I’ve Missed Drinking (A Look at Non Alcoholic Beers)

I’ve Missed Drinking
I’ve missed drinking beer very much. My unexpected pregnancy and followed attempts at breast feeding left me unable to drink beer for almost a year. It didn’t mean I stopped going to breweries and hoping to still support the craft business.
Going to a brewery, especially with friends and/or family is very much a social activity. Often times, or at least we hope, there is one attendee that is not drinking or not drinking excessively. Especially paying attention to the of the high ABVs that often accompany craft beer.
A Look at Non Alcoholic Beers (and Other Drinks)

This experience really opened my eyes as to how we treat those that decide to not imbibe in the yummy goodness of craft beer or any alcohol. I remember the disappointed looks on many bartenders faces at breweries when I ask for water or soda. I mean, I still want to accompany my party to these social gatherings. Why do I feel the need to rub my belly to make sure they know I have an excuse? On a similar topic, maybe breweries could consider more offerings for the non – alcohol consumer. Whether a pregnancy, medical condition, personal preference, etc; supporting a selection of drinks for the non-alcoholic consumer at a brewery means that business will remain a possibility for a group that includes a non-alcoholic consumer.

Unfortunately, most breweries leave us with room temperature water. I get it, I really do. Yes, I know room temperature water is better for our bodies, but this girl loves some ice cubes in her water. The next level of breweries at least has a stash of canned sodas, usually in some what of a stocked situation.

Some different craft soda options at Boneshire Brew Works.
Some of my favorite breweries sell a selection of craft soda. I have a new found love for craft soda even after my bout of non-alcoholic drinking. There also is a new obsession with ginger beer. It is so crisp and refreshing!

A non alcoholic saison (in my hand in the first picture, and to my right in the second picture – Ben’s beers in the flight and cans shown in the first and second pics) at RAR Brewing.
I even encountered a non – alcoholic saison at one of our fav breweries. I don’t know if it was psychosomatic but it wasn’t satisfying for some reason. Was I really missing the alcohol content? But then I also had a non-alcoholic cocktail at a spot that had a full bar and it was 1000% satisfying.

I felt the entire spectrum during my pregnancy: room temperature water to virgin cocktails expertly crafted. There is a craft out there for non – alcoholic beverages to accompany those at breweries. I have to say, I will make sure to give continued business to the craft breweries that keep that in mind.

My non – alcoholic cocktails at Jigsy’s Old Forge Pizza and Brewpub and my Shirley Temple at Lydian Stone Brewing Company.
(With the past year of drinking non – alcoholic beers at different breweries and brew pubs, and craft beer bars, I’ve enjoyed a wide selection of different craft sodas, craft non – alcoholic beers, and craft non – alcoholic cocktails. While Ben is taking pictures of all of his beers and flights, I’ve been amassing my own library of pictures and photos of the non – alcoholic drinks. I hope you’ve enjoyed them. Here’s a few more as well.)

In order of the pictures of the gallery: a cranberry lime soda at Cinderlands Warehouse, a mint ginger ale at Strange Roots Experimental Ales, a birch beer at The Fridge, and an almond cream soda at VooDoo Brewing on the North Shore in Pittsburgh.

Drink More Beer!
-A. M. Wolfe
Thanks For Reading
B. Kline jumping on here real quick. Firstly… I want to say; this might be the article with the most pictures of myself involved yet. Not quite sure how I feel about that. But there it is. Enjoy.
With the birth of Scarlet, writing time has been rough for Amy, but we are working on trying to maintain a strict time for her to write – and it will be mostly every Sunday. So look for her weekly articles, as almost a column like the old style newspapers (for you youngsters ask your parents or even grandparents what those are). I am so excited to have her writing again for us, and it means so much to get to have her here writing for the blog.
I hope you all enjoy her weekly articles. Thank you all for reading.
As I post this – I just want to point out that there’s about two hours left for this round (the Conference Final Four) to vote. Tomorrow will then kick off the Finals for each Conference before we move on to the Fatal Four Way Finals. So be sure to tune in and vote!
(As a note above, I am donating blood tomorrow morning at 9:30AM, so I might get the articles and voting pages up on the site before I have to go and donate, or it’ll be after. So either look for the articles around 8 – 9 AM or around 10:30 – 11 AM).
Vote for the current round here:
I also want to point out that we just started a sponsorship / partnership / affiliateship with Beer Drop (of Beerdrop.com). This is a great opportunity for you – our guests and readers – to get cheaper beer shipped to your door while also helping us maintain the site. Please check this link out for more information:
Thanks for reading everyone, and as Amy would say: “Drink More Beer!”
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The Beer Thrillers are a blog that prides itself on writing beer reviews, brewery reviews, travelogues, news (especially local to the Central PA brewery scene), as well as covering other topics of our interests – such as hiking, literature and books, board games, and video games which we sometimes stream with our friends over at Knights of Nostalgia. We are currently listed as #7 on FeedSpot’s “Top 100 Beer Blogs” and #8 on FeedSpot’s “Top 40 Pennsylvania Blogs”. (As of January 2023.) Thank you for reading our site today, please subscribe, follow, and bookmark. Please reach out to us if you are interested in working together. If you would like to donate to the blog you can here: Donate to The Beer Thrillers. Thank you!
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