Here We Are
Well, here we are – the Conference Finals. Not the tournament finals, but the finals for all four conferences. We are down to the final match – up in each conference before moving on to the Fatal Four Way Finals. (Rather than have two more rounds, we do things a bit differently here at The Beer Thrillers, and decide the finals in a fatal four way as a good main event of our little version of BrewerMania). Besides, it adds to the suspense to have a four way match – up rather than a simple heads up. (And hey, we even let you see the vote tallies!)
But first – just as we’ve done with all the previous rounds – before we move on to the next round, we need to take a look at the results of the past round.
In this case, since there’s fewer match – ups now, instead of doing a Results Page for each Conference (Chinook, Nugget, Saaz, and Walhalla), I’m just doing one results page for them all. We are also only going to be having one voting page this round as well (since there’s only one match – up per conference anyway).
How Did We Get Here (Past Results)
First, let’s take a look at how we got here. You can only know where you are by how you got there after all.
Group Stage Voting Pages
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Chinook Conference: Group Stage
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Nugget Conference: Group Stage
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Saaz Conference: Group Stage
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Walhalla Conference: Group Stage
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Conference Group Stages – Overall Voting
Group Stage Results Pages
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Chinook Conference Group Stage – Results
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Nugget Conference – Group Stage – Results
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Saaz Conference – Group Stage – Results
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Walhalla Conference – Group Stage Results
Round of 16 Voting Pages
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Chinook Conference – Round of 16
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Nugget Conference – Round of 16
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Saaz Conference – Round of 16
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Walhalla Conference – Round of 16
Round of 16 Results Pages
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Chinook Conference – Round of 16 Results
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Nugget Conference – Round of 16 Results
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Saaz Conference – Round of 16 Results
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Walhalla Conference – Round of 16 Results
Round of 8 Voting Pages
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Round of 8 Overview Voting Page
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Chinook Conference – Round of 8 Voting
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Nugget Conference – Round of 8 Voting
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Saaz Conference – Round of 8 Voting
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Walhalla Conference – Round of 8 Voting
Round of 8 Results Pages
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Chinook Conference – Round of 8 Results
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Nugget Conference – Round of 8 Results
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Saaz Conference – Round of 8 Results
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Walhalla Conference – Round of 8 Results
Conference Final Four Voting Pages
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Chinook Conference – Conference Final Four Voting Page
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Nugget Conference – Conference Final Four Voting Page
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Saaz Conference – Conference Final Four Voting Page
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Walhalla Conference – Conference Final Four Voting Page
- The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Conference Final Four Overview
Conference Final Four Results
Ok, now that we all got that out of the way. Let’s take a look at the Conference Final Four results for each conference. That way we know who we’re voting for in the Conference Finals!
Chinook Conference
First up is the Chinook Conference. Which had an absolutely insane amount of votes. Congratulations to all the breweries involved in this conference. It was two hard fought battles!
In the first match up we had the number 9 seed Tattered Flag Brewery and Distillery taking on the number 13 seed Chubby Squirrel Brewing Company. Tattered Flag Brewery came out on top with 140 votes against Chubby Squirrel Brewing Company’s 81 votes.
In the second battle we had a real doozy of a fight! Number 6 seed Forbes Trail Brewing Company battled number 10 seed Cox Brewing Company in the highest voted battle so far in the tournament. Cox Brewing Company came out on top with 2519 votes versus Forbes Trail Brewing Company’s 1287 votes.
I wish both could move on they put up such a good battle! But alas, only one could come out on top.
The finals of the Chinook Conference will see two veteran owned breweries battle to move on to the Finals Fatal Four Way. Tattered Flag Brewery and Distillery vs. Cox Brewing Company.
Nugget Conference
In the second of four conference we had another two good battles raging with all four breweries having a good showing.
In the first match – up we had the number 8 seed (and returning champion) Von C Brewing Company defeat the number 13 seed 7 Mile Brewery with a total of 215 votes to 197 votes.
In the second battle we had six seed Allusion Brewing Company defeat the 15 seed Bunnyman Brewing with a total of 283 votes to 169 votes.
Two good battles in this conference means we should have one really good finals in the Nugget Conference. The finals will be Von C Brewing Company vs. Allusion Brewing Company – East Pennsylvania vs. West Pennsylvania.
