Keystone State Of Mind – New Trail Brewing Company and Other Half Brewing Company’s Newest Collaboration

A (Keystone) State of Mind
In a bit of a twist of the Billy Joel Song – “New York State of Mind” – New Trail Brewing Company and Other Half Brewing Company are releasing their newest collaboration together – Keystone State of Mind.
They previously worked together on “Pennsylvania Nights”; a wonderful and fantastic New England Hazy IPA.
And here they are – back at it together – releasing another New England Hazy IPA collaboration: Keystone State of Mind.
Keystone State of Mind
Keystone State of Mind is a collaboration between New Trail Brewing Company and Other Half Brewing Company. Other Half is one of the preeminent New England Hazy IPA makers on the East Coast; and New Trail is one of the haziest IPA makers in Pennsylvania. Other Half recently moved into PA adding another brewery to their collection.
So it seems like a perfect fit for the two of them to collaborate on making (another) New England Hazy IPA.
Keystone State of Mind clocks in at 8.7% ABV, is considered a Double New England Hazy IPA, and has no IBU listed. The malt bill is Pilsner, Oats, and White Wheat – which gives it that typical, perfect, soft, cloud like hazy mouthfeel. Each can is overflowing with hops – Motueka, Simcoe, Nectaron, and Nelson Sauvin; so a total hop bomb. This gives it notes of gummy peach rings, Pinot aromatics, and dank tropicals.
The beer is already available throughout the states, with some beer distributors already having it on their shelves (and not for long if its anything like the Pennsylvania Nights release). You can also find it at New Trail’s Brewery location in both 16 oz cans and on draft. Other Half’s Philadelphia location also has it in cans and on draft. The release should follow the New Trail distribution pattern and footprint, not Other Half’s. Other Half’s non-Pennsylvania locations will not have it available.

Billy Joel’s “Keystone State of Mind”
(Lyrics edited)
Some folks like to get away
Take a holiday from the neighbourhood
Hop a flight to Miami Beach
Or to Hollywood
But I’m taking a Greyhound
On the Delaware River Line
I’m in a Keystone state of mind
I’ve seen all the movie stars
In their fancy cars and their limousines
Been high in the Rockies under the evergreens
But I know what I’m needing
And I don’t want to waste more time
I’m in a Keystone state of mind
It was so easy living day by day
Out of touch with the rhythm and blues
But now I need a little give and take
The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Patriot News,
It comes down to reality
And it’s fine with me ’cause I’ve let it slide
Don’t care if it’s Chinatown or up on Riverside
I don’t have any reasons
I’ve left them all behind
I’m in a Keystone state of mind
It was so easy living day by day
Out of touch with the rhythm and blues
But now I need a little give and take
The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Patriot News
It comes down to reality
And it’s fine with me ’cause I’ve let it slide
Don’t care if it’s Chinatown or up on Riverside
I don’t have any reasons
I’ve left them all behind
I’m in a Keystone state of mind
I’m just taking a Greyhound on the Delaware River Line
‘Cause I’m in a Keystone state of mind
New Trail Articles
Looking for more articles on New Trail? Then check these out:
- Multiple Beer Review: Dark Skies (New Trail), Blood Money (Conshohocken Brewing Company), Lost Toys #3 (Wicked Weed), Medora (Wicked Weed)
- Beer Review: Broken Heels (New Trail Brewing Co.)
- Beer Review: Icicle (New Trail Brewing Co)
- Beer Review: Snow Tracks (New Trail Brewing Co)
Other Half Articles
If you want more Other Half articles, we got them, check these out:
- Other Half in Philadelphia Opening This Friday
- Beer Review: Cream on the Inside, Green on the Outside (Other Half Brewing Co.)
- Beer Review: Space Broccoli (Other Half Brewing Co)
- Beer Review: All Together (Ever Grain and Other Half Brewing)
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