Big 3 Day Weekend

Big Weekend
Got a big weekend lined up for us here at The Beer Thrillers. With the kingpin of the trip being the Cushwa 5 Year Anniversary Celebration.
Just about to head out as soon as my friend arrives. Today might be the biggest part of the trip, with the plan being:
- Leave Home
- Stop at the bank
- Get gas at Sheetz
Then its time to hit the breweries:
- Dogfish Head Brewery
- Burley Oak Brewery
- Tall Tales Brewery
- Burnish Beer Co
- Loakal Branch Brewery
- RAR Brewing
- Cult Classic Brewery
- Street Car Brewing
- City – State Brewery
- Audacious Ale
- True Respite Brewery
- Harper’s Ferry Brewing
- Antietam Brewery
And then end the day at our hotel. And then Saturday, the main event begins:
- Uber from Hotel to Historic Springfield Barn for the Cushwa Brewfest
- Uber to Cushwa Brewery
- Walk to Homaide Brewery
- Uber back to Hotel
Sunday will be a bit more of a peaceful day, as far as drinking goes. It will still be a fun and eventful day.
- Leave Hotel
- Antietam Battlefield
- Harper’s Ferry
- Harper’s Ferry Brewery (if we don’t get to it on Friday)
- Abolitionist Ale Works
- Charlestown Casino
- Appalachian Trail C.O. Canal Towpath
- Milkhouse Brewery
- Fourscore Beer Co
- Gettysburg
- Home
We’ll see how it goes. Tomorrow morning before the brewfest, I’ll give a recap of how Friday (today) went. And then Sunday morning, I’ll give a recap of the brewfest. And then after Sunday some point, I’ll do a full article of our travels just like my previous travelogues. Be sure to check in for all of it!
Thanks For Reading
Thanks for reading everyone. Hope you can follow along with our wacky adventures, and hopefully we’ll get to most of the breweries on the list. (I always overbook the itineraries.)
Be sure to check in each day with the recaps!
-B. Kline
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