Best in Beer – Farm Show Awards (2024)

Best in Beer – Farm Show Awards (2024)

The 108th Annual Farm Show

On Friday – January 5th, 2023 – the 108th Annual Pennsylvania Farm Show kicked off at the (historic?) Farm Show Arena / Expo Hall / Building in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The annual event brings people from all across the states in various agricultural industries to Harrisburg; to showcase, to compete, to interact, intermingle, and have a good time.

It also usually brings bad weather as well. As was apparent Saturday (January 6th) when we did our podcast with Lew Bryson for his “Seen Through a Glass“.

Friday was primarily just the food market and a few other events. The milkshakes were out, the talk of all the land, as always, and there was also free parking Friday so the food court was absolutely jammed pack. There was also a rodeo hosted on Friday.

Today – Tuesday, January 9th, they announced the winners of the Beer Competitions.

Farm Show – Best of Beer Awards

The Farm Show introduced the Best of Craft Beer Awards in 2019. This makes it the fourth year of them doing the awards (the awards went virtual in 2020).

You can read the rules for entry here: Department 34 – Beer Awards Rules and Entry Information.

Over the years there has been numerous winners from across the state. In this year’s competition, 44 breweries across 26 Pennsylvania counties submitted 255 beers to be judged, with 32 different breweries placing in the top 3 of these categories.

Let’s get to this year’s winners:

Best in Beer Winners – 2024

First, you can see the full list of entries and winners directly from the Farm Show’s site here: Department 34 – Craft Beer Entries (PDF). The PDF page is a bit confusing and shows all entries, how many points they received, if they are PA Preferred, and if they won a medal. No mention of categories or anything.

I will help you out here and break down the categories (best that I can) and show who won what place, and will list if it’s PA Preferred (more on what that is afterwards).

For a full list of all Farm Show competitions, and winners, you can view their Results page here: 108th Annual Farm Show Results.

