The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Group Stage Voting

The Battle of the Breweries (2023) – Group Stage Voting

The Battle of the Breweries (2023)


So, messing around with the different plug ins and templates here on the blog, found out I can condense all the conferences into one spot and let you vote for everything all in one place.

So on top of the individual conference pages where you can vote, you can also vote right here for all of the conferences in one go.

This should make things easier having it all in one spot. You can still see the individual conference pages right here:

As an added bonus, if you vote from this page, as well as vote from the individual page, you can vote twice per day.

Chinook Conference: Group Stage

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Nugget Conference: Group Stage

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Saaz Conference: Group Stage

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Walhalla Conference: Group Stage

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Recap / Rehash

For those who missed whats going on, you can find the recap here (from the previous individual conference group pages):

The Battle of the Breweries – 2023

Its now time to start the tournament off! Today is the first day of voting (February 27th, 2023). Each week of voting (until the finals) lasts one week, and will go from the Monday that voting starts, until the next Sunday at 11:59:59 PM. So this week’s round of voting – the Conference Group Stage – will last until Sunday March 5th, 2023 11:59:59 PM EST.

You can read the overview articles here:

The general gist:

The group round will be the same structure as the World Cup’s – the top two “teams” (ie. breweries) with the most points (ie. most votes) move on to the tournament. The big difference is that each group will be five breweries instead of the four teams in the World Cup.

The tournament structure is pretty straight forward. Four conferences of 16 breweries. The groups will be kept for the conferences, so each conference will have 8 groups that are locked in for that conference. After the group round ends, and the breweries advance, I will seed them based on their Untappd scores. (So a 4.04 Untappd rating will most likely result in a 1 Seed, whereas a 3.31 Untappd rating will most likely result in a 16 seed.)

The tournament then runs linear similar to NCAA’s March Madness and other similar bracket tournaments. 16 vs. 1, 15 vs. 2, 14 vs. 3, 13 vs. 4, etc. The winner of each conference will then face off in a fatal four – way to determine the true champion of The Beer Thrillers’ Battle of the Breweries (2023).

Past Tournament Announcement Posts:


Here’s what you’ve been waiting for! Lets kick this tournament off and start the voting!

Voting lasts from now – Monday February 27th, 2023 – whenever this post goes live – until Sunday March 5th, 2023 at 11:59:59 PM EST.

You can vote once per day, so be sure to share the voting pages with as many people as possible to help your favorite breweries out. In the group stage you have a multiple choice for each group. Pick the breweries you want to see move on. The top two from each group will advance. (So I recommend only voting for two per group.)


The results will be posted early Monday morning next week (think 8 AM til 10 AM) (March 6th, 2023). After the results pages go up, we will then post the new pages for voting.

Recap on the Conferences and Groups

For a full listing of the conferences and groups, you can read the list here:

Those hop names and thus the conference names are:

  • Chinook
  • Nugget
  • Saaz
  • Walhalla

I chose four different varieties that I grow at home / (aka The Beer Thrillers Headquarters). Each of these conferences will have 8 groups of 5 breweries each, after the group stage each conference will have 16 breweries in a tournament.

Let’s take an early look at what breweries are in what conferences:


  1. Hackensack Brewing Company
  2. Chubby Squirrel Brewing Company
  3. Compass Mill Tap Room
  4. Acclamation Brewing Company
  5. Forbes Trail Brewing
  6. Bronx Brewery
  7. Dancing Gnome Brewing
  8. Vanish Farmwoods Brewery
  9. Bright Path Brewing Company
  10. South County Brewing Company
  11. Capitol City Brewing
  12. Tattered Flag Brewing
  13. Wrong Crowd Brewing
  14. Valhalla Brewing
  15. River Horse Brewing
  16. Harper’s Ferry Brewing
  17. Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
  18. Sly Fox Brewing
  19. Bolero Snort Brewing
  20. Steinhardt Brewing
  21. River Trail Brewing
  22. Breaker Brewing
  23. Bucket Brigade Brewing
  24. Burley Oak Brewery
  25. Black Flag Brewing
  26. Mudhook Brewery
  27. Boom City Brewing Company
  28. Pineknotter Brewing Company
  29. Sapwood Cellars
  30. Rusty Rail Brewing
  31. Rough Edges Brewing
  32. Flood Zone Brewing
  33. Little Fish Brewing
  34. Chilly Water Brewing
  35. Hop Farm Brewing
  36. Schaylor Brewing
  37. Cox Brewing Company
  38. Attaboy Beer
  39. Cushwa Brewing Company
  40. Ever Grain Brewing Company


