Big 3 Day Weekend: Sunday Recap

Big 3 Day Weekend: Sunday Recap

Abolitionist Ale Works from Charlestown West Virginia

Taking it Easy

Well…. after the big hard day on Saturday, we decided to take yesterday (Sunday) a lot easier. After the Cushwa Brewfest, and the big beer share we did in the hotel afterwards, it was time for an easier day. So needless to say, the six brewery tour I had in mind was crossed off a bit and we went a lot slower.

Originally I planned on doing the Antietam Battlefield, then Harper’s Ferry, then Harper’s Ferry Brewing, then Abolitionist Ale Works, and then on the way back through and home hitting a few other breweries (Milkhouse Brewery and Fourscore Beer Co being ones I remember).

Well, we definitely didn’t do quite all that. We left the hotel just before check out time (11AM), and went to Antietam Battlefield. We walked some of it, but mostly did the drive tour, due to how cold it was. After this we went to Harper’s Ferry Historical Park, paid the 20$ to get in…. and decided not to do the shuttle and stuff, due to time, and everything else. So basically, I paid 20$ to park, walk around just a little bit, and read a few signs, get a brochure (20 dollar brochure!) and leave.

Harper’s Ferry

After leaving the historical park, instead of parking down at the train station and checking out the town a bit, being hungry (and me being thirsty), we went to Harper’s Ferry Brewing. The view from the brewery was fantastic, and the beers and food were good.

After this we went back into West Virginia to Abolitionist Ale Works. Checked them out (flight at the top of this article). Cool place, cool vibe. Also took two beers to go home with.

And while in Charlestown, I had to stop at the casino for a bit. If for nothing else professional curiosity. Getting to walk around their casino and compare it to the one I work at, seeing the nuances and differences. Also had two beers while walking around, and stopped at the Sports Book area to watch the end of the Rams and Buccaneers game.

Homeward Bound

Then we were off to home. Skipping the stops in Maryland and Gettysburg that we originally thought / planned on, and just heading home. Nice to finally see the old place again and get to see Leela puppy again (my parents were taking good care of her). Took Leela for a small walk around the town as a few snow flakes fell, and called it a night.

Thanks for reading up on our recap of the three day weekend, you can check out the other articles here:

Big 3 Day Weekend

Also, be sure to check out Amy’s companion piece as well:

Thanks For Reading

Don’t worry, I’ll give a more indepth article on the whole weekend in the days ahead (maybe a week or so). Be sure to check that out.

As always, please be sure to leave some comments, questions, concerns for us here or on our social media pages. Thanks for reading!


-B. Kline

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Last Updated: January 24, 2022By Tags: , , , ,

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