Yuengling Brewery and Keep America Beautiful Announce 2024 Partnership

Yuengling Brewery and Keep America Beautiful Announce 2024 Partnership

Yuengling and Keep America Beautiful Announce 2024 Partnership, including a $50,000 Donation for Sustainability Initiatives and Special Events to Support Regional Beautification.

Yuengling and Keep America Beautiful Announce 2024 Partnership

On the first day of spring, and as mindsets shift to seasonal cleaning and neighborhood beautification, D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc. today announced a new 2024 partnership with Keep America Beautiful® (KAB), the largest community improvement nonprofit organization in the United States.

As part of a 2024 campaign, Yuengling will donate $50,000 and support the “Great American Cleanup®” that annually unifies and beautifies communities across the country, in a grassroots spring-cleaning movement.


“As the Oldest Brewery in America, we have embraced the importance of clean water and neighborhood beautification for 195 years,” said Debbie Yuengling, 6th generation family member of D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc. “By organizing clean up events and through awareness campaigns at bars, restaurants and retail accounts, we look forward to bringing together all those who seek greener and cleaner communities.”


The Great American Cleanup is a nationwide effort spanning three months from March to May. During this time, more than three million volunteers come together to help remove litter from neighborhoods, waterways and other areas requiring trash removal.

This spring, Yuengling team members will participate in KAB state and local affiliate beatification events in Texas, Missouri, Florida and Pennsylvania.

“We’re aiming to pick up more than 10 million pieces of litter during the 2024 Great American Cleanup and great partners like Yuengling are helping to make that possible,” said Jennifer Lawson, President and CEO of Keep America Beautiful. “With their support, we’ll continue to advance our mission of cleaning and greening America while raising awareness about the impact of recycling and sustainability.”

“We share Keep America Beautiful’s commitment to ensuring our nation remains a clean, green, and beautiful place to live,” said Yuengling. “We hope that with our involvement, and by engaging our passionate and engaged fan base, we will help make a difference in 2024 and beyond.”

About D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc.

D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc., the oldest brewery in America, is family-owned and operated since 1829. Principal beer brands include Yuengling® Traditional Lager, Light Lager, Black & Tan, Golden Pilsner, Premium, Light, Dark Brewed Porter, Lord Chesterfield Ale®, Oktoberfest, Yuengling Hershey’s Chocolate Porter, FLIGHT by Yuengling, and Bongo Fizz. Production is supplied by two breweries in Pottsville, PA and one in Tampa, FL. A separate joint venture called The Yuengling Company was recently established with Molson Coors Beverage Company to expand production and distribution further west. Yuengling beer is currently available in 26 states. Experience Yuengling in Pottsville, PA by taking a free tour of America’s Oldest Brewery and visiting our Museum & Gift Shop. Also dine, shop, and enjoy our year- round and seasonal-selection of beers at the Yuengling Draft Haus & Kitchen in Tampa, FL. For more information about Yuengling, fans are encouraged to follow the Yuengling Facebook page, follow Yuengling on Twitter and Instagram, or visit www.Yuengling.com.

About Keep America Beautiful

Keep America Beautiful, the nation’s leading community improvement nonprofit organization, inspires and educates people to take action every day to improve and beautify their community environment. Established in 1953, Keep America Beautiful strives to End Littering, Improve Recycling, and Beautify America’s Communities. We believe everyone has a right to live in a clean, green, and beautiful community, and shares a responsibility to contribute to that vision. The Keep America Beautiful Model for Change – steeped in education, research, and behavioral science – is the cornerstone of Keep America Beautiful. We empower generations of community and environmental stewards with volunteer programs, hands-on experiences, educational curricula, practical advice, and other resources. The organization is driven by the work and passion of nearly 700 Keep America Beautiful affiliates, millions of volunteers, and the collaborative support of corporate partners, social and civic service organizations, academia, municipalities, elected officials, and individuals. Join us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Donate and take action at kab.org.

(Press Release: POTTSVILLE, PA  March 19, 2024)

Other Yuengling Articles

For more information and other articles on Yuengling here at The Beer Thrillers, you can check out these articles:

For More Information on D. G. Yuengling and Sons Brewery

The following comes from Untappd.

Yuengling Brewery is a regional brewery from Pottsville, Pennsylvania. They have 14 unique beers and over 1 Million ratings. They have a global average rating of 3.42 (as of 3.20.24). Their Untappd description reads: “Based in Pottsville, PA, D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc., America’s Oldest Brewery, is family owned and operated since 1829. Principal beer brands include Traditional Lager, Light Lager, Premium, Light, Black and Tan, Dark Brewed Porter, and Lord Chesterfield Ale. For more information, visit www.yuengling.com.”

You can find them on their social media platforms here:

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