  1. Brix City Brewing
  2. Willow Creek Brewing
  3. Elder Pine Brewing and Blending
  4. Inner Groove Brewing
  5. ZeroDay Brewing
  6. Masthead Brewing
  7. Hitchhiker Brewing Company
  8. Mellow Mink Brewing
  9. Ten Eyck Brewing
  10. Lost Mined Brewing
  11. Victory Brewing
  12. Imprint Beer Co.
  13. Sterling Pig Brewing
  14. Bog Turtle Brewing
  15. Von C Brewing
  16. Loakal Branch Brewing
  17. Bunnyman Brewing
  18. J.J. Ratigan Brewing
  19. Liquid Art Brewing
  20. Shy Bear Brewing
  21. Aslin Beer Co.
  22. Wheatland Springs Farm and Brewery
  23. 7 Mile Brewing
  24. Burnish Beer Company
  25. Jailbreak Brewing
  26. Susquehanna Brewing
  27. Bullfrog Brewery
  28. Eclipse Craft Brewery
  29. Hysteria Brewing
  30. Big Dog Craft Brewing
  31. Columbia Kettle Works
  32. Saucony Creek Brewing
  33. Jackie O’s Brewery
  34. Sun King Brewery
  35. Allusion Brewing
  36. Black Forest Brewing
  37. Chatty Monks Brewing
  38. Idiom Brewing
  39. Yellow Bridge Brewing
  40. Troegs Independent Craft Brewing


  1. Old Ox Brewery
  2. Selin’s Grove Brewing
  3. Strange Roots Brewing
  4. Southern Tier Brewing
  5. Wacker Brewing
  6. Noble Beast Brewing
  7. Lydian Stone Brewing
  8. AleCraft Brewing
  9. Liquid Hero Brewing
  10. Covered Bridge Brewhause
  11. Free Will Brewing
  12. Warwick Farm Brewery
  13. Levante Brewing
  14. Human Robot Beer
  15. Big Bottom Brewery
  16. Tall Tales Brewing
  17. Mustang Sally Brewing
  18. Hemaur Brewing
  19. Fat Bat Brewing
  20. Robin Hood Brewing
  21. Ocelot Brewing
  22. Fetish Brewing
  23. Cape May Brewing
  24. RAR Brewing
  25. Ripestine’s Brewpub
  26. Benny Brewing
  27. New Trail Brewing Company
  28. Three Beards Brewing
  29. Slate Farm Brewing
  30. Our Town Brewery
  31. Raney Cellars Brewing
  32. Gearhouse Brewing
  33. Urban Artifact Brewing
  34. Land – Grant Brewing Company
  35. Levity Brewing
  36. Pour Man’s Brewing
  37. Appalachian Brewing Company
  38. Fourscore Beer Co.
  39. Logyard Brewing
  40. Pizza Boy Brewing Company


  1. Funk Brewing
  2. Mad Chef Brewing
  3. Boneshire Brew Works
  4. Lost Rhino Brewing
  5. Oakbrook Brewing
  6. VooDoo Brewing
  7. Abjuration Brewing
  8. Bespoke Brewing
  9. Canton Brewing Company
  10. Lost Barrel Brewing
  11. Big Truck Farm Brewing
  12. Scrubby’s Craft Brewery
  13. Other Half Brewing Company
  14. Old Forge Brewing
  15. Braeloch Brewing
  16. Dew Point Brewing
  17. Punch Buggy Brewing
  18. Dewey Beer Co.
  19. Crooked Run Fermentation
  20. The Alementary
  21. Smoketown Brewing
  22. Axemann Brewery
  23. Adroit Theory Brewing
  24. Collusion Tap Works
  25. Gusto Brewery
  26. Cult Classic Brewing
  27. The Isle of Que Brewing
  28. Therapy Brewing
  29. Wolf Brewing Company
  30. LoveDraft’s Brewing Company
  31. Jackass Brewery
  32. Hell in a Bucket Brewing
  33. Brewery Fire
  34. Morgantown Brewing Company
  35. Braxton Brewing Company
  36. Wolf’s Ridge Brewing Company
  37. Juniata Brewing
  38. Snitz Creek Brewing
  39. Ministry of Brewing
  40. Abolitionist Ale Works

Note, these were randomly assigned to the conferences (rolled D4s to get them in their places). I will then use D8s to roll them into their groups for the group stage round. The above listing is no indication of their Untappd score or placements.



Group A:

  1. Hackensack Brewing Company
  2. Compass Mill Tap Room
  3. South County Brewing Company
  4. Dancing Gnome Brewing
  5. Wrong Crowd Brewing

Group B:

  1. Black Flag Brewing
  2. Boom City Brewing Company
  3. Mudhook Brewery
  4. River Trail Brewing
  5. Chubby Squirrel Brewing Company

Group C:

  1. Bronx Brewery
  2. Cox Brewing Company
  3. Ever Grain Brewing Company
  4. Bucket Brigade Brewing
  5. Steinhardt Brewing

Group D:

  1. Cushwa Brewing Company
  2. Pineknotter Brewing Company
  3. Capitol City Brewing
  4. Hop Farm Brewing
  5. Flood Zone Brewing

Group E:

  1. Burley Oak Brewery
  2. River Horse Brewing
  3. Chilly Water Brewing
  4. Vanish Farmwoods Brewery
  5. Forbes Trail Brewing

Group F:

  1. Bolero Snort Brewing
  2. Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
  3. Attaboy Beer
  4. Schaylor Brewing
  5. Sly Fox Brewing

Group G:

  1. Little Fish Brewing
  2. Rough Edges Brewing
  3. Valhalla Brewing
  4. Harper’s Ferry Brewing
  5. Breaker Brewing

Group H:

  1. Rusty Rail Brewing
  2. Sapwood Cellars
  3. Tattered Flag Brewing
  4. Bright Path Brewing Company
  5. Acclamation Brewing Company


Group A:

  1. Brix City Brewing
  2. Inner Groove Brewing
  3. Liquid Art Brewing
  4. Eclipse Craft Brewery
  5. Black Forest Brewing

Group B:

  1. Troegs Independent Craft Brewing
  2. Susquehanna Brewing
  3. Lost Mined Brewing
  4. ZeroDay Brewing
  5. Big Dog Craft Brewing

Group C:

  1. Bog Turtle Brewing
  2. Von C Brewing
  3. Hitchhiker Brewing Company
  4. Willow Creek Brewing
  5. Saucony Creek Brewing

Group D:

  1. Sun King Brewery
  2. Idiom Brewing
  3. Yellow Bridge Brewing
  4. Burnish Beer Company
  5. 7 Mile Brewing

Group E:

  1. Jackie O’s Brewery
  2. Bullfrog Brewery
  3. Sterling Pig Brewing
  4. Loakal Branch Brewing
  5. Victory Brewing

Group F:

  1. Bunnyman Brewing
  2. Chatty Monks Brewing
  3. Hysteria Brewing
  4. Wheatland Springs Farm and Brewery
  5. J.J. Ratigan Brewing

Group G:

  1. Ten Eyck Brewing
  2. Allusion Brewing
  3. Aslin Beer Co.
  4. Jailbreak Brewing
  5. Elder Pine Brewing and Blending

Group H:

  1. Masthead Brewing
  2. Shy Bear Brewing
  3. Mellow Mink Brewing
  4. Imprint Beer Co.
  5. Columbia Kettle Works


Group A:

  1. Old Ox Brewery
  2. Hemaur Brewing
  3. Land – Grant Brewing Company
  4. Fetish Brewing
  5. Appalachian Brewing Company

Group B:

  1. Strange Roots Brewing
  2. Noble Beast Brewing
  3. Covered Bridge Brewhause
  4. Levante Brewing
  5. Mustang Sally Brewing

Group C:

  1. Selin’s Grove Brewing
  2. Pizza Boy Brewing Company
  3. Logyard Brewing
  4. Cape May Brewing
  5. Three Beards Brewing

Group D:

  1. Ripestine’s Brewpub
  2. Southern Tier Brewing
  3. Human Robot Beer
  4. Urban Artifact Brewing
  5. Tall Tales Brewing

Group E:

  1. Lydian Stone Brewing
  2. Raney Cellars Brewing
  3. Warwick Farm Brewery
  4. Slate Farm Brewing
  5. Benny Brewing

Group F:

  1. Pour Man’s Brewing
  2. Fourscore Beer Co.
  3. New Trail Brewing Company
  4. Liquid Hero Brewing
  5. Wacker Brewing

Group G:

  1. AleCraft Brewing
  2. Levity Brewing
  3. Our Town Brewery
  4. Robin Hood Brewing
  5. Free Will Brewing

Group H:

  1. Gearhouse Brewing
  2. RAR Brewing
  3. Ocelot Brewing
  4. Fat Bat Brewing
  5. Big Bottom Brewery


Group A:

  1. Scrubby’s Craft Brewery
  2. Braeloch Brewing
  3. Smoketown Brewing
  4. Other Half Brewing Company
  5. Boneshire Brew Works

Group B:

  1. Funk Brewing
  2. Crooked Run Fermentation
  3. Adroit Theory Brewing
  4. Oakbrook Brewing
  5. Therapy Brewing

Group C:

  1. Punch Buggy Brewing
  2. Mad Chef Brewing
  3. LoveDraft’s Brewing Company
  4. Ministry of Brewing
  5. Cult Classic Brewing

Group D:

  1. Gusto Brewery
  2. Collusion Tap Works
  3. Wolf’s Ridge Brewing Company
  4. Snitz Creek Brewing
  5. Canton Brewing Company

Group E:

  1. Lost Rhino Brewing
  2. VooDoo Brewing
  3. Hell in a Bucket Brewing
  4. Morgantown Brewing Company
  5. Old Forge Brewing

Group F:

  1. Big Truck Farm Brewing
  2. Braxton Brewing Company
  3. The Isle of Que Brewing
  4. Axemann Brewery
  5. Jackass Brewery

Group G:

  1. The Alementary
  2. Brewery Fire
  3. Juniata Brewing
  4. Abolitionist Ale Works
  5. Lost Barrel Brewing

Group H:

  1. Wolf Brewing Company
  2. Abjuration Brewing
  3. Dew Point Brewing
  4. Bespoke Brewing
  5. Dewey Beer Co.

Voting Duration

Just as a final reminder – voting ends Sunday March 5th, 2023 at 11:59:59 PM EST. You can vote once on this page, and once using the individual conference page, every day (starting at 12:00:01 AM EST).

Be sure to post and share on social media to help your favorite breweries out.

The top two from each group moves on to the knock out stages which is just a straight linear tournament. (One v One). Until the finals which will be a fatal four – way.

Thanks For Reading

Thank you all for reading and bearing with me this morning. Trying to get these voting articles up as quickly and smoothly as I can while dealing with a teething three month old (yes… teething at three months old). Scarlet has been a little bear the last few days. I fell asleep last night / this morning around 3:45 AM and woke up at 6:45 AM. Amy was also up with her a bit during the night. So its certainly been a trying time.

Don’t worry though, we will keep the voting and results articles coming.

Also, don’t worry – just because we are hosting our annual “Battle of the Breweries” doesn’t mean we’ll stop posting other articles. You can be sure of that! There will be plenty of articles still coming, so be sure to check out the blog frequently.

I have re – vamped the look and layout of the site, hopefully everyone likes the new appearance. Let me know in the comments section!

Have fun voting, share to help your favorite breweries, bookmark to keep coming back. Lets have a fun time – remember this is for fun after all.

(Update: Hopefully this full complete page will make things easier to vote, as well as easier to share and bookmark and keep track of. I have been spending all morning doing house chores, taking care of a teething three month old, and working on this tournament. So fingers cross this works and helps everyone out.)

(So far, its only been up for about 3 hours and we’ve been getting lots of votes for each individual conference. So looks like things are going really well!)

Cheers Everyone!

-B. Kline

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Last Updated: March 3, 2023By Tags: , , ,

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