The Battle of the Breweries (2022) Winner Is…..

And The Winner Is….
Your new… reigning…. and defending… undisputed champion of The Battle of the Breweries is……

VON C BREWING COMPANY out of Norristown, Pennsylvania!
Congratulations Von C Brewing and all of the brewers, staff, workers, and fans who helped vote, share, and come to the blog.
Thank You
First, I’d like to give a big shout out to everyone! I mean – absolutely everyone! From all the different breweries, staff, workers, fans, and readers of the blog. You have made this a tremendous success. The tournament this year totally blew away the tournament last year, both in volume of results, number of breweries involved, in shares, likes, comments, in clicks and views and visitors to the blog, to every possible metric I could use. Wow. I just want to say thank you to everyone.
Which leads me to the next point….
Blog Crashing
For the first time in the history of the tournament – and in the blog itself – the site has crashed due to amount of people visiting it. This is one of those “bad good things”. Its bad that its crashed, and I apologize to all those who were attempting to vote and it was down. (Difficulties with the host being a weekend, and it being a holiday weekend meant slower times getting them to respond, and literally had me on the phone waiting for over an hour.)
So needless to say, I was disappointed with the crash and the downtime, but was grateful for what that meant – so many visitors to the site! So congratulations to everyone who was able to crash the site (haha…..)!
Quick Recap
I’m going to do a quick recap of the finals and announce the winner with this article. And then do a full, big, recap, award ceremony, finals, whatever you want to call it on Monday.
Due to the downtime, I had extended the tournament until this morning ending it effectively at noon (11:59AM EST) (so technically – morning). With having to do some mowing, and family obligations (my sister was throwing my nephew’s 7th birthday party), things got a bit wonky for the day, and I didn’t quite complete things like I wanted. (Tried to get this recap article done by 2PM… started it… but didn’t get a chance to finish it until now.)
So enough rambling, lets get to the recap.
Lead Up
Coming into the finals fatal four-way, we had a winner from each conference. And those winners were:
- Brock Lesnar Conference: Axemann Brewery
- Roman Reigns Conference: Von C Brewing
- Ronda Rousey Conference: Gearhouse Brewing
- Charlotte Flair Conference: Bunnyman Brewing
All four breweries did a tremendous job to get to the finals. Each conference was 32 breweries (for a grand total of 128 breweries). Meaning just to get to the finals, each brewery beat out 31 other breweries. That’s no small feat.
Like true pro wrestling, in a fatal four-way they often do it as an “elimination match”, meaning one wrestler after another is eliminated until you have the winner. Technically, we didn’t do eliminations in the voting, but for the results here, I am going to list the breweries in order of their “elimination” (or placing).
- Eliminated first: Gearhouse Brewing (429 votes) (4th place)
- Eliminated second: Axemann Brewery (682 votes) (3rd place)
- Last elimination: Bunnyman Brewing (3582 votes) (2nd place)
Winner: Von C Brewing (3824 votes) (1st place)
For a total of: 8517 votes. That is an amazing total number of votes!
The breakdown for voting percentages goes:
- Gearhouse Brewing (429 / 8517 votes) – 5.04%
- Axemann Brewery (682 / 8517 votes) – 8.03%
- Bunnyman Brewing (3582 / 8517 votes) – 42.05%
- Von C Brewing (3824 / 8517 votes) – 44.89%
It was extremely close Thursday, Friday, and the bonus Saturday time between Bunnyman Brewing and Von C Brewing. It was anybody’s ballgame / race / competition / brewing duel to the death.
But once again, I want to congratulate Von C Brewing as being the champion!
Thank You Everyone
Just to reiterate, thank you everyone for visiting, voting, sharing, liking, commenting, and discussing the 2nd Battle of the Breweries. Look out for the full results on Monday, where I’ll break down the full tournament. (It will most likely get posted after I come home from work Monday, so later in the evening, around 8-10PM…. possibly Tuesday morning.)
Again, congratulations to all four final breweries. They all did amazing in the tournament. Especially Bunnyman Brewing and Von C Brewing, putting up some amazing numbers. And obviously, huge congrats go to Von C for winning it! They now will live on in the annals of the Battle of Breweries here on The Beer Thrillers, as being the second ever champion! (First champion was The Isle of Que Brewing).
For some related articles, you can check out last year’s two result pages:
- The Battle of the Breweries (2021) – Triple Threat
- The Battle of the Breweries (2021) – ….and the winner is….
This year’s results page, and the voting page:
- The Battle of the Breweries (2022) – The Conference Finals Results
- The Battle of the Breweries (2022) – Finals Fatal Fourway Voting Page
Thanks for voting everyone!
Thanks For Reading
Check Monday for the full results page! Thanks for reading everyone! Lots of fun articles in the future, so make sure you keep coming back! Thanks for making this such a great and fun tournament!
Cheers Everyone!
-B. Kline
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