Bourbon Barrel Aged Triple Nator Releasing at Troegs Brewery

Bourbon Barrel Aged Triple Nator (courtesy of Troegs Independent Brewing)
The Father of All Nators
So we’ve got the Troegenator, we’ve gotten the Triple Nator… and now we got the grandaddy of them all – the Bourbon Barrel Aged Triple Nator. (And don’t forget, next spring we’ll be getting the Little Nator.)
Troegs Brewing has been releasing some stellar beers recently – Oktoberfest, Hop Cyclone, and now Bourbon Barrel Aged Triple Nator – with Master of Pumpkins coming in two weeks time, as well as a Schwarzbier, a Lemon Raddler, and a Rauchbier for the Oktoberfest; and then in time for Christmas they are bringing the Cookie Stout back out, as well as Naked Elf and of course Mad Elf.
Lots of great beers coming from the fantastic brewery in Hershey, Pennsylvania.
Bourbon Barrel Aged Triple Nator
The grandaddy of all the Nators – the Bourbon Barrel Aged Triple Nator is the Triple Nator (Troegenator times three) stored in bourbon barrels and aged for over a year.
Some quick stats on this beast of a beer:
ABV: 14%
IBU: N / A
Malt: Pilsner, Munich, Caramel, Chocolate, Special B
Hops: German Northern Brewer
Yeast: House Lager
Additions: Demerara Sugar, Dark Candi Syrup
From Troegs Brewers and Beer Notes website on the beer:
This is the big, malty and ageable Triple Nator with a bourbon-barrel twist. Munich malt, chocolate malt and Belgian candy sugar deliver deep toffee and complex malt notes, and months in bourbon barrels add hints of toasted coconut, vanilla and molasses. Put it in a glass or put it in your cellar. The next chapter is yours.
We taste: deep toffee, layers of complex malt, hints of toasted coconut, vanilla and molasses
Bourbon Barrel-Aged Triple Nator
The Bourbon Barrel Aged Triple Nator releases today at the brewery only. Its a part of their splinter series; so you will be able to get it at the bar – in a cork and caged bottle – or from the general store (in cork and caged bottles only). 13.20$ per bottle (or cheaper in a 4 pack). Unknown how long this one will last, so you certainly won’t want to miss out on it.
More Troegs Independent Craft Brewing Related Articles
Looking for more Troegs in your diet? Here’s some other Troegs Independent Craft Brewing related articles we’ve written:
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- The Mad Elf Gets a Face Lift – Troegs Independent Craft Brewing Changes The Mad Elf’s Look
- Beer Review: Double Nugget Nectar (Troegs Independent Craft Brewing)
- Beer Review: Grand Cacao (Troegs Independent Craft Brewing)
- Beer Review: Scratch 417 (Orange Lemon Peel) (Troegs Independent Craft Brewing)
- Beer Review: Haze Charmer (Troegs Independent Craft Brewing)
- Beer Review: Scratch 400 (Pre – Prohibition Lager) (Troegs Independent Craft Brewing)
- Multiple Beer Review: Scratch 394, Scratch 395, Scratch 396, and Mad Elf (Troegs Independent Craft Brewing)
- Two Beer Review: Fresh Fest and Trail Day Pale Ale (Troegs Independent Craft Brewing)
- Multiple Beer Reviews: Fest Lager, Scratch 385 – Krausened Dunkel Lager, and Scratch 386 – Tangerine Passionfruit Guava Tart Ale (Troegs Independent Craft Brewery)
- Beer Review: Fuzzy Nudge (Troegs Independent Craft Brewing)
- Multiple Beer Reviews: Scratch 382 – Blackberry Lime Tart Ale, Scratch 383 – Hazy IPA (Citra, Galaxy & Simcoe), Dear Peter, and Naked Elf (Troegs Brewing Company)
- Multiple Beer Review – Brewery Flight (Troegs) – Beers – Scratch #379 – Krausened Keller Pilsner, Scratch #378 – DIPA, Scratch #377 – Oat IPA, and Scratch #376 – Passionfruit & Guava Tart Ale
- Beer Review: Scratch 375: Coco-Nator (Troegs Independent Brewing Company)
- From Philly to Pittsburgh: Pennsylvania’s Top Craft Breweries You Must Visit
- Hershey Bears Celebrate Calder Cup Championship at Troegs Brewery
- Troegs Brewing Company Adds Hopora IPA to Their Seasonal Hop Cycle Series
- Beer Review: Tropical Stout (Troegs Independent Brewing and Windy Bridges Brewing LLC)
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- Tröegs Hop Cyclone Releases Today
- Master of Pumpkins Returns for 2023 with Over 3,000 Pounds of Fresh Local Pumpkins
- The Naked Elf Returns for 2023
- Troegs Announces Gingerbread Cookie Stout
- Bourbon Barrel Aged Triple Nator Releasing at Troegs Brewery
For More Information on Troegs Independent Craft Brewing
- (Official Website)
- Double Blizzard of Hops – Troegs Official Merchandise Page
- Troegs Independent Craft Brewing (Facebook)
- Troegs Independent Craft Brewing (Instagram)
- Troegs Independent Craft Brewing @ Twitter
- Troegs Independent Craft Brewing (Untappd)
According to Untappd, Troegs Independent Craft Brewing is a regional brewery with 148 unique beers listed (despite them nearing scratch 500). They have nearly 2.3 Million ratings and as of 9.7.23 have a global average rating of 3.79. Their Untappd bio reads:
“Founded in Pennsylvania in 1997 by brothers John and Chris Trogner, Tröegs Independent Brewing is driven by a sense of adventure and curiosity. Our brewery has been built by family, friends and kindred spirits who share a love of great beer. Together, we all make Tröegs. You might know our Perpetual IPA, the best-selling IPA in Pennsylvania. Or the dark, malty and crisp Troegenator. You may have come across such iconic beers as Nugget Nectar or Mad Elf in your beer travels. Perhaps you’ve been lucky enough to try one or two of the hundreds of experimental Scratch Series beers we’ve brewed over the years. Whether you’re already a member of our extended family or you’re just getting to know our brewery, there’s always something new to discover with Tröegs.“
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