Yuengling Begins To Take the Market Share From Number One Selling Beer Bud Lite

Yuengling Begins To Take the Market Share From Number One Selling Beer Bud Lite

Yuengling Brewery – America’s Oldest Craft Brewery

Yuengling Begins To Take the Market Share From Number One Selling Beer Bud Lite

Yuengling seems poised to claim a new title as “America’s number one,” building on its reputation as the nation’s oldest craft brewery—a distinction that sometimes gets overlooked online. The brewery, based in Pottsville, is reportedly encroaching on the market share of America’s best-selling beer, Bud Light.

A recent Newsweek report highlighted a shift in beer popularity in bars and restaurants, showing Bud Light falling to fourth place in terms of popularity, while Yuengling’s market share has expanded. This shift brings the Pennsylvania-based brewery closer to becoming the top beer in America. Data from Bump Williams Consulting indicates that Bud Light’s market share has increased by 8.1%, whereas Yuengling experienced a substantial 25% growth in market share over the same period, moving it up the ranks among America’s largest breweries.

(See our articles on Top Producers in Beer:

This shift appears to be influenced by the negative reaction Bud Light has faced since early 2023. The brand has been losing market share following its partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney in March of that year, a move that has been widely covered and critiqued in the media.

Yuengling has somewhat capitalized on Bud Light’s misstep. Following the controversy, Yuengling took a veiled jab at Bud Light on Twitter, highlighting the latter’s connection to Anheuser-Busch, which is owned by a foreign entity. This detail has prompted some consumers to switch to Yuengling, seeking an American-made beer option.

The impact of Yuengling’s rising sales on Pennsylvania’s beer production remains uncertain. While a significant amount of Yuengling beer is produced in their Pottsville facility, the brewery has been expanding its operations beyond Pennsylvania. This includes a brewery in Florida and a new 42,000 square foot facility in the state, alongside a partnership announced in 2020 with Molson Coors to brew beer outside their traditional East Coast market. The full effect of the sales increase on the state’s beer output is still to be determined.

The decline in Bud Light’s market share since early 2023 seems to be linked to the controversy surrounding its partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney in March of the same year. This development, which has been extensively reported and discussed by numerous media outlets, does not necessitate further elaboration here.

In the midst of this controversy, Yuengling has found itself indirectly connected to Bud Light. Following the latter’s embroilment in public backlash, Yuengling seemingly took a veiled dig at Bud Light on Twitter. Part of the consumer shift away from Bud Light has been attributed to the revelation that it is produced by Anheuser-Busch, a company under foreign ownership. This detail has prompted a significant number of consumers to seek out beer produced within the United States, positioning Yuengling as a preferred alternative. By subtly highlighting its status as an American-made beer on Twitter, Yuengling reinforced its appeal to those seeking domestically produced options, leveraging the situation to underscore its American heritage.

Furthermore, as previously reported, Yuengling, recognized as America’s oldest brewery, had accused Bud Light of infringing on its trademark for Yuengling Flight, a contention that adds another layer to their interaction beyond the aforementioned tweet.

The repercussions of these developments on Pennsylvania’s beer production volumes for the year remain uncertain. Despite a significant amount of Yuengling’s production occurring at its Pottsville facility, the brewery has been broadening its operational scope well outside Pennsylvania’s borders. This expansion includes the establishment of a brewery in Florida and the recent inauguration of a substantial 42,000 square foot facility in the same state. Moreover, Yuengling announced a collaboration with Molson Coors in 2020 aimed at brewing beer beyond its traditional East Coast stronghold. The impact of Yuengling’s sales growth on the beer output within Pennsylvania is still an open question.

History of Yuengling Brewery

The Yuengling brewery boasts a storied history, cementing its status as America’s oldest brewery. Founded in 1829 by David G. Yuengling in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, the brewery has weathered numerous challenges over the years, including Prohibition. Despite such obstacles, it has managed to maintain continuous operation, adapting through innovation and expansion. Yuengling’s enduring legacy is not just a testament to its quality and resilience but also to its role in shaping the American brewing industry. This rich history underpins the brewery’s current endeavors and its response to market dynamics.

The Yuengling Brewery, established in 1829 by German immigrant David G. Yuengling, began its journey in Pottsville, Pennsylvania. Originally named the “Eagle Brewery,” it set its roots in a small American town, focusing on crafting traditional German-style beers. The brewery’s early years were marked by resilience and growth, despite the challenges it faced, including a devastating fire in 1831 which led to the construction of a new, larger facility on Mahantongo Street, where it still stands today.

Throughout the years, Yuengling navigated through the tumultuous waters of American history, notably during Prohibition (1920-1933). Unlike many breweries that couldn’t survive the ban on alcohol, Yuengling diversified its products, producing “near beer” beverages with low alcohol content, and even opening a dairy across from the brewery to sell ice cream, ensuring the company’s survival through one of its most challenging periods.

Post-Prohibition, Yuengling quickly resumed its beer production, celebrating the repeal with the release of “Winner Beer” to mark the end of the dry era. The mid-20th century saw the brewery expanding its reach, slowly transitioning from a local to a regional brewery. Under the leadership of Richard L. Yuengling Jr., the company began modernizing its brewing processes and expanding its distribution, revitalizing the brand and introducing it to new generations.

Today, Yuengling stands as America’s oldest operating brewery, a testament to its enduring legacy and continuous family ownership through six generations. With expansions beyond its original Pennsylvania roots, including a significant presence in Florida and strategic partnerships like the one with Molson Coors, Yuengling continues to grow its footprint while maintaining its commitment to tradition and quality. The brewery’s evolution from a small local operation to a nationally recognized brand embodies the American dream, showcasing resilience, adaptation, and the enduring appeal of its beer to consumers across the country.

Other Yuengling Articles

For more information and other articles on Yuengling here at The Beer Thrillers, you can check out these articles:

For More Information on D. G. Yuengling and Sons Brewery

The following comes from Untappd.

Yuengling Brewery is a regional brewery from Pottsville, Pennsylvania. They have 14 unique beers and over 1 Million ratings. They have a global average rating of 3.42 (as of 7.21.23). Their Untappd description reads: “Based in Pottsville, PA, D.G. Yuengling & Son, Inc., America’s Oldest Brewery, is family owned and operated since 1829. Principal beer brands include Traditional Lager, Light Lager, Premium, Light, Black and Tan, Dark Brewed Porter, and Lord Chesterfield Ale. For more information, visit www.yuengling.com.”

You can find them on their social media platforms here:

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