me Home — How Black Country Desi Pub Culture Made Football More Diverse,” Pellicle Magazine

Honorable Mention
Breandán Kearney: “‘All Hail the Cara God’ — How Cara Pils Became Belgian Beer’s Surprise Cult Favorite,” Good Beer Hunting

Third Place
Mark Dredge: “Lost in Translation — How Flavor Wheels and Tasting Tools Can Evolve to Speak with Global Beer Drinkers,” Good Beer Hunting

Second Place
Joshua Bernstein: “On the Dubbel: The Ongoing Evolution of Belgian Beer in America,” Imbibe

First Place
Mark LaFaro: “Tapped Out — The Problematic Culture of Overdrinking When You Work in Alcohol,” Good Beer Hunting

Best Beer Book

Third Place
Marty Nachel: “Homebrewing for Dummies: Third Edition”

Second Place
Eoghan Walsh: “A History of Brussels Beer in 50 Objects”

First Place
Clint Lanier: “Ted Mack and America’s First Black-Owned Brewery: The Rise and Fall of Peoples Beer”


The North American Guild of Beer Writers held its annual awards ceremony October 15. This year’s awards were sponsored by Untappd and Athletic Brewing Company.

Nearly 300 entries were submitted across 15 categories, with entrants from all over the world.

The Beer Thrillers would like to congratulate all the winners!

For more information on the NAGBW, you can go here to their website: A Blog by the North American Guild of Beer Writers.

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By |September 6, 2024|
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