National Bartenders Day

Happy National Bartenders Day
What is one of the most vital and key part to any brewery experience you are going to have today (or any day)? The bartender (or beertender) of course! And today is the day to appreciate all of their hard work!
Secretaries get a day, nurses get a day, grandparents get a day, mothers get a day, fathers get a day… bartenders certainly deserve a day for themselves as well!
A Bartender’s Job
A bartender is many things, and all of them at once. They are:
- A cocktail maker
- A beer pourer / deliverer / know – it – all
- A showman (or showoman)
- A conversationalist
- A therapist
- A “drunk or not” meter
- A bullshit detector
- A car key holder
- First line of defense against date rape
- Entertainer
- Listener
- Politics / Religious / Bullshit “Break-er-upper”
- “Just F**KING Google it* yeller
- Yes, we have 40 different beers on tap – but go ahead and just pick the highest ABV – thought but not spoken person
- Tongue Biter
- Sex Object For All Men (Regardless of Gender)
- Menu dispatcher
- “Favorite Food” Depository
- “Favorite beer” Depository
- “Favorite drink” Depository
- The person who has to put up with you…
- The person who has to put up with your drunk ass…
Whew! Thats a lot of job titles to pack into one person!
Tip… Tip… Tip Again
Since I started working at the casino and finding myself in the service industry twelve years ago, I learned something very important. If you can’t tip 25% of your meal / order / drink tab; then you shouldn’t be going out. So thus; you should always be tipping 25%. Minimum. Honestly, the “going rate” of 15% is beyond old and out – dated. The new rate should be 25%.
We can have debates all day and all night til both sides are blue in the face on the idea of “should tipping still be a thing” or not; but here in America – it is still very much a thing. So do it. And do it well. Not because you want better service, or because you deserve better service, but because its the thing to do. Go that little bit of an extra mile. It won’t hurt anything.
Look at it this way – let’s say you get a 30$ total on your order. That breaks down to:
- 30 x .15 = 4.50$
- 30 x .20 = 6$
- 30 x .25 = 7.50$
So going from the “going rate” or “standard” of 15% to 25% only cost you an extra 3$ on a 30$ meal / order / tab. If you legitimately couldn’t afford that extra 3$; then why are you out at a bar, brewery, distillery, or restaurant?
We (Amy and myself – with Scarlet) recently went to the Jackass Brewery and the Selinsgrove Brewery. At both locations I gave my 25% tip – even on top of buying a 12$ crowler at Jackass Brewery. I know a lot of people don’t tip on buying 4 packs or getting beer handed to you over the counter; but you still should. People still put in the work, still gave up work time, etc to get you that beer or food.
Tonight I’ll be stopping out at The Pour House to celebrate my sister Liz’s 41st birthday. (Thank goodness she doesn’t read my blog or she’d be pissed about seeing this here). Most likely we are just going to be (safely, Ubering involved) drinks and karaoke. (There is a good chance with enough shots I might do another rendition of Brittney Spear’s ‘Hit Me Baby One More Time’ or another favorite of mine – ‘Barbie Girl’). But I know we will all be tipping 25%.
And now…. this:
Bartender Memes

Hope you enjoy and have a bit of good humor! Appreciate your bartenders, beertenders, and general brewery, distillery, bar, and restaurant staff. They are all working hard for you to have a good time!
Thanks For Reading
Once again, thanks for reading! Let me know in the comments who your favorite bartender or beertender is! Show them some love! Give them a shout out!
Cheers All!
-B. Kline
Cheers All!
-B. Kline
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