Category: Brewery: Beer: Style: Award:
Light American Ales and Lagers BruDaddy’s A-Town Light American Light Lager 1st
Light American Ales and Lagers Wolf Brewing Golden Gaze Cream Ale 2nd
Light American Ales and Lagers Wallenpaupack Brewing Paupack Cream Ale Cream Ale 3rd
Light International Beer Spring House Brewing Grease the Poles Alternative Grain Beer 1st
Light International Beer McCall Collective Speakeasy Series – Kentucky Common Kentucky Common 2nd
Light International Beer Wolf Brewing Rhein Lock International Pale Lager 3rd
Czech Lagers Stoker’s Brewing Plzyenský Drozd – Czech Pilsner Czech Premium Pale Lager 1st
Czech Lagers Antifragile Brewing Rational Flaneur Czech Pale Lager 2nd
Czech Lagers Wolf Brewing Dusk til Dawn Czech Dark Lager 3rd
Light German Beer Locust Lane Farmhouse Pils Lager German Pils 1st
Light German Beer Hemauer Brewing Helles Lager Munich Helles Lager 2nd
Light German Beer Locust Lane Kolsch Ale Kolsch 3rd
Malty German Lagers Wallenpaupack Festbier Festbier 1st
Malty German Lagers Lavery Brewing Vanguard Lager Vienna Lager 2nd
Malty German Lagers Lost Tavern Brewing Das Lagerhosen Festbier 3rd
Dark European Beer Rough Edges Brewing Mr Yum Schwarzbier 1st
Dark European Beer Boal City Brewing Doppelbock Doppelbock 2nd
Dark European Beer Saucony Creek Rye Bock Dunkels Bock 3rd
Dark European Beer Otto’s Brewpub Schwarzbier Lager Schwarzbier Honorable Mention
American Blonde and Pale Ales GearHouse Brewing Canary in the Coal Mine Blonde Ale 1st
American Blonde and Pale Ales Aldus Brewing American Blonde Ale Blonde Ale 2nd
American Blonde and Pale Ales Wolf Brewing American Pale Ale With a Little Help From My Friends 3rd
American IPAs McCall Collective American IPA Wayward West Coast IPA 1st
American IPAs GearHouse Brewing American IPA Ninja Boots 2nd
American IPAs Dock Street Brewing American IPA Golden IPA 3rd
Hazy IPAs Second Sin Beer Hazy IPA Burgerstaxx 1st
Hazy IPAs Bent Run Brewing Hazy IPA Pearl O’My Eye 2nd
Hazy IPAs Antifragile Brewing Hazy IPA Moonlit Grotto 3rd
European Wheat Beers Wallenpaupack Brewing Weissbier (Hefeweizen) Hawley Hefeweizen 1st
European Wheat Beers GearHouse Brewing Weissbier Hefe Weight 2nd
European Wheat Beers Wolf Brewing Weissbier El Hefe 3rd
Traditional English Ales Two Rivers Brewing Strong Bitter Old Squire Abel’s ESB 1st
Traditional English Ales Two Rivers Brewing British Brown Ale Bankers Brown Ale 2nd
Traditional English Ales Olde Bedford Brewing Strong Bitter Dog Bollocks ESB 3rd
British Ales Appalachian Brewing Scottish Export Jolly Scot Scottish Ale 1st
British Ales GearHouse Brewing Irish Stout Sally O’Mally 2nd
British Ales Hemauer Brewing Irish Red Ale McFadden 3rd
Strong British and American Ales ZeroDay Brewing Double IPA Double Rodeo 1st
Strong British and American Ales Wallenpaupack Brewing English Barleywine Sixth Anniversary Ale 2nd
Strong British and American Ales Aldus Brewing Double IPA Can I Kick It? (IPA) 3rd
Belgian Ales Stoker’s Brewing Belgian Dark Strong Ale KINDLING KWAD 1st
Belgian Ales Dock Street Brewing Saison Bindlestiff 2nd
Belgian Ales Yorkholo Brewing Belgian Golden Strong Ale Barn Beer 3rd
Fruit Beer Allusion Brewing Specialty Fruit Beer In Another Castle 1st
Fruit Beer Boom City Brewing Fruit Beer Last Raft Raspberry Wheat Ale 2nd
Fruit Beer Lavery Brewing Specialty Fruit Beer Liopard Oir 3rd
Fruit, Herb, Vegetable Twisted Elk Brewing Fruit, Herb, Vegetable Kona Dream 1st
Fruit, Herb, Vegetable ZeroDay Brewing Fruit, Herb, Vegetable OOO Spooky 2nd
Fruit, Herb, Vegetable Spring House Brewing Fruit, Herb, Vegetable Kerplunk! 3rd
Specialty Spice / Herb / Veg Beer Shy Bear Brewing Autumn Seasonal Beer Emmie Voorhees 1st
Specialty Spice / Herb / Veg Beer Saucony Creek Autumn Seasonal Beer Maple Mistress 2nd
Specialty Spice / Herb / Veg Beer Otto’s Brewpub Autumn Seasonal Beer Small Batch Series Ale: Pumpkin Ale 3rd
Specialty Wood Aged Beers Aldus Brewing Specialty Wood Aged Beer Red Rye Revival 1st
Specialty Wood Aged Beers Chatty Monks / Pagoda City Brewing Specialty Wood Aged Beer Rum – Barrel Aged Jester’s Song 2nd
Specialty Wood Aged Beers Yergey Brewing Specialty Wood Aged Beer Three Kings And A Bourbon Street Wench 3rd
Sour and Wild Ales Locust Lane Fruit Lambic Cherry Preserves Sour Ale 1st
American Ambers, Browns, and Porters Boom City American Porter Muddy River Porter 1st
American Ambers, Browns, and Porters Bent Run Brewing American Brown Ale Deerfoot Nut Brown Ale 2nd
American Ambers, Browns, and Porters Bent Run Brewing American Amber Ale Allegheny Amber Ale 3rd
Smoke and Wood Aged Beers Lost Tavern Brewing Wood Aged Barrel Aged – If Time Is Money 1st
Smoke and Wood Aged Beers Yorkholo Brewing Rauchbier Yorkholo Lager 2nd
Smoke and Wood Aged Beers Lavery Brewing Classic Style Smoked Beer Belfast Black Smoked Porter 3rd
Mixed-Style and Experimental Beers Wallenpaupack Brewing Mixed Style Beer For The Love Of Lager: Italian-Style Pilsner 1st
Mixed-Style and Experimental Beers Fegley’s Brew Works Mixed Style Beer Pilsner Noctumo 2nd
Mixed-Style and Experimental Beers Chatty Monks Brewing / Pagoda City Brewing Experimental Beer Hey Bae Rose 3rd
PA Preferred Wallenpaupack Brewing Hazy IPA Avery Mt. Fresh Hop DIPA 1st
PA Preferred Olde Bedford Brewing IPL Ranch Life IPL 2nd
PA Preferred Olde Bedford Brewing Fruited Sour Becky’s Bistro Wild Blackberry Sour 3rd
Best in Show Stoker’s Brewing Belgian Dark Strong Ale KINDLING KWAD Best in Show
All of the 2024 Pennsylvania Farm Show Winners


PA Preferred

PA Preferred is a big deal, but even a bigger deal around Farm Show time. The breweries and brewers who do it make a big mention of it and a big “to – do” about it. The point of it is to use all Pennsylvania products, from the malt and grain to the hops and to the water and everything else in between. There is becoming more and more of a bigger push to go “all Pennsylvanian” with breweries. Troegs Brewing, Wallenpaupack Brewing, Logyard Brewing, Boneshire Brew Works, Hemauer Brewing, and several others are striving to make more and more of their beers this way.

For More Information on the Farm Show

For More of our Award Articles

Looking for more articles about breweries and brewers winning awards? Check these out:

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