Saaz Conference
With the Saaz Conference and the Walhalla Conference we (unfortunately) saw a lot less action with our voting. Probably a case of breweries not promoting it as much, or maybe technical issues (though none were reported to me), but the Saaz Conference and Walhalla Conference saw a significant amount of less votes than the other two did.
The first match – up saw number 4 seed RAR Brewing taking on number 9 seed Southern Tier Brewing Company. RAR Brewing came out on top winning 39 to 35.
The second match – up in the Saaz Conference had 11 seed AleCraft Brewing Company defeating the second seed Fourscore Beer Co by a score of 70 to 35.
This makes the finals for Saaz Conference a strictly Maryland affair (though AleCraft Brewing has expanded into Pennsylvania with their new Railroad PA location), with RAR Brewing vs. AleCraft Brewing Company.
Walhalla Conference
The Walhalla Conference had some Central PA local battles. The first being Harrisburg / Rutherford’s Boneshire Brew Works vs. Mechanicsburg’s Wolf Brewing Co, and the second having East Petersburg’s Mad Chef Brewing vs. Mechanicsburg’s LoveDraft’s Brewing Company.
In that first match – up number 8 seed Boneshire Brew Works defeated 5 seed Wolf Brewing Company with a total of 51 to 37.
In the second match – up we had 11 seed Mad Chef Brewing defeat 10 seed LoveDraft’s Brewing Company – 68 to 60.
So the finals of the Walhalla Conference will be Boneshire Brew Works vs. Mad Chef Brewing. Looks to be a good close match – up!
Conference Finals
Here is what we are looking at for our conference finals match – ups:
- Chinook Conference: Tattered Flag Brewery vs. Cox Brewing Company
- Nugget Conference: Von C Brewing vs. Allusion Brewing Company
- Saaz Conference: RAR Brewing vs. AleCraft Brewing Company
- Walhalla Conference: Boneshire Brew Works vs. Mad Chef Brewing
Who are you all looking to see move on to the Fatal Four Way Finals?
Make sure to vote! The voting page will be up in about a half hour!
Voting Rules
The voting rules for the Conference Finals are:
You can vote daily for your favorite breweries in each conference. Voting ends Sunday night, April 2nd, at 11:59:59 PM EST. So make sure you get your votes in early and often! And be sure to share and bookmark the page to help your favorite breweries even more. The voting pages will be up shortly (most likely around 10AM).
This is the finals of each conference (Chinook, Nugget, Saaz, and Walhalla). After this round, we move on to the finals for the entire tournament. Its a Fatal Four Way match between the winner of each conference. The Fatal Four Way Finals lasts two weeks to make sure every brewery gets plenty of time to promote and vote!
Thanks For Reading
Sorry for this going up a bit late. Was trying to get it done before leaving to go to the Central PA Blood Bank in Hershey to donate, but with Scarlet, and running around getting ready, the article just wasn’t done.
Coming home from donating (you can see the picture of me donating at our Instagram – here: The Beer Thrillers – Instagram – Blood Donation) had to answer a few phone calls, and then get this done and published (whilst Scarlet decided to have a ‘blow out’). So its been a fun morning so far, but at least we got the Results Page and Voting Page out by noon.
Thank you all very much for checking in with us and voting. I hope you really enjoy the tournament.
This tournament is a lot of work but one of my favorite things to do each year. I love to see the friendly competition between breweries and drinkers / fans of the breweries. Fun to see which breweries share and follow along and its great the competitive but friendly nature that evolves from this competition.
If you see any errors or find any technical glitches, please let me know. WordPress has been a bit buggy, and Facebook has also been doing some weird mobile linking issues, so I’m trying to get all of that hammered out and fixed. Let me know if you see anything.
In case you haven’t heard – we recently started a sponsorship / partnership / affiliateship with Beer Drop to help you get discounted, cheaper, fresh beer right to your door. You can read more and get the coupons and discount codes here: Sponsoring with Beer Drop
Amy is back writing again for us after her hiatus (ain’t easy having a baby). She will be having a nearly weekly column type article series with us. You can find her latest article here:
Voting for this round ends Sunday April 2nd, at 11:59:59 PM EST. Just about the time that WrestleMania 39 Night Two will be ending (I suppose). What breweries will be celebrating as (hopefully) Cody Rhodes will also be celebrating?
Again, thank you all so very much for reading! Please like, share, follow, subscribe, comment, bookmark, etc. It really helps us out here.
Cheers All!
-B. Kline
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The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!
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