The Battle of the Beers (2022) – Round of 16

The Battle of the Beers (2022) – Round of 16

The Battle of the Beers

Onto the Round of 16

Week two has begun and we’re now down to 16 flagship beers and their breweries! Congratulations to the 16 breweries and their flagship beers that have moved on. We do have a results page showing who won here: The Battle of the Beers (2022) – Round of 32 Results.

For the articles on the tournament so far, you can check them out here:

Remaining Voting Schedule

The remaining voting schedule is:

  • Round of 16July 8th – July 14th at 11:59PM (EST)
  • Round of 8July 15th – July 21st at 11:59PM (EST)
  • Round of 4July 22nd – July 28th at 11:59PM (EST)
  • Round of 2July 29th – August 4th at 11:59PM (EST)

Please remember – you can vote once per day.


So let’s get right down to it, and get to the voting! Here is this week’s beers to vote on (The Round of 16):

[perfect_survey id=”9481″]

You can vote once per day. The voting for this round (round of 16) will end on July 14th at 11:59PM EST. So you have just under one week to vote.

Beers and Breweries Left

Quick recap of where we’re at – the following beers and their breweries that are left are:

  • The Alchemist – Heady Topper
  • Boneshire Brew Works – Green Machine
  • Rotunda Brewing – Annville IPA
  • Pizza Boy – Murren River
  • Tattered Flag – TMI PA
  • Bell’s Brewery – Two Hearted Ale
  • Dewey Beer Co. – Swishy Pants
  • Toppling Goliath – Pseudo Sue
  • Lawson’s Finest Liquids – Sip of Sunshine
  • Sierra Nevada – Pale Ale
  • Ommegang – Three Philosophers
  • Von C Brewing – Walking on Clouds
  • Rubber Soul – Dropout
  • Deschutes Brewing – Fresh Squeezed
  • Troegs Brewing – Perpetual IPA
  • Tree House Brewing – Green

So there is still an eclectic mix left. Be sure to like and bookmark this page so you can follow along with the voting! And also be sure you to share on all of your social media pages and tag friends and breweries involved as well!

Blog Update

So, just to give everyone a bit of some news. This post is going up a little bit later than intended (got the results post done before the doctor’s appointment, but this one is going up afterwards). There’s been quite some news here for us at The Beer Thrillers. Amy and I are expecting our first daughter (together) (I have three daughters with my ex – wife). She is due in November.

Also, on Sunday my aunt passed away. So things have been in a little bit of an up and down state here at Bender Braus Brewery / The Beer Thrillers homestead / The Beer Thrillers HQ. (Working names in progress I suppose.)

But we do have lots of stuff on the lookout. We are still working on getting the podcast set up and to go live (or recorded) with that soon. We are also looking at getting a new layout for the blog, that will hopefully look a lot nicer, be smoother, and easier to use.

We also have some great new articles I am hoping that will be all dropping in the next few days – including a few brewery reviews / visits as well as getting some beer reviews done (I know its been a little bit of a while), as well as several news articles. We also have some big articles that will be dropping as well. (Also, hope you all like ‘list’ articles, because we have several with it being the halfway point of the year. I know a lot of blogs and pages are doing similar, and we’ve decided to follow suit. So, hopefully that will rank up there with some stuff you all will enjoy.)

Amy is also transitioning to her new job, so she is a bit busy, but will be getting back into the flow here at TBT – HQ (The Beer Thrillers HQ…. like I said…. name in progress.)

But thank you all for all the continued support you are showing us here at the blog and our social medias. It really means a lot. We just hit 2K followers on Facebook and we’ve been hovering right around 500 followers on Instagram. So thank you all very much for following us! We appreciate all the love and support so very very very very much!

As always, we are looking to grow, expand, and innovate here at The Beer Thrillers. These tournaments are a blast to run, and I hope everyone is enjoying them just as much as we are hosting them. We are always on the lookout for writers as well and other people who would like to become involved with The Beer Thrillers, if you are interested, you can contact us directly at and we will get back to you.

Thanks for reading!

Thanks For Reading

Like I do with every post and article, I enjoy ending with a “Thanks for Reading” section that has some upcoming projects, news, and what we’re doing behind the scenes, and then goes into my ‘end credits’ paragraphs. I did most of that in the above section, but just want to throw out a few other things here.

Firstly, I want to thank everyone for the support. Secondly, I want to thank everyone who has taken an interest in the tournaments we do here, and that we really hope everyone enjoys them.

Thirdly, we’re looking at a busy weekend. Today and tomorrow is the annual Ffej of July (if you know – you know). Drew, Amy, myself, and several other friends (maybe Jason, Andy Parys, maybe even Amy’s mom SueAnn), and of course lots of our other friends in the industry and craft beer community will be hanging out. We are also looking to get back out on the road soon and hit up some fun breweries and check out some new places, so please be sure to stay tuned for all that.

Ok, enough rambling, get out there and vote and share this for everyone to vote as well! Thank you all for reading and supporting us and have a great weekend!

Cheers All!

-B. Kline

As always, thank you everyone for reading! Leave your likes, comments, suggestions, questions, etc, in the comments section. Or use the Feedback – Contact Us – page, and we’ll get right back to you! You can also reach out to us at our direct e-mail address:

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You can check out our different directories here: Beer ReviewsHike ReviewsBook ReviewsBrewery News, Brewery OpeningsBrewer Interviews, and Travelogues.

Please be sure to follow us on our social media accounts – FacebookFacebook GroupTwitterInstagramYouTube, and Influence. Please be sure to also follow, like, subscribe to the blog here itself to keep updated. We love to hear from you guys, so be sure to leave a comment and let us know what you think!

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By |September 6, 2024